Bolton v Stone
what is the case for - 1) Likelihood of harm or injury?
Paris v Stepney
what is the case for 2) Seriousness of consequence
Latimer v AEC
What is the 3) Cost of reasonable precautions
Watt v Herts CC
what is the case for - 4) Social utility:
Hilder v Associated Portland Cement, define?
degree of risk involved (2)
Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks.
The standard expected is that of the reasonable man in the same circumstances as D
Mullins v Richards
Case: a child will be judged against a child of similar age under similar circumstances.
Bolam v Friern
Professionals will be judged against the standard of a reasonable competent professional in their field. Case
Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority,
Bolam test was modified to clarify that the practice of such a reasonable body of medical opinion must be responsible and capable of logical analysis.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
1) D has exclusive management of the situation; AND 2) There is no other explanation for C’s damage other than the negligence of D
Scott v St Katherine’s Docks
D had exclusive management of the warehouse so res ipsa loquitor applied.