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Cell lacking a nucleus and organelles
Organism that obtains energy from consuming other organisms
Process that does not require oxygen
Endosymbiotic theory
Theory explaining the origin of eukaryotic cells from symbiosis between prokaryotes
Chloroplast and mitochondria
Organelles with own DNA and double membrane, supporting endosymbiotic theory
Lamarck's theory of evolution
Inheritance of acquired characteristics through use/disuse
Darwin's theory of evolution
Natural selection based on heritable variation and survival of the fittest
Natural Selection
Process where best-adapted traits survive and are passed on to offspring
When a species produces more offspring than can survive
Struggle for resources among individuals of a species
Variation in a Species
Differences in traits among individuals of a species
Descent with Modification
Offspring differing from parents due to genetic changes over generations
Common Descent
Organisms share a common ancestor, evidenced by DNA similarities
Ability of a phenotype to survive and reproduce in an environment
Carrying capacity
Maximum population size an environment can sustain
Phenotype vs. Genotype
Phenotype experiences the environment, leading to genotype changes
New alleles/traits sources
Mutations, immigration, and crossing over in a population
Directional selection
Shift towards one extreme trait in a population
Stabilizing selection
Selection for average trait in a population
Disruptive selection
Selection for extreme traits, leading to diversity
Gene pool
All alleles present in a population
Adaptive radiation
Diversification of a common ancestor into multiple species
Group of organisms interbreeding and producing viable offspring
Reproductive isolation
Groups no longer interbreeding naturally, leading to separate species
Geographic, temporal, behavioral isolation
Mechanisms preventing interbreeding between groups
Genetic drift
Random allele frequency changes in small populations
Gradualism vs. Punctuated Equilibrium
Evolutionary change happening slowly over time vs. in spurts
Three domains of life
Bacteria, Archaebacteria, Eukarya; divide bacteria based on cell wall similarities
Six Kingdoms
Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia; classification of organisms
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species; taxonomic hierarchy
Species definition
Ability to breed and produce viable offspring