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a root word that means bladder; e.g., cystitis
a root word that means stone; e.g., lithotripsy
a suffix that means to reduce or dissolve; e.g., dialysis
a root word that means kidney; e.g., renal failure
uri-, uric-, urico-
a root word that means uric acid; e.g., urinary tract
the process of analyzing a sample of urine
a waste product of metabolism that is excreted into the urine
a waste product of muscle metabolism that is excreted into the urine
creatinine clearance
a test of renal function that measures the amount of creatinine removed from the blood by the kidneys per unit of time
blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
a test that measures the amount of urea in the blood
glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
a test of renal function that measures the flow of filtered fluid through the kidneys per unit of time; GFR is often estimated by measuring the creatinine clearance
an image of the urinary bladder made using X-rays and a liquid placed in the bladder that appears in an X-ray
the visualization of the inside of the bladder using a tiny camera mounted on the tip of a long, flexible tube inserted into the bladder via the urethra
intravenous pyelogram
an image of the urinary system made using X-rays and a liquid injected into a vein that is excreted into the urine, where it appears in an X-ray
an image made using sound waves; e.g., a kidney sonogram to check for the presence of kidney stones
urinary incontinence
involuntary urination
excessive urination, typically 2.5 - 3 liters or more per 24 hour period; can be caused by a variety of conditions, including untreated diabetes
stress incontinence
incontinence that occurs when the structures around the bladder are weakened or damaged, causing urine leakage when the body is physically stressed through coughing, straining, or sneezing
urge incontinence
incontinence that occurs when the bladder contracts at the wrong time; also known as overactive bladder
getting up at night to urinate
renal failure
the decreased ability or complete inability of the kidneys to filter waste and toxins from blood
acute renal failure
the sudden failure of the kidneys
a disease characterized by arthritis due to the buildup of uric acid, a metabolic waste product, in the joints; can result from several factors, including underexcretion of uric acid by the kidneys
a disease characterized by high levels of glucose, the body’s primary sugar molecule, in the urine; can lead to a variety of secondary diseases, including renal failure
chronic renal failure
gradual failure of the kidneys over a period of time
renal colic
intense waves of pain, often associated with blockage of the urinary system by a kidney stone
kidney stones
small stones that form from waste in the kidneys and that become trapped in the urinary tract
blood in the urine, often seen with infections, cancers, or kidney stones
interstitial cystitis
chronic inflammation of the walls of the bladder of unknown cause
urinary tract infection (UTI)
an infection of any organ of the urinary system
the surgical removal of the adrenal gland, which sits atop the kidney and secretes a variety of hormones
the filtration of the blood using a machine to partially substitute for kidney function by filtering toxins and removing excess water from the body
kidney biopsy
the surgical removal of a small sample of kidney tissue, typically using a special needle inserted through the skin, in order to diagnose conditions such as cancer
kidney transplant
the surgical transfer of a kidney from one person to another
peritoneal dialysis
an alternative to dialysis by blood filtration; it involves injecting a volume of fluid into the peritoneal (abdominal) cavity, followed by its removal a few hours later after it has acquired a load of metabolic wastes
the surgical removal of a stone; e.g., a kidney stone
a procedure that uses ultrasound waves to break kidney stones into smaller pieces
the surgical removal of all or part of the urinary bladder
the visualization of the inside of the ureter using a tiny camera mounted on the tip of a long, flexible tube
urinary catheterization
the insertion of a thin tube, called a catheter, into the urinary bladder
a drug that can kill or slow the growth of bacteria
a drug that can relieve muscle spasm, including, for example, bladder spasms
a substance that encourages urine production
gout diet
a nutritional approach that helps manage gout by reducing foods, such as meat, seafood, and alcohol, whose breakdown produces uric acid
a common antispasmodic drug used to treat polyuria caused by an overactive bladder