1.4.4 - Motivation in Theory and Practice

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What is motivation?

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What is motivation?

The factors influencing the way people behave, such as financial and non-financial incentives, individual character and desire to achieve a goal

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What are benefits of employee motivation?

High labour productivity, low labour turnover, high retention rates, low unit costs, low absenteeism, reduced presentism, improved customer service and better workplace relations

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What is Taylor’s Scientific Management Theory?

Workers should follow strict rules on how to produce products

  • All tasks should be studied scientifically using a study of time and motion

  • The most efficient way of carrying out a task will hence be identified

  • Each employee can then be trained and instructed in exactly how to do a job in the most efficient manner

  • Workers should be closely supervised

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What is Mayo’s Human Relations Theory?

Believed that workers must be seen as members of a group, not individuals. He emphasised that informal group work increases productivity and workers had ‘social needs’ which should take precedence over other areas such as money as a motivator.

He found that motivation can be improved by consultation, paying an interest in workers, teamwork and some degree of autonomy in one’s working day

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What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory?

Based on seeing human needs as being place in order and each need must be fulfilled before moving onto the next

<p>Based on seeing human needs as being place in order and each need must be fulfilled before moving onto the next</p>
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What is Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory?

Job satisfaction is a key factor to motivation which could be influenced both positively and negatively. Motivating factors include, if present, achievement, recognition, promotion and growth, which leads to job satisfaction and hence motivation

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What are financial incentives to improve employee motivation?

The variety of methods that have a money value and are used to reward the workforce and influence their behaviour at work

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What are some financial methods of motivation?

  • Piece rate

  • Commission

  • Bonus

  • Profit share

  • Performance related pay (PRP)

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What are some non-financial methods of motivation?

  • Delegation

  • Consultation

  • Team working

  • Flexible working

  • Job enrichment (increasing level of responsibilities)

  • Job enlargement (increasing number of responsibilities)

  • Job rotation

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