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The most critical part of a hair color service is the:
To measure a clients head, once you use a:
Cloth tape measure
to Remove bonded wefts, the adhesive bonds are dissolved by:
Alkaline permanent waves are also known as
Cold waves
What is the first line of defense against bacteria?
Unbroken skin
The skin abrasion produced by scratching is called:
And excoriation
How long do you keep record of your continuing education certificates?
2 years
The hair color formulated to last only 6 to 8 shampoos?
Semi permanents
Cleansing cream is best used on?
Very dry Or mature skin
Which type of pin curls produce even, smooth waves, and uniform curls
Open center
Blue is…
The darkest Primary color
The term tone or tonality is used to describe colors:
Warmth or coolness
Leukoderma is a skin disorder that is further classified as:
Vitiligo and Albinism