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three binding sites for tRNA
A site, P Site, E Site
A site
holds tRNA that carries the next amino acid to be added
P Site (peptidyl site)
holds tRNA that carries growing polypeptide chain
E Site (exit site)
where discharged tRNAs leave the ribosome
to begin the assembly of the initiation complex:
ribosomal sequence promotes binding of mRNA to small ribosomal subunit
16S rRNA sequence
complementary to the ribosomal binding sequence; hydrogen bonds with mRNA to attach small ribosomal subunit
Inititator tRNA
AUG; start codon is usually few nucleotides downstream
when do the small and large ribosomal subunits associate with each other?
ONLY when they are on the mRNA partaking in translation
similarities in initiation between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
binding of small ribosomal subunit, then methionyl tRNA, followed by large subunit
translation begins at AUG start codon
differences in initiation between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
protein synthesis initiated with unmodified methionine residue
small ribosomal subunit bind 7-methylguanosine 5’ cap
requires many non-ribosomal proteins (translation factors)
codon recognition (elongation)
charged tRNA binds to A site
peptide bond formation (elongation)
formed between amino acid in A site and growing polypeptide
peptidyl transfer reaction
polypeptide removed from tRNA in P site and transferred to amino acid in A site by peptidyl transferasetransla
once peptidyl transfer reaction is complete, the ribosome moved toward 3’ end of the mRNA by ONE codon
where does the P site tRNA move to in translaocation?
E site; uncharged tRNA exits
where does the tRNA in the A site move dto in translocation?
P site; A site now unoccupied, allows next tRNA to enter
elongation steps
codon recognition/tRNA entry
peptide bond formation
small ribosomal subunit function
“decodes” triplets present on mRNA
Large ribosomal sununit function
peptide bond synthesis
stop codons recognized by release factor proteins
where does the release factor bind to?
A site, where the release factor binds to stop codon
what happens to the bond between the tRNA and polypeptide
it’s hydrolyzed, releasing the tRNA and polypeptide from the ribosome
final step in termination
mRNA, small and large ribosomal sunbunits, and release factors dissociate
single mRNA strand with multiple ribosomes translating it