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What is Shintoism
________ is a polytheistic religion based on the respect of nature and ancestors worship.
What was a requirement that the daiymo had to follow ?
The daimyo was in control of each region and were required to visit ________ every 2 years.
How was Toyotomi different than Oda Nabunaga
________ was resourceful and not ruthless like oda he used political alliances, adoption and marriage to gain power over the other Daimyo.
Samurai warriors were _______
________ were usually relatives or dependant of the Daimyo.
Who’s the most important shinto god?
The most important shinto god is the sun goddess ( a common belief amongst most Japaneses people )
Chinese influence on Japans government
As Japan had more contact with Asia it adopted the chinese idea of an emperor
Why was the emperor highly viewed?
They also ruled by dynasties; the emperor was stated to have come down from heaven ( religion played a big role in Japan's feudal system
Who are the 3 powerful Daimyo known as the 3 unifiers began to restore Japan
Toyotomi took over after Oda Nabunaga and then Tokugawa took over after.
When did Tokugawa rule ?
Ruled from 1542 - 1616
Why did Tokugawa not want Japan to be exposed to Western world view?
wanted to ensure Japan's sovereignty by applying the closed country edict
What did Isolationists believe?
Believed that japan could advance on its own
Why did Japan isolate itself ?
Did not want any foreign influence and to protect Japans sovereignty.
Tokugawa (1) ____ and established a ________ (2)
Established government base in Edo
Finalized unification of Japan
Tokugawa ruled that any person who has converted shall _____
Why were daimyo constantly at war
for more power and higher status
Oda Nobunaga was the _____ of the 3 shogun to rule
What did Oda Nabunaga achieve?
Introduced new practiced to pave the way towards a unified Japan
What did Oda Nabunaga achieve?
Gained control over Japanese politics
Built a series of castles to defend his land
What did Oda Nabunaga achieve?
Reduced influence of buddhists
What did Toyotomi change ownership payment to?
rice - koku
Toyotomi helped create a formal class structure ex: ___, ____, ____, ______
Created a formal class structure of samurai, merchants, Eta etc
Hideyoshi attempted to ______ into _____ but he failed
Tried to expand his land into Korea but failed
Who made people choose between being a warrior or a farmer not both?
T/F Tokugawa ordered missionaries to leave 26 were executed and those who survived were left with a warning
T/F Toyotomi helped change government to democracy
Shintoism is a religion that consists of _____
This consists of the belief in divine spirits called Kamis that live in nature.
Why did Japan close their port
to prevent catholic missionaries from coming and converting people
Before the closed country edict was put into place ______ converted ______
Francis Xavier converted 150 000 before the closed country edict was put in place
Why were people converting viewed as bad?
The reason that people converting was seen as bad is because they did not view the Shogun as the highest power rather putting their beliefs first which worried and angered the Bakufu
Who are daimyo ?
The Daimyo was the commander of each region
Ronin are ?
masterless samurai
After Ieyasu’s death the Bakufu worried about the people following other spiritual views so they introduced
the closed country edict
Whats the national seclusion policy?
The National Seclusion Policy developed over six years from 1633 to 1639. It set out controls on the interaction between Japanese and foreigners.
The closed country edict of 1635 stated that:
Japanese ships are strictly forbidden to travel to foreign countries
The closed country edict of 1635 stated that:
No single trading city shall be permitted to purchase all the merchandise brought by foreign ships.
The closed country edict of 1635 stated that:
If any southern barbarians (Westerners) teach Christianity or commit crimes, they may be put into prison.
The closed country edict of 1635 stated that:
No Japanese is permitted to go abroad. Anyone who attempts to do so must be executed.
The closed country edict of 1635 stated that:
Portuguese ships are banned from Japanese ports. Any ship disobeying this order will be destroyed and its crew and passengers executed.
The closed country edict of 1635 stated that:
If any Japanese returns from overseas after residing there, he must be put to death.
The old name for Tokyo. Edo literally means the mouth of bay
The centralized military government
A local government in each domain (province)
The daimyo were divided into three classes:
those most trusted and loyal
nobles of the Tokugawa family
those who had little standing because they may have opposed the shogun before he gained power.
The lord of a local region or the head samurai of a local government
The head of a central military government.
The bakufu wanted to ensure that dainmyo
The Bakufu wanted to ensure that no daimyo could gain enough power and wealth to overtake the shogun or gain power over the members of the bakufu
Every Diamyo must adhere to these rules:
No unnecessary contact between Daimyos
Every Diamyo must adhere to these rules:
Report any suspicious activities, don’t let traitors to the Shogun into their domain
Every Diamyo must adhere to these rules:
There can only be one castle per domain
Every Diamyo must adhere to these rules:
Supply detailed maps of landholding to Bakufu
Every Daimyo must adher to these rules:
Daimyo must support public building project
Why types of theatre is Japan popular for (kabuki)
Kabuki theatre: exaggerated acting, mirrors Japanese life style
Japan is popular for its puppet theatre which is called
What are Geishas
women dancing and singing demonstrating ettiquite
Japan is also popular for
woodblock images and printing press, they also developed poetry (haiku)
What is Osaka known to be
the kitchen of Japan
Osaka has many famous ______
T/F 100’s of warehouses are located in edo
Whats the meaning of sovereignty
independence/self governing
The previous capital of Japan was ____ due to its -______ ( mountains surrounding it)
Kyoto, strategic positioning
What is a feudal system
a system in which people are given land and protection by people of higher rank and work and fight for them
Who were popular patrons of art ?
The daimyo
Why did the merchant class become wealthy?
due to the city growing
When did the Edo period start ?
16th century
How many regions did Japan have
250 regions
What must all commoners do upon coming to Japan?
registering themselves at buddhist temples
List the order of the Hierarchal system
Emperor, Shogun, Daimyo, Samura, Ronin, Peasants, Eta
Who’s a ronin
a masterless samurai
Who are daimyo controlled by
Peasants make up about ____ percent of the population
In order for a Daimyo to marry they must:
receive permission from the bakufu
daimyo are not allowed any ____ , report any ____ and dont let traitors to the __________
any unnessecary contact, report any sus activities, shogun in their domain
What is imperialism
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
The Edo period started from ?
What is the charter oath ?
A document signed after the the overtake of tokugawa (meiji period)
Which 2 groups wanted contact with the outside world?
Liberals and young samurai
Russian Monarchs were called
What is a coup
a violent takeover
Which 4 countries did Japan take advice from or refernced
USA, Germany, France, Britain
When did the meiji period start and end?
what 3 components make regalia
sword, mirror, jewel
Threat of military action
gunboat diplomacy
To be absorbed into a larger group
Who were the Ainu
indegenous japanese people
Whats a constitutional government
It means government conducted according to rules and principles,
Whats economic change
industralization and modernizatio in order to stimulate trade
A former US ranking above Captain
Shogun and Bakufu feared loss of power if
they contacted the outside world
Who were the Eta
people who had jobs relating to deaths
Types of change
Social, governmental, economic, religous change
How does Japans geography affect its worldview
Surrounded by water (closed port), separate from the world
The Bakufu had the ability to
Had the power to relocate them
Had the power to abolish them
Created laws that did not allow for the daimyo to create alliances with each other
Created laws that made it impossible to gain enough money to become a threat
What are the ^ levels of Feudal system
6 Levels of the class system:
Outcasts (Eta)
Non-Humans (Hinin)
How did Communities Change During Isolation?
The shogun created, and maintained five major roadways for the diamyo’s annual pilgrimages to Edo
The regular movement of people had an effect on the economies of the domains of the nation
Economies of the rural and urban areas became intertwined.
As the diamyo and their entourages traveled, the need for services on the route grew
Why did merchants get rich (2)
With all the visitors going to Edo, artisans and merchants started to settle in areas on the main roadways.
This provided the travelers with goods and services
How Did The Popular Culture Of Japan Change During Isolation?
Just as the arts flourished in the city-states of the Renaissance, the popular culture of Japan began to change
Cities grew and the merchant class became more wealthy
The daimyo became patrons of the arts and supported artists, sculptors, painters etc.
How Did Foreign Influence Change Japan Despote Policies Of Isolation?
Depsite it’s policies, Japan was not totally isolated
The Chinese and the Koreans were permitted limited access to the country to meet with Japanese traders ad officials
Chinese influence on Japanese learning increased during isolation as their goods and ideas were actually allowed into Japan
In the 1720’s the shogun himself became interested in Western books and ideas and as a result relaxed restrictions on importing books
China was forced to sign a treaty that gave control of their ports to Britain. What was Japans response
Since they saw China as a powerful nation, they realized the strength of the British Navy.
Abandoned some edicts that might cause Western countries, like Britain, want to invade Japan if they don’t start negotiating.
Commodore Matthew Perry negotiated
Get supplies and coal from Japan
To protect sailors and American ships that might need help
To enter into an official trade agreement
Townsend Harris negotiated
Opened five ports for the Americans
Allowed Americans to live in Edo and Osaka
Supplied Japan with ships, arms, and technicians
Japans response
Intellectuals in the larger domains found the treaties favorable
Others felt that they were unequal treaties
Japan was pressured to sign treaties with Russia, Britain, France and the Netherlands. (also considered unequal)
Japan leaders felt they must compete with the West to meet foreign challenges and protect Japan’s Sovereignty