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Who is Jake Marpole
A farmhand for Jim's father in Virginia who travles to Nebraska to work for Jim's grandfather
What book does Jim read on the train
Life of Jesse James
Who does Jim look like according to his grandmother
His father
What color is the grass on the farm
Who is Otto Fuchs
Austrian worker on Jim's grandfathers farm
Where is Jim heading in the train
Where are the new neighbors from
What is the name of the horse Jim receives
What biblical term does Jim not recognize
Who is Peter Krajiek
Sells his farm to the Shimerda's and stays to work on the farm
What is the name of the new family that moves in next to the Burdens
What did Mr. Shimerda do in Bohemia
Weaver and fiddle player
What is the political relationship between Bohemia and Austria
What words does Jim teach Antonia
Blue sky, blue eyes
What kind of deal did Peter make with the Shimerda's
He cheated them by selling them overpriced farm and weak animals
Name of Antonia's siblings
Ambrosch, Yulka, Marek
What does Antonia give jim
A ring
How does Jim respond to the ring Antonia gives him
He refuses to take it
What does Mr. Shimerda ask of Jim
Teach Antonia to read
Where did the sunflowers come from
What plants are rare in Nebraska
Whom do the earth owls symbolize
The Shimerdas
What pastime to Jim and Antonia enjoy
Eating melons
Why do the Shimerda's keep Krajiek's company
He is their interpreter
What flowers are on the Burden's farm
How does Mrs. Shimerda's feel about Antonia learning to read
She is annoyed but knows it is necessary
Who does the rattlesnake symbolize
What is special about the Christmas melons
They were picked in the winter and are white
Describe the food the Shimerda's eat
Sour ashy bread, old vegetables
How does Mr. Shimerda handle moving to America
He is depressed
Who are Peter and Pavel
Russian neighbors
According to Pavel who typically owns cows in Russia
What was the great trouble Peter escaped in Russia
Peter and Pavel sacrificed the bride to the wolves
Who is Old Hata
A beggar woman who would sing to children if you took her in
How are the daughters handling the move to America
The never complain
Define batching
Two unmarried men living together
What does Antonia do with the insects
Puts them in her hair
Where did Mr. Shimerda get his gun
His friend gave it to him after he played at his wedding
How does Antonia treat Jim
Like a child
What caused disarray in the prairie dog town
The rattlesnake
How does Jim kill the rattlesnake
Strikes it several times on the head with a spade
Define laconic
How does Antonia view Jim differently after he kills the snake
She admires and respects him
Where do Jim and Antonia stop on their way home from Peter's
Prairie dog village
How old was the snake
Hat does Jim do with the snake after it dies
Takes it home and hangs it in the farm
Define supercilious
What challenges is Peter having in Russia
What nickname does Jim give Antonia
What sound agitates Pavel
What does Peter do after Pavel dies
Sells his belongings and flees the country
Who is Wick Cutter
Evil creditor who is Black Hawk's money lender
What happens Paval
He gets sick and eventually dies
Why does Paval hate the sound of wolves
Reminds him of what happened in Russia
Why does Jim fall sick
He gives his coat to Yulka
What is Mrs. Burdens work ethic while Jim is ill
She takes on all the chores
What songs do Jim and Otto enjoy
Cowboy songs
Was Jake or Otto livelier
Why did people look down on Otto when he was escorting the woman
They thought something inappropriate was happening
How long was Jim sick
2 weeks
How can Jim tell Jake respects his grandparents
He does not swear and works hard
What lifestyle did Otto have before the farm
He was a cowboy
What compromised Otto's reputation
He escorted a woman from Chicago
How do the Shimerda's deal with the cold
Share a coat, dog holes to sleep in
What has happened to the Shimerda's food
Froze and rotted
Where do the Shimerda's get their food
Trash at the post office
How much money did the Shimerda's bring to America
More than a thousand
What did they give the burdens to cook with
What animals do the Shimerda's begin to eat
Prairie dogs
Who is Mr. Bushy
Worker at post office
What was the families biggest issue
They wanted too much that they couldn't get
Who was the hardest worker in the family
Who was supposed to be in charge of Christmas shopping
Why can't they shop for Christmas
What gifts do they make the Shimerda's
Picture books, candles, cakes
What do make and Otto contribute to decorations
Pocket mirror and cowboy trunk
What is the Christmas tree related to
Tree of knowledge
What happened to Mr. Shimerda
Committed suicide
Why did Mr. Shimerda commit suicide
Hat was suspicious about Mr. Shimerda's death
Peter's axe was at the scene
Define victuals
Who is Anton Jelinek
Lung bohemian from Black Hawk
Why does Mr. Shimerda's death bother Anton
Because it was suicide he was not able to receive sacraments or a religious burial
What did Anton and Otto make
What was the issue with Mr. Shimerda's burial
He couldn't be buried in a graveyard
What was done with Mr. Shimerda's body
Buried on the edge of their property
What does Yulka refuse to do
Look at the body
What is Jim's grandfather asked to do at the funeral
Say a prayer
What happened to the gravesite later
Crossroads were built near it
How did the Burden household celebrate Christmas
They celebrate with the Shimerda's
What does Mrs. Shimerda do when she visits the Burden's house
Takes pots
Why does she take pots when she visits
She feels entitled because she is poor
How does Jim feel about her taking the pots
He thinks it is rude and disrespectful
How does his grandmother feel about her taking the pots
She is okay wit it
What is the biggest indicator of Mr. Shimerda's homesickness
He is always sad
Whose idea was it to come to America
Mrs. Shimerda
What was the reason for them coming to America
To escape the country
Who runs the Shimerda family
How do living conditions improve for the Shimerda's
They build a house
What deal does Mr. Burden make with Mrs. Shimerda
If she lets him employ Antonia and Ambrosch she doesn't have to pay for the cow