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Is creation good, bad, or neutral?
Is the human body good, bad, or neutral?
What does it mean to say that we are created in the image and likeness of God?
We have a rational soul
What are some of the properties and powers of a rational soul
Intellect or reason, immaterial, immortal, and free will
What makes human life sacred?
We are made in the image and likeness of God
True or False: According to the Old Testament authors, a covenant is like a marriage
True or False: The serpent deceived Eve by suggesting that God was a liar and that His command was meant to oppress Adam and Eve
True or False: The forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate was an apple
True or False: According to the Doctrine of Original Sin, original sin is a condition that is transmitted from parents to their offspring, which means that babies are born without sanctifying grace and with a wounded human nature that disposes them to sin
True or False: There is no Scriptural evidence for the Doctrine of Original Sin
What does the word “protoevangelium” mean?
the first good news
True or False: Immediately after the Fall, God promised to send someone who would crush the head of the serpent but who be wounded in the process
Why did sin reenter the world after the Flood?
Concupiscence remained owing to Original Sin
Put the following events in chronological order
Noah’s ark and the Flood
The Tower of Babel
The Fall
God calls Abraham to move to Canaan
The Fall
Noah’s ark and the Flood
The Tower of Babel
God calls Abraham to move to Canaan
What was the great sin Abraham committed?
What is the sign of God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants?
True or False: Isaac was clearly an unwilling sacrifice
Trace the path of God’s blessing — that is, who passed it to whom
Jacob’s sons
Jacob’s sons
How many sons did Jacob/Israel have?
Jacob prophesied that a great king would come from whose line?
To whom did the Israelites trace their ancestry?
True or False: Pharaoh viewed the Israelites as a blessing to his kingdom
How did God first appear to Moses?
In a burning bush whose flames did not consume the bush
What did God reveal to Moses for the time in history?
His name, I AM or YHWH
What was the final plague?
That the sons of Egypt would be killed
True or False: God provided a way of avoiding the final plague, by sacrificing an unblemished lamb, painting its blood on the doorposts and lentil of one’s house, and then eating the lamb in a ritual meal
Where did God establish His covenant with Israel?
Mt. Sinai
True or False: God offered Israel a covenant because he wanted to shape them into a holy nation and a kingdom of priests, who would represent God to the rest of the world
True or False: Israel remained faithful to the Mosaic covenant
The Flood and the Israelites passing through the Red Sea
The Sacraments of Baptism
Manna from Heaven
The Eucharist
Isaac, Joseph, and the Passover lamb
The Ark of the Covenant
True or False: During the period of the judges, when the nation of Israel existed as a federation of tribes in Canaan, Israel experienced a downward spiral to ever greater sin and suffering
The last judge; appointed the first kings
The first king of Israel; a king “like other nations” had
The second king of Israel; a king “after God’s own heart”
David’s heir and successor
True or False: In their original senses, the words “messiah” and “christ” both referred to a person who had been anointed
True or False: The kings of Israel were anointed as part of their coronation ceremony
Where did David establish the political and religious capital of his kingdom?
What were the secondary features of the Davidic covenant?
Queen mother and prime minister, who had the “kings to the kingdom”
What major sin or sins did David commit that broke his covenant relationship with God?
Adultery and murder
Under whose reign did the Davidic kingdom reach its zenith?
Who built the first temple?
Put the following events in order:
God makes a covenant with David and his house
God makes a covenant with Abraham and his descendants
The Babylonians conquered the southern kingdom of Judah, sacked Jerusalem, tore down the first Temple, and carried off the Jews to Babylon
God makes a covenant with the nation of Israel through his prophet Moses
God makes a covenant with Abraham and his descendants
God makes a covenant with the nation of Israel through his prophet Moses
God makes a covenant with David and his house
The Babylonians conquered the southern kingdom of Judah, sacked Jerusalem, tore down the first Temple, and carried off the Jews to Babylon
Who’s the primary author of Sacred Scripture?
God the Holy Spirit
What are the two main parts of the Bible?
Old Testament and New Testament
Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which the books of the Bible are unified?
They were all written by one human author
The primary author of all the books is God the Holy Spirit
They tell a unified story, namely salvation history
They were all written by one human author
How does the Old Testament promise Christ and his Church?
Prophecies, which Christ later fulfilled, and types or prefigurements, which foreshadow Christ
The Catholic Bible contains how many books?
Most Protestant Bible contain how many books?
How many books are in the Catholic Old Testament?
How many books are in the New Testament?
What’s the first book of the Bible?
According to tradition, who wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament?
Name four of the first five books of the Old Testament.
the Books of the Law, the Pentateuch, Exodus, and Numbers
True or False: Jewish tradition holds that the history books of the Old Testament are the most important books of Scripture
True or False: The Minor Prophets are called “minor” because they are less important than the Major Prophets
Tells of the creation of the universe, original sin, the fall, Noah’s ark and the flood, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, Moses and the exodus
the law books
Tells the history of Israel from the conquest of Canaan to the restoration of Jerusalem
the history books
Gives advice on how to live according to God’s wisdom
Wisdom literature
Warned Israel of their infidelity, consoled Israel in difficult times, foretold Christ
Books of prophecy
law books
Genesis, Exodus
history books
Joshua, Judges
prophetic literature
Isaiah, Jeremiah
Wisdom literature
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Exxlesiates
Answers the questions, “Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?”
Gets its name from the fact that it contains a census of the tribes of Israel
Wise sayings, many of which have been attributed to Solomon
Tells some of the clearest prophecies of Christ
What does “AD” mean?
anno domini = in the year of our Lord
What are the law books?
the Gospels
What’s the history book?
Acts of the Apostles
What’s the wisdom literature?
the Epistles
What’s the prophetic literature?
What does the word “epistle” mean?
Written by an Apostle and tax collector; presents Jesus as a greater Moses who is leading a greater exodus
Written by a disciple of Peter; presents Jesus as the suffering servant promised by the prophet Isaiah
Written by a disciple of Paul; presents Jesus as a savior for all nations, not just the Jews of Israel; written for gentiles living in Christian communities throughout the Roman Empire
Written last; more philosophical than the other three; emphasizes that Jesus is God
The word “gospel” means?
“good news”
The word “synoptic” means?
“seeing together”
The Synoptic Gospels mean?
the three Gospels that tells the story of Jesus in a similar way
Which of the following is NOT one of the Synoptic Gospels?
Who wrote Acts of the Apostles?
Who wrote most of the epistles and most of the New Testament?
Name some of the epistle writers
Peter, John, and Paul
True or False: Paul’s epistles are titled after the people or communities to whom they were addressed
Who wrote the Books of Revelation?
Foretells the Second Coming: encourages Christians who would be persecuted
the Book of Revelation
Offers advice on how to live as a disciple of Christ; develops and corrects theological ideas
the epistles
Tells the history of the Church in the first few years following Christ’s resurrection
Acts of the Apostles
The primary source on the life and teachings of Jesus
the Gospels
The modern Jewish canon of Scripture
Masoretic Text
7 books included in the Septuagint but excluded from most Protestant Bibles
deuterocanonical books
Books that were excluded from the canon
a canon of OT books translated into Greek in the 3rd century BC in Alexandria, Egypt; contains the same set of books as the Catholic OT
In what century did the Catholic Church first affirm the canon of Scripture?
4th century (300s)
When did Martin Luther challenges the canon of Scripture?
16th century (1500s)