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Ventilation: the movement of air into and out of the _________ in two stages: ____________ and ____________ and is controlled by movement of the ____________ and _____________.
lungs inspiration expiration diaphragm rib cage
Gas exchange: the exchange (diffusion) of ___________ and ___________ __________ to and from the blood at the __________ and the respiring tissues
oxygen carbon dioxide alveoli
Cell respiration: the production of _____ at the cellular level (______________). Aerobic respiration uses __________ whereas anaerobic does not.
ATP mitochondria oxygen
BREATHING IS NOT _____________
We need a ventilation system because we are __________ organisms and oxygen cannot ________ into all our cells directly from the _______ and ____________ products cannot be ejected from the body. So we have _________ organs to ensure the _________ can be the medium for ventilation.
large diffuse air waste specialized blood
We need ventilation systems because we are _______-________. Gases need moist surfaces (______________) in order to diffuse. Our _________ are moist membranes, allowing ___________ to diffuse into the blood and _________ _________ to diffuse out.
land borne membranes lungs oxygen carbon dioxide
We need a ventilation system to maintain a _________ _________________ ____________ between the alveoli and the blood. Breathing out keep the the CO2 concentration in the alveoli ________ so it diffuses _______ of the blood. Breathing in keeps the O2 concentration in the alveoli ________ so it diffuses into the ____________.
large concentration gradient low out high blood
For gas exchange to be efficient ________ ____________ ___________ must be maintained in the alveoli
high concentration gradient
Alveoli increase the ____________ _______ for gas exchange, They are million in number, each with their own network of ___________. A rich blood supply maintains a high concentration gradient of _____ and ________. Membranes are very __________ so the diffusion path is ____________. Surfaces are _______ so gasses are dissolved making ___________ easier
surface area capillaries O2 CO2 thin short wet diffusion
During inspiration pressure ___________, volume ______________, ribcages moves _____ and ____________, external intercostal muscles _____________, internal intercostal muscles __________, the diaphragm ____________, abdominal muscles ___________
decreases increases up outwards contract relax contracts relax
During expiration pressure ___________, volume ____________, ribcage moves _______ and __________, external intercostal muscles ____________, internal intercostal muscles _____________, diaphragm ___________, abdominal muscles ___________
increases decreases down inward relax contract relaxes contract
Oxygen passes through 5 membranes, into and out of the ______________ cell, into and out of the ____________ wall, and into ______ __________ ___________
alveolar capillary red blood cells
Pneumocyte: ______________ ________________ _________ of the alveoli
surface epithelial cells
Type 1 pneumocytes are a single layer of ________ that form the walls of an _____________, they are extremely _______ allowing for short ___________ ___________, they are ______________ which aids diffusion.
cells alveolus thin diffusion distance permeable
Type 2 pneumocytes secrete ___________ to moisten the inner surface of the ___________ which aids diffusion of ________ and contains a surfactant to prevent the walls from ______________ _____________ to maintain the ___________. They can divide to form _____________ pneumocytes to repair damage.
fluid alveolus gasses sticking together lumen type 1
Without surfactant, alveoli 1 and 2 have __________ surface tension. 1 has higher ______________ due to smaller radius and 1 is more likely to ____________ and are harder to inflate
equal pressure collapse
With surfactants in alveoli, 1 has _________ surface tension, 1 and 2 have equal _______________, 1 will inflate at a _____________ rate than 2
less pressure faster
Emphysema is caused by ____________, but can also develop in people with a long history of __________ ______________. It can also be caused by ________ pollution all of which cause a __________________ __________ in the lungs.
smoking chest infections air inflammatory response
Emphysema results in large air pockets with a lower ______________ ________ to ___________ ratio than the alveoli which causes insufficient ______________. When combined with reduced blood supply, this means there is insufficient _______ exchange and low _________ ____________ levels
surface area volume ventilation gas blood oxygen
Symptoms of Emphysema include difficulty ____________ , a _____________, loss of ____________ due to the increase in _________ (an appetite supressor), and _________ loss because the body is working harder for ____________ purposes.
breathing cough appetite leptin weight ventilation
Tumors are abnormal growths of ___________ that develop at any stage in life in any part of the body. A cancer is a ____________ tumor and is named after the part of the body where the _________ tumor first develops.
tissue malignant primary
Risk of lung cancer is increased by exposure to ___________ (a radioactive gas), ______ ______________, previous lung disease, a family __________ of lung disease, past cancer treatment, lowered ____________
radon air pollution history immunity
Lung cancer is a cancer that starts in the ________, the _____________ or the lung tissue
trachea bronchus
Heavy breathing continues after exercise is completed because during exercise muscles respire _____________ and ____________ ________ is produced creating an oxygen debt. Therefore heavy breathing continues to provide _____________ and break down ___________ ________/____________.
anaerobically lactic acid oxygen lactic acid lactate
Exercise effects ventilation rate because there is a rise in ___________ ___________ in the blood which lowers the ______ of the blood. This is detected by _________________ in the walls of the arteries. Impulses sent to the breathing center of the brain send impulses to ____________ ____________/ the ________________ increasing the _____________ rate.
carbon dioxide pH chemoreceptors intercostal muscles diaphragm ventilation