This happens in areas that are too moist for deserts and too dry for forests.
Underground soil that stays frozen.
Ocean Currents
Prevailing winds and earth rotation.
Major biomes
Large land regions with certain types of climate and dominant plant life.
Alpine Tundra
Above the tree line in the mountains.
Cold winters and hot and dry summers, with tall and short grass prairies.
Areas general pattern of the atmosphere over a long period of time.
Cold (Artic tundra)
Fragile biome that has plants close to the ground.
Local areas short- term temperature, precipitation, humidity, windspeed cloud cover, and other conditions.
El NiƱo Southern Oscillation
It happens every few years.
Greenhouse effect
________: Gases keep the earth warm and habitable.
Rain Shadow Effect
Most precipitation falls on the windward side of mountain ranges.
Tropical deserts
Hot and dry most of the year.
Local areas short-term temperature, precipitation, humidity, windspeed cloud cover, and other conditions
Areas general pattern of the atmosphere over a long period of time
Ocean Currents
Prevailing winds and earth rotation
Equator, intense sunlight
Poles, little sunlight
In-between tropical and polar
El NiƱo-Southern Oscillation
It happens every few years
Greenhouse gases
H20, CO2, CH4, N2O
Greenhouse effect
Gases keep the earth warm and habitable
Rain Shadow Effect
Most precipitation falls on the windward side of mountain ranges
Major biomes
Large land regions with certain types of climate and dominant plant life
Tropical deserts
Hot and dry most of the year
Temperate deserts
Temperatures are high in the summer and low in winter and they have more precipitation
Cold deserts
Winters are cold and summers are hot
This happens in areas that are too moist for deserts and too dry for forests
Brazing and browsing animals
Cold winters and hot and dry summers, with tall and short grass prairies
Cold (Artic tundra)
Fragile biome that has plants close to the ground
Underground soil that stays frozen
Alpine Tundra
Above the tree line in the mountains