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Future tense endings 1st and 2nd conjugation
bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt
Future tense endings 3rd and 4th conjugation
am, es, et, emus, etis, ent
present passive endings
r, ris, tur, mur, mini, ntur
Imperfect passive endings
bar, baris, batur, bamur, bamini, bantur
Future 1st and 2nd conj passive endings
bor, biris, bitur, bimur, bimini, bunter
Future 3rd and 4th conj passive endings
ar, eris, etur, emur, emini, entur
How to form the perfect passive, how is it translated?
PPP + present tense of sum. x was/were x-ed
How to form the pluperfect passive, how is it translated?
PPP + imperfect tense of to be (eram). x had been x-ed
What does si, or nisi mean
If or if not
How to form the future active participle
PPP, take of the us, add urus (e.g portatus —> portaturus)
How to translate it?
portaturus sum = I was about to carry
How to form the ablative absolute?
A noun in the ablative case plus a participle
How do you translate the ablative absolute?
When the x had be x-ed
How to form Present passive infinitive ?
Change the e at the end of the infinitive to a i, apart from the 3rd declension where you get rid of the ere and put i
How to translate it?
to be x-ed
What are deponent verbs?
Passive in form, active in meaning
conor, conari, conatus sum
I try, to try, (having) tried
egredior, egredi, egressus sum
I go out, to go out, (having) gone out
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum
I encourage, to encourage, (having) encouraged
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum
I enter, to enter, (having) entered
loquor, loqui, locutus sum
I speak, to speak, (having) spoken
miror, mirari, miratus sum
I admire, to admire, having (admired)
morior, mori, mortuus sum
I die, to die, (having) died
patior, pati, passus sum
I suffer, to suffer, (having) suffered
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum
I set out, to set out, (having) set out
progredior, progredi, progressus sum
I advance, to advance, (having) advanced
regredior, regredi, regressus sum
I return, to return, (having) returned
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
I follow, to follow, (having) followed
videor, videri, visus sum
I seem, to seem, (having) seemed
What is a semi-deponent
A semi-deponent are verbs that are active in form for present, imperfect and future, but passive in form for perfect and pluperfect
gaudeo, gadere, gavisus sum
I rejoice, to rejoice, (having) rejoiced
audeo, audere, ausus sum
I dare, to dare, (having) dared
soleo, solere, solitus sum
I am accustomed, to be accustomed, (having) been accustomed
How is an indirect statement formed?
Accusative + Infinitive
How to translate an indirect statement e.g. (puella audit dominum cibum nunc cosumere)
The girl says that the master is eating the food now
How to form the perfect active infinitive?
Perfect stem, plus isse
How to translate the PA inf?
to have x-ed
How to form perfect passive infinitive?
PPP, plus esse
How to translate PP Inf?
to have been x-ed
cives putant urbem ab hostibus oppugnatam esse
The citizens think that the city has been attacked by the enemy
What is the relationship between the verbs before indirect statement being present or perfect?
Present, translate indirect statement in present tense, Perfect, translate indirect statement in perfect tense
How to translate dixit se?
He said that he
rex scivit se in magno periculo esse
The king knew that he was in big danger
How to form future active infinitive?
Future participle plus esse
How do you translate the FA inf?
to be about to
How do you translate the FA inf in indirect statements?
will or would
filius filaque credunt matrem cibum empturam esse
The son and daughter believe that the mother will buy the food
miles vidit castra ab hostibus iam capta esse
The soldier saw that the camp had been captured by the enemy now
nauta credidit hanc insulam maximam esse
The sailor believed that this island was very big
dominus putavit servos e villa effugisse
The master thought that the slaves had escaped from the house
servi speraverunt dominum mox Romae adventurum esse
The slaves hoped that the master would arrive in Rome soon
What are the 5 uses of the infinitive?
After certain verbs, negative imperative, with certain phrases, accusative infinitive, after iubeo
How to spot a gerundive?
A verb with ndus on the end
How to translate ad + gerundive?
for the purpose of
milites missi sunt ad pacem petendam
The soldiers were sent for the purpose of seeking peace
How to translate dum + indicative?
servi, dum in horto laborant, dominum conspexerunt
The slaves, while they were working in the garden, caught sight of the master