a person who believes in God
a person who believes that there is no God
someone who thinks there is not enough evidence for belief in God
Design argument
the argument that God designed the universe because everything is so intricately made in its detail that it could not happen by chance
First Cause argument
also called the cosmological argument, the argument that there has been an uncaused cause that made everything else happen, otherwise there would be nothing now
without beginning or end
the act by which God brought the universe into being
a seemingly impossible event, usually good, that cannot be explained by natural or scientific laws, and is thought to be the action of God
evidence that supports the truth of something
a commitment to something that goes beyond proof and knowledge, especially used about God and religion
the opposite of good, a force of the personification of a negative power that is seen in many traditions as destructive and against God
when people have to face and live with unpleasant events or conditions
Ultimate reality
the supreme, final fundamental power in all reality
The divine
God, gods or ultimate reality
an enlightening experience; a divine or supernatural experience in which God shows himself to believers
Special revelation
God making himself known through direct personal experience or an unusual specific event
seeing something, especially in a dream or trance, that shows something about the nature of God or the afterlife
the gaining of true knowledge, particularly in the Buddhist tradition, that frees a person from the cycle of rebirth by seeing what the truth about life really is
General revelation
God making himself known through ordinary, common human experiences
the physical world, including plants, animals and landscape; the environment or natural world
the sacred writings of a religion
almighty, having ultimate power; a quality of God
knowing everything: a quality of God
all-loving, all-good; a quality of God
the idea that Gid is present in and involved with life on earth and in the universe; a quality of God
the idea that God is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe; a quality of God
Personal nature (of God)
the idea that God is an individual or person with whom people are able to have a relationship and feel close to
Impersonal nature (of God)
the idea the God has no ‘human’ characteristics, is unknowable and mysterious, more like a idea or force