Maudley-obsessive-compulsive inventory (MOCI)
Classifies many different types of OCD symptoms
30 items
Development of MOCI
30ppl w OCD interviewed
Developed a list of 65 true and false statements
Given to 2 groups of ppt
Half the ppl experienced OBSESSIONAL THINKING
Other half had ANXIETY but no obsessional thinking
List narrowed to 30 items
Examples of MOCI q’s
“ i avoid using public telephones cuz of possible contamination”
“I frequently get nasty thoughts and have difficulty getting rid of them”
Reliability- strength of MOCI
High test-retest reliability
In a study- 50 students completed the questionnaire and then a month later did it again
Strong correlations between the two scores- 89% of 1500 pairs fo scores were generated the same- shows consistency
Weakness of MOCI- fixed choice questions
The options may not acc reflect what the ppt feels or thinks as the statements may only be true for some of the time
Yale-brown obsessive compulsive scale (Y-BOCS)
Semi-structured interview- approx 30 mins
10 items= total- for the last week
5- obsessions
5- compulsions
0-4 scale
Y-BOCS score
8 to 15= mild
16 to 23= moderate
24 to 31= severe
32 to 40= extreme
Interviews checklist for Y-BOCS
>50 types of obsessions + compulsions divided into 15 categories
Eval of Y-BOCS
S- strong inter-rater relatability- tested 40 ppl w OCD using this. Each assessed by 4 interviewers. Agreement- shows Y-BOCS is a reliable measure of OCD symptom severity
W- only considers symptom severity in the last week- ppl may experience their symptom’s, throughout in diff ways throughout the week.
Example of weakness of Y-BOCS
Symptoms might be worse on days where the person isn’t at work- important cuz w/o qualitative data putting scores into context is difficult to get an accurate impression of the impact that the symptoms r having on the overall functioning
Similarities between Y-BOCS and MOCI
Both self reports: MOCI- true/false statements and Y-BOCS is a 5 point rating scale- 0-4
Diff between Y-BOCS + MOCI
More items on the MOCI (30) compared to Y-BOCS (10(
Scores on both r weakly correlated- due to the way data is collected