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Always certain of…
what he wanted from the world, Mr Clutter had in a large measure obtained it.
Of all the people…
in all the world, the Clutter’s were least likely to be murdered.
A whole family…
Gentle, kindly people, people I knew - murdered.
It was ‘painful’ to
imagine [that]… whatever was wrong was not your own fault but maybe a thing you were born with.
How was it possible…
that such effort…could overnight be reduced to this - smoke…
The walls of the
cell flew away, the sky came down, I saw the big yellow bird.
The crime was
a psychological accident…
…four shotgun blasts that,
all told, ended six human lives
…dazed, too numb,
to feel the full viciousness of i
they were dead.
a whole family
but when the crowd
caught sight of the murderers… it fell silent…amazed to find them humanly shaped.
They shared a doom
against which virtue was no defense
And it wasn’t anything
the Clutters did…[they] were the ones who had to pay for it.
…Dewey could not forget
their suffering. Nonetheless, he found it possible to look…with, rather, a measure of sympathy…
I don’t feel anything
about it…Maybe we’re not human…
A family likably
high-spirited, yet hard-working and neighbourly and generous
six of us
riding in an old truck, sleeping in it too
[Dick] wanted to go on
to college…But we couldn’t. Plain didn’t have the money.
What it comes down to
is I want the diamonds more than I’m afraid of the snake.
The murders represent
a sudden, horrifying collision of two wildly divergent America’s
he laboured
18 hours a day
Mrs Clare raised her voice
Because he’s dead. And Bonnie too. And Nancy. And the boy. Somebody shot them.
Towering bird,
the yellow ‘sort of parrot’… the parrot remained, a hovering avenger.
It was buried back there is 1821 -
Peruvian bullion, jewellery. Sixty million dollars.
He was very certain
that someday his own oasis of oaks and elms would stand upon those shadeless plains.
the dream of settling on his farm
had not come true, for his wife’s fear of living in that sort of isolation never lessened.
Perry urged Dick to fish
‘we may never have another chance’…moments later Dick had forgotten his pain…Perry had hooked ‘a big one’
…she’d fill a tub with ice-cold
water, put me in it, and hold me under till I was blue. Nearly drowned.
to be murdered. To be murdered.
No. No…there’s nothing worse. Nothing worse than that. Nothing
Perry O’ Parsons, the name invented
for the singing sensation of stage and screen.
Perry O’ Parsons had died
without ever having lived
But not it was deprived of the
late owner’s dedicated attention the first threads of decay’s cobweb were being spun…