________ is imposed retrospectively for "contemptuous behavior "that interferes with the administration of justice, such as when a witness refuses to answer a question (and there is no privilege justifying the refusal) or a lawyer or litigant disrupts the courtroom.
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clear consensus
If there is no ________ on the matter, the object of belief can not be considered the truth.
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function of majority
Truth is not a(n) ________ vote.
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inherent feature
The use of the contempt power was considered to be a(n) ________ of judicial power.
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evidence of bias
Any ________ and extrinsic loyalty provides a sufficient ground to disqualify the juror from being chosen to sit on the jury.
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criminal jury
If the ________ can not agree on a verdict, they are called a "hung jury "and the case is dismissed, with the possibility of reprosecuting the defendant.
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Contempt proceedings
________ are a peculiar institution of the common law.
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criminal cases
Juries in ________ do not decide the sentence, with the exception of the power of juries to decide whether the accused deserves the death penalty.
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comparative law
The study of ________________ makes us sensitive to features of a foreign system that might seem perfectly normal to a practitioner living within the system.