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Mental health examination includes
appearance and behavior
speech and language
mood and affect
thoughts and perceptions
information and vocabulary
abstract thinking
constructional ability
Appearance and behavior - LOC
LOC: how aware of environment
alert - the patient is awake and aware. Orientation to time, place, person and situation
lethargic - you must speak to the patient in a loud forceful manner to get a response
obtunded - you must shake a patient to get a response
stuporous - the patient is unarousable except by painful stimuli
coma - the patient is completely unarousable
Appearance and behavior things to assess
motor behavior
personal hygiene, dress, grooming
Appearance and behavior - posture
Does the patient sit in a chair or exam table or prefer to walk around?
is the patient agitated with repetitive movements
appearance and behavior - hygiene
generally, grooming and hygiene deteriorate in depression and schizophrenia
appearance and behavior - affect
facial expression
is it appropriate to the stated mood or situation
examples of disturbed affect
stony (parkinsonism)
Flat affect
lack of facial movement - can be seen due to a physical reason such as parkinson’s or a psychological reason such as profound depression
Speech and language - assessing for what?
language use
Hesitancies in speech
often seen in patients with aphasia such as from strokes
monotone inflections associated with
severe depression or schizophrenia
words or phrases that are substituted for the word a person cannot remember
ex: the thing you block out your writing with for an eraser
words are malformed (“I write with a den”), wrong (“I write with a branch”) or invented (“I write with a dar”)
Discrepancy between fluency and comprehension
when a patient can speak well but cannot understand
when a patient can understand but cannot articulate
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome effect on speech
Speech is clear but not understand concepts
Wernicke disorder
speech is fluent, rapid, effortless but words and sentences lack meaning. May have paraphasia as well
Affect definition
the observable mood of a person expressed through facial expressions, body language, body movements and voice
Mood definition
the sustained emotion of the patient
normal mood
depressed mood
elated mood
Thought processes
the logic, coherence, organization and relevance of a patient’s thoughts as they lead to thoughts and goals": HOW people think
examples of disorders of thought processes
flight of ideas or derailment
thoughts and ideas jump rapidly - difficult to follow what patient is saying
ability or awareness that thoughts, symptoms, or behaviors are normal or abnormal
ex: distinguishing that a daydream or hallucination is not real
assess by asking the patient about the reasons they are at the clinic visit
patients with psychological disorders often lack insight into their disease
process of comparing and evaluating different possible courses of action
may be able to assess judgment by noting the patient’s responses to stressors - ex: relationships, jobs, finances
external stimuli — sensory awareness of the objects in the environment to the five senses and their interrelationships ex. burning hand on stove
internal stimuli — dreams or hallucinations
abnormalites of perceptions
illusions and hallucinations
false idea or belief, deceptive impression or wrongly perceived
misinterpretations of real stimuli - the postman leaves mail therefore there is a plot to poison the patient h
a stimuli the patient hears, sees or feels that others do not and that the patient may not recognize as false; these can be auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory or tactile
ex: Abe lincoln speaks to the patient from the back of a penny
Do not include false perceptions associated with dreaming/falling asleep
the ability to focus or concentrate over time on one task or activity
the process of recording and retrieving information
short term - minutes to days before
long term - days to months before
higher cognitive functions assess by
level of intelligence assessed by vocabular, knowledge base, calculations and abstract thinking skills
assessing calculating ability
ask the patient to perform more difficult calculations such as making change
abstract thinking
interpreting proverbs: a stitch in time saves nine, squeaky wheel gets the grease
similarity exercise: what do a ball and orange have in common
how to assess attention
three digit recal - give the patient 3 nimbers to recite back to you in a few minutes
serial 7s: ask the patient to subtract serial 7s from 100
spelling backwards: ask the patient to spell WORLD backwards
constructional ability assessment
ask a patient to copy a geometric figure onto a sheet of paper such as a triangle, circle, pentagon, diamond or a cube
ask a patient to draw a clock face indicating 5
Mini-mental state examination (MMSE)
used to assess cognitive dysfunction or dementia
standardized score - highest possible 28
psychological assessment resources
standardized mental examinations for anxiety
Mobility inventory for agoraphobia (MIA)
agoraphobia cognitions questionnaire (ACA)
Body sensations questionnaire (BSQ)
standardized mental examinations for Depression
primary care evaluation of mental disorders (PRIME-MD)
beck depression inventory
hamilton depression rating scale
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale
Chief complaints that mental health patients may present with FNP
not sleeping well
feel tired all the time
can’t concentrate
kids failing school
loss of family member
e.g my head hurts, my stomach hurts ect.
Chief complaints mental health patient may present with PMHNP
my wife/husband told me to come in. I don’t know why I’m here
my kids wont listen to me
my wife is driving me nutes
I feel scared all the time
referred by PCP. They can’t figure out whats wrong with me so they send me here - its not my head they are wrong
Mental health interview OARS
Open ended questions
affirmations - patient is doing the best they an do. affirm their strengths
reflective listening - let patient know you heard them, ask clarifying questions
principles of interviewing (mental health)
Find out whats important to the patient - goals and motivation
remember we do not have the answer for the patient’s situation
mostly listen while the person tells their story and understand their life situation and their internal motivation
allow the patient to come up with their own answers — much more likely to change
Screening for depression (screening category level) and population
Screen for depression in adolescents, the general adult population including pregnant and postpartum women
screen should be implemented with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and appropriate follow up
PHQ 2 scoring
Score of 3 — 90T% specificity for major depressive disorder (MDD), 95% specificity for any depressive disorder
score of 6 — 99.8% specificity for MDD
if 3 or higher then have patient fill out PHQ9
PHQ9 scoring
score —- depression severity
0-4 - none
5-9 - mild
10-14 - moderate
15-19 moderately severe
20-27 severe
Suicide and screening
people who committed cuicide are more likely to have seen their primary care provider than mental health provider in the 4 weeks prior to death
always ask about suicidality
Columbia suicide severity rating scale questions
wished to be dead?
have you wished you were dead or wished you could go to sleep and not wake up?
Suicidal thoughts?
have you actually had any thoughts of killing yourself?
Suicidal thoughts with method? (no specific plan)
Have you been thinking about how you might kill yourself?
Suicidal intent (without specific plan)
have you had these thoughts and had some intention on acting on them?
Suicide intent with specific plan?
have you started to work out or have worked out the details of how to kill yourself and do you intend to carry out this plan?
suicide behavior
have you done anything or started to do anything, or prepared to do anything to end your life?