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How much money did Germany have to pay to the Allies in reparations (in American dollars)?
$33 billion
The harshness of the Treaty of Versailles eventually led to....
What are reparations?
Making amends for wrong doing by paying money
This country was blamed entirely for WW1.
German empire
List three weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles.
Humiliated Germany
Russia felt ignored by the big 4
Stripped colonial possessions form germany making them unable to pay back their debt
This was a weapon used for the first time during WW1 which allowed for rapid firing & is one of the reasons the death toll was so high in WWI
Machine guns
A telegram sent by the Germans to Mexico & intercepted by British agents encouraging Mexico to start a war with the U.S. along our southern border. This telegram angered the United States & was one of many reasons we decided to join the war.
Zimmerman note
âI am not for war, I am for peace. This is why I am for the supreme Navy. The supremacy of the British Navy is the best security for the peace of the world.â
âBritish Admiral Jackie Fisher This quote is an example of which long-term cause of WWI?
U.S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge made a speech in
August of 1919 about his feelings on the creation of The August of 1919 about his feelings on the creation of The League of Nations. Below is an excerpt. Based on the League of Nations. Below is an excerpt. Based on the excerpt, does Cabot Lodge support or not support the excerpt, does Cabot Lodge support or not support the creation of The League of Nations? creation of The League of Nations? -â...I have never had but one allegiance; I cannot divide it-â...I have never had but one allegiance; I cannot divide it now. I have loved but one flag and I cannot share that now. I have loved but one flag and I cannot share that devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner invented for a league...National I must remain and in that invented for a league...National I must remain and in that way, I, like all other Americans, can render the amplest way, I, like all other Americans, can render the amplest service to the world.â âThe United States is the worldâs service to the world.â âThe United States is the worldâs best hope...for if we stumble and fall, freedom and mbest hope...for if we stumble and fall, freedom a
Does not support the league of nations
Senator Gilbert Hitchcock gave a speech in August of 1919 about The League of Nations. Based on these excerpts, didabout The League of Nations. Based on these excerpts, did he support or not support The League of Nations? he support or not support The League of Nations?
â...Humanity is not willing to sacrifice itself further, that menâ...Humanity is not willing to sacrifice itself further, that men and women demand of their government that as the fruit of and women demand of their government that as the fruit of this terrible war an agreement shall be entered into for this terrible war an agreement shall be entered into for the preservation of world peace in the future...a world in which preservation of world peace in the future...a world in which the affairs of nations are to be administered in justice and the affairs of nations are to be administered in justice and reason and humanity. A world in which the chief affairs of reason and humanity. A world in which the chief affairs of government shall be peace and development and progress. government shall be peace and development and progress. The confidence of men in government has been shaken. The confidence of men in government has been shaken. It will never be restored until governments devise some way will never be restored until governments devise way500
Supports the league of nations
With the outbreak of WWI in 1914, how did the great majority of Americans feel about the war (did they want to enter the war to support the Allied Powers, enter the war to support the Central Powers, or stay out of the war)?
America wanted to stay out of it
How did the U.S. government raise 2/3 the money it needed for the war?
War bonds
1/3 of money through taxes
President Wilson said âit is not just an army we must shape & train for war, it is
a nation.â The U.S. government sees the American public as consumers and the war must be marketed to them so a massive propaganda campaign ensues.
Define propaganda.
Biased information designed to shape public opinion and behavior.
What did the United States do to convince the American public that we should be fighting in the war?
Propoganda posters
What were the 2 primary strategies, or aspects, of the U.S. propaganda
Promoted patriotism
manufactured hate towards enemy
The purpose of the __________ was to encourage companies to use mass production & to eliminate waste
War industries board
Give an example of something specific Americans did to
conserve materials/goods/food for
Daylight savings
rationed food
Americans shifted 10% of their food consumption during the war
Name a conservation measure started during WW1 which still exists
Daylight savings
Americans were expected to fly American flags on their homes, buy Liberty Bonds to help pay for the war, and do other things to show their patriotism. How did we get Americans to do things things (what tactics were used to achieve compliance)?
Shame and coercion
If you didnât buy liberty bonds your name was published in the newspaper
Teacher would pass pledges to students that parents were forced to sign or else they would be shamed.
The Treaty of Versailles created 9 new European countries. List 5 of the 9 newly formed countries
Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Finnland, Czechoslovakia
The Industrial Revolution paved the way for many advances in weapons and
warfare used in The Great War. ___________ is warfare that relies on machines powered by gas and diesel engines.
Mechanized warfare
The song âOver Thereâ was very popular during WWI in America. The
song references âthe pondâ-what body of water is the pond?
Atlantic Ocean
What effect did the Schenck v. United States & the Espionage & Sedition Acts have on Americans rights (expanded rights, limited rights like freedom of speech, or made no difference)?
Limited peoples rights
Neutral ships will also incur danger in the war region, where, in view of the misuse of neutral flags region, where, in view of the misuse of neutral flags
ordered by the British Government, and incidents inevitable ordered by the British Government, and incidents inevitable in sea warfare, attacks intended for hostile ships may affect in sea warfare, attacks intended for hostile ships may affect neutral ships also.neutral ships also.
-German Declaration of Naval Blockade âFebruary 4, 1915-German Declaration of Naval Blockade âFebruary 4, 1915
Based on this quote, what strategy, which President Based on this quote, what strategy, which President Woodrow Wilson objected to was Germany enlisting?
Unrestricted submarine warfare
____________ was used by both sides during the
war. It could lead to blistered skin, lungs, blindness & death
Poisonous gas
Identify locations 1 and 2 on the map (in order)
Cuba and Puerto Rico
Identify locations 3 on the map (Something we acquired from winning the Spanish American War)
Who is this political cartoon depicting and what is he building?
Teddy Roosevelt is digging the Panama Canal
The 29th century term âThe White Manâs Burdenâ was popular among European imperial powers. Explain the concept.
That White men have the responsibility of helping those lower than them (Racial and ethic supremacy)
This political cartoon portrays Teddy Roosevelt and his âBig Stick Diplomacy.â An example of Big Stick Diplomacy was sending the _______ on a tour of the world to buzz coastlines of other countries to flex muscles?show our strength to other
The Great White Fleet
The spark (short-term cause) that started WWI was
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Many Soldiers who fought in WWI suffered from _______, a complete emotional collapse, which we call PTSD
Shell Shock
List three countries that were part of the Central Powers (remember that is the name given to one of the sides DURING the war)
German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Austria-Hungary was a member of which alliance (remember alliances pre-existed the war)
Triple Alliance
List and explain one of the four man long-term causes of WWI
Imperialism: Countries expanding and acquiring new territories
Why was it important for the United States to take control of Puerto Rico
Was an outlet for excess manufactured goods, as well as a key naval station in the Caribbean
For the first time in a war Germans employed the use of _____ in the water.
Who created the Fourteen Point Peace Plan?
President Woodrow Wilson
These two acts fined and sentenced people to jail for being disloyal or criticizing the U.S. government
Espionage and Sedition acts
What was the key component to Wilsonâs Fourteen Pointed Peace Plan (14th point)
League of Nations
This was passed in May 1917 in an effort to get more men enlisted in the U.S. military.
Selective Service Act
During WWI in America German measles were known as liberty measles, Dachshunds were stoned to death, German sounding towns and streets wereâŠ.
Anti-German/ Anti-Immigrant Hysteria
People didnât like the germans b/c they blamed them for the war
The group of 75,000 volunteer men who would deliver a war related speech, song, or poem anytime, anyplace in an effort to get people to buy liberty/war/victory bonds and encourage patriotism
4-minute men
What is one reason that the United States pursued imperialism around the turn of the century?
Political competition
Economic Competition
The War Industries Board was created to make sure the industries had everything needed to step up wartime production. What was one unexpected effect the War Industries Board had on fashion in the United States?
Women started to stop wearing corsets because it had steel which could be used to make battleships
The countries that made up the Triple Entente (alliance before the war) would go on to fight as the _____ (during the war)
Allied powers
This was a common problem for soldiers who fought in the trenches. It could result in lost appendages.
Trench foot
By portraying Germany as monsters that will do terrible things to American women if they come to the United States, what action is this propaganda poster encouraging American men to take?
To enlist in the military
Identify location/country #1
German Empire
List and explain another one of the four main long-term causes of WWI
Militarism: development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy