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election of 1848
Zachary Taylor vs Lewis Cass
MVB for free soil party
The free soil party is started because both officials were silent on slavery
Zachary Taylor
Whig nominee for the 1848 election. The hero of Buena Vista and an IL plantation owner.
Lewis Cass
Dem nominee for 1848 election. Father of sov dem. war of 1812 vet
free soil party
was started during the election of 1848 because northern anti slavery men didn’t trust the silence of politicians on slavery.
An antislavery group most of all because slaves took jobs from whites.
popular sovereignty
easy way out of not taking a stance on slavery
-doctrine that said the people of a territory should determine the status of slavery.
compromise of 1850
Why? The south was threatening to meet at Nashville for a seceding party.
Henry clay and Douglas; urge for a slave law
Calhoun; says a slave law is not enough
Webster; seventh of March speech says north needs to comp with south
Zachary Taylor was vetoing every compromise, but then he passed away and Millard Fillmore took over and passed the compromise of 1850;
Cali is a free state, the rest of the mexican cession pop sov
TX territory went to NM, TX got 10 mil
slave trade outlawed in capital, strict fugitive slave law in north passed
three things from the comp 1850
Cali is a free state, the rest of the mexican cession pop sov
TX territory went to NM, TX got 10 mil
slave trade outlawed in capital, strict fugitive slave law in north passed
who got the better deal from 1850 comp
the north
nashville convention 1850
souther fire eaters were still pissed even after 1850 comp
they meet and shit on the comp and promote slavery, and then meet again, but the meetings were duds and nothing came out of it
Stephen Arnold Douglas
the dem senator of IL. He was behind the Kansas Nebraska act. “Little giant”
Said he didn’t actually care what happened to slavery, which probably cost him ever becoming prez
Election of 1852
-De Franklin Pierce v Whig Winfield Scott
-insulted each others personalities
-whigs were split, north liked the candidate but hated his platform, south vice versa. this election was the end of the whig party
-pierce wins
who won 1848 election
ZT (whig)
who won 1852 election
Franklin Pierce (dem)
Ostend Manifesto
South wants to expand slavery more. Ex William Waker tried to capture Nicaragua but was overthrown. They turned to Cuba; Polk had tried to buy it, but was turned down. There were two expeditions to try to seize it which failed, and the Spanish capture the American ship black warrior.
France, England, and Spain American ministers met in Ostend, Belgium, to write the secret Ostend Manifesto which said America is justified in taking cuba by force if Spain doesn’t accept their payment for it. But the doc gets leaked and the northerners get pissed so the Pierce administration drops it.
William Waker
Southern guy who tried to capture Nicaragua, make himself prez, and legalize slavery in it but was overthrown.
Matthew Perry and Japan
1852 Fillmore sent fleets to Japan after getting concessions with China. Matthew Perry is in charge.
He arrived at Edo Bay in 1853 and threatened to shoot his way on shore. Then offered Japanese two silk letters for free trade and good relations. Returned after a year with gifts and they agreed.
proper treatment of shipwrecked soldiers
Coaling rights in japan
consular relations
Matthew Perry
Brother of OH Perry. Did stuff with japan
Gadsden purchase
A transcont railroad was need to reach Cali and Oregon. should it run in the north or the south?
The best route ran south, through territory that mexico owned. James Gadsden was appointed Minister to mexico
in 1853 US bought the Gadsden purchase for 10 mil.
James Gadsden
Appointed Minister to mexico during Gadsden purchase.
why did we buy the gadsden purchase
it was a better route for the transcont railroad bc the topography was kinder and the territories in the south were already organized.
Kansas Nebraska Act
-douglas supported a legislative scheme that wanted to split Nebraska into two states, Kansas and Nebraska. it was assumed that Kansas would become a slave state and nebraska stay free through pop sov.
-offset the benefit of the Gadsden to the south
-directly repealed the 1820 comp, because it potentially allowed slavery above the 36 30 line
-destroyed the comp of 1850 cause the northerners were so mad about the 1820 one
-created the republican party, which also meant the start of sectionalism, cause they weren't;t allowed passed the mason Dixon line
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and impact
-written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
-showed the north the horrors of slavery, esp separation of families
-most politically powerful novel in america
-thousands of northerners were completely done with fugitive slave law
-also popular overseas, in britain and France, likely stopped London from supporting the south during the war
bleeding kansas
series of violent events between pro and non slavery parties in kansas
-people would come over from other states in groups of thousands to cast their votes to try to make it slave or free state. Ex proslavers puppet gov at Shawnee. then free soilers regime in Topeka
-fueds of land claims. proslaver raiders burned free soil town Lawrence 1856
-john brown, so mad about Lawrence, butchered five men in front of their families at Pottawatomie Creek
-lecompton split the dem party
-summer brooks beating
Lecompton constitution
-1857 Kansas met the population req to become a state
-teh gov in KN was pro slavery. they proposed the lecompton const to govern.
-there was no way for the people to voter for the const, only to choose between a const with or without slavery in it
-even if they voted without slavery there was a provision that allowed slavery still
-proslavers approved it in 1857
-Douglas (Buchanan did) did not support it, and pushed for a compromise that let the people vote on keeping it, and they get rid of it.
-democrats divided
Summer brook brouhaha
-Senator Charles Sumner of MA was very disliked in the Senate, gave a speech insulting to the south (The Crime against Kansas) and Andrew Butler, who was very popular in the Senate.
-Preston Brooks was an SC congressman. His southern pride was hurt.
-1856 he beats Sumner with a cane until lit breaks.
-brooks resigns but gets reelected. hes sent gold canes. Sumner’s speech is published by the thousands, which angers the south.
Election 1856
-dem Buchanan v repub Captain John C Fremont
-nativists nominate Millard Fillmore
-neither had enemies cause neither were involved in KN act.
-repubs against slavery, Dems for pop sov
-insults again
Dred Scott
-Dred Scott v Sanford
-Scott had lived as a slave on free soil for five years. He sues for his freedom.
-Supreme Court and Roger B Taney rule that Scott cannot even sue because he is not a citizen. They go further and say since slaves are property the gov cannot take them (fifth amendment) and therefore slavery is legal everywhere
-goes against Missouri comp
-southerners were happy, repubs were furious
Roger B Taney
Ruled on Dred Scott case. Slavery legal everywhere.
Panic 1857
-worst psychological panic
-caused by Cali gold, Crimean war with grain, frenzied land spec
-north hit harder
- northerns want free land. Opposed by the east and south bc underpaid workers would leave and free soilers would expand
-1860 homestead act vetoed by Buchanan
-tariff 1857 was passed due to a surplus of money, but now the north wanted higher duties.
Lincoln Douglas debates
During the Illinois senatorial election of 1858 Douglas term about to expire, his opponent was lincoln.
-seven meetings
-most famous at Freeport where Lincoln asked the free port question
Freeport doctrine
Freeport question: if the Supreme Court allows slavery in a territory but the people do not want it which holds precedence
Freeport doctrine: Douglas reply. He said the people, which got him the IL senate seat but probably lost him the presidency.
John Brown raid on Harper’s Ferry
-brown studied turner and tousant
-plan was to invade the south, arm the slaves, start a rebellion.
-arrived in VA with twenty men and money for guns.
-killed seventeen innocents, including a free black.
-the slaves were unaware of it so nothing actually happened.
-brown captured by marines under Robert e Lee
-brown hung but he becomes a martyr
who captured john brown
Robert E lee
Election of 1860
-repub Lincoln v dem Douglas v Breckinridge
-lincoln literally wasn’t on the ballot in ten states, and he was a minority prez
-if north and south Dems didn’t split they wouldve had a better chance
-lincoln wins, which pushes the south to secede
Jefferson Davis
-seven southerns secede and then 4 more do, so 11
-SC was first
-they create a gov called the confed states of America, appoint Jeff Davis as president, an MI Senate member with military exp
the proposed Crittenden comp
-final attempt at compromise
-John J Crittenden of KY
-slavery was illegal above 36 30 but maybe in the territories it could be federally protected. this wouldve guaranteed slavery in the south
-lincoln rejected