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What did many men in the Metis community do?

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What did many men in the Metis community do?

They worked for the North West company & worked as guides or voyagers in the fur trade.

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The Culture of the Metis

Language: Michif combing English & Anishinaabe

Music & Dance: Spoons, fiddle, hand drum, waltz quadrille

Women: Make moccasins, prepared pemican, intricate needle work.

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How was the Metis buffalo hunt different from the first nations way of the buffalo hunt?

  • Used horses instead of jumping off a clift & killing.

  • Closer to the herd with Guns rather than bow and arrow

  • They preferred hunting in larger groups.

  • Use carts to get the meat to the desired locations

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What roles were in the Metis government to oversee the buffalo hunt?

A captain/president to lead the hunt

A council of lieutenants which decided where they are going to hunt and how many animal will be killed

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What was the pemmican proclamation?

Because of the Selkirk settlers experienced food shortages they began to Bison hunt, which was seen as a threat by the Metis. Governor of the colony miles McDonnell issued the pemican Proclamation which banned the export of food, notably pemmican from the red river. This caused Metis to struggle as it was integral part of there comedy & prevented NWC from supplying it’s trading post with pemican, an essential food source.

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What did Lord Selkirk do after the 7 oaks war?

Sent in his own private army in retaliation. Took over the heart of the NWC fur empire in Thunder Bay, captured many other NWC trading post, on their way to Fort Douglas. The Selkirk colony which was under HBC was slowly growing. But the war between the two companies, for 5 years.

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Compare & Constant HBC & NWC


  • smaller in people

  • benefits of royal charter


  • Larger in numbers

  • expanded in the territories

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What did the HBC begin to do that put NWC in a difficult situation?

They mimic the tactic such as lowering trading rates

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Why did the HBC & NWC?

Because of the mimicking in the same tactics NWC had more expensive transportation network & had no where to expand but the North Pacific. They didn’t have the same financial security they constantly looked for investors for expansion

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Where did the HBC get Bison robes?

The first nations who sell to Metis and then the Metis would sell it to HBC. Metis also hunted & prepared the bison robes

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How did the extinction of bison happen?

  • Demanding of Bison robes in the states increased

  • Trasconial railway was being build which block the migration path which was an easy access to the hunters

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What were the Four main factors that set the scene for WW1?

  • Militarism

  • Imperialism

  • Nationalism

  • Military alliances

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What were the two major military alliances in Europe in 1914? (WW1)

Triple alliance: Italy, Austria-Hungary, & Germany

Triple Entente: Britain, Russia, France

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What was the last reason that declared war (WW1)?

Serbian nationalist shot & killed the ArchDuke & Duchess, Austria-Hungary made several demand, Serbia didn’t agree which declared the war

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What was Canada’s response to the world war?

All politician’s in Canada supported Britain, they wanted to play a significant role. They had 30000 men registering to fight in just over a month.

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What was the Trench Warfare?

Germany & France settled in a series of trenches which military leaders believed that the battles could’ve been by launching quick attacks involving a large number of soldiers, but the war dragged & stalemate. The fighting on the french side was mostly don by Canadian solders. They spent 2 weeks at a time in the trenches.

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What were the disadvantages of the life in the trenches?

  • Rats & lice caused diseases

  • feet swelling b/c of the significant amount of water

  • could be short at anytime when repairing the barbered wires

  • Traumatic shock

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What happened during the Battle of Ypres?

Germans released poisonous Cl2 to push back allies but Canadian army held the line. Using urine soaked handkerchiefs to survive. They prevented the germans from advancing but lost 2000/6035 solders

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What was the Pemmican war?

When the HBC men began searching & seizing pemmican from NWC farts. NWC needed the pemmican for their journey, they retaliated by arresting & in prisoning the HBC men. NWC also destroyed many of the Selkirk immigrants crops/land, together the Metis and NWC would drive the immigrants away from the colony. many ran away but more immigrants kept coming

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Why did the Battle of 7 oaks happen?

Governor of HBC said to capture & burn fort Gibraltar a NWC fort, this was a declaration of war to the Metis & NWC

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What was the highlight about the battle of 7 oaks?

The fierce struggle between the HBC & NWC for control of the fur trade

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What did the Royal Proclamation give to the french?

Established the province of Quebec & gave the french there first civil government since the conquest

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What was the main goal of the Royal Proclamation?

Increase the English-speaking immigration to Quebec to encourage english speakers to make Quebec their home.

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Why did the Royal Proclamation fail?

Goven. James Murray thought the Catholic church was more stable than the demands of democracy which led to a an elected assembly, English complained & British were overwhelmed

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What act revoked the pemican proclamation? what did it give?

The Québec act of 1774 ensured the French language rights and made provisions allowing roman Catholics to take some roles in colon’s governess. restating french property and cilil rights but kept the criminal laws of Britain

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Why did the Metis go to the NWT Co. out of the red river area?

Metis & natives were not okay with how fast, how many settles were coming in, it also disturbed there buffalo hunting

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Where were the Hudson Bay Trade post located?

By the Hudson bay, then put up posts where trading was being held

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How did the Northwest Trading company almost put the HBC out of business? How did the HBC counter this?

NWC went to the first nations to who then traded tools with fur. but then the HBC found out they started doing the same thing, & started trading more things

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The feud between the HBC & NWT Co. caused a great deal of fighting between the two companies did the British king reconcile the difference between the two?

George Simpson was the one who sat both parties down for a dinner & told them to set aside there differences, & to merged there two companies.

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What was Thompson trying to accomplish heading west?

  • he wanted to mark a new trading post & reduce the amount of liquor trading

  • Mapped along the tracks they used but NWC would keep it a secret

  • mapped out the west

  • reached the west coast

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What was the reason for the Pemmican Proclamation & what did it do?

  • To stop the HBC settles to getting food & stopping transport

  • It stopped export of food & anything from leaving the red river valley

  • The punishments for this could have been death

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After being released from Prison, Radisson & Groselliers committed treason and went to the British to start the HBC fur trading company. If they did not go to the British & just gave up, do you think that the fur trade still would’ve happened? Why or why not?

No b/c it would’ve happened in the way it did. the reason they are “famous” is b/c they guided the settler in to the unknown places & well if they were not their now then the trade posts would have not been the same. it wouldn’t have been this successful.

Radisson and Groselliers had a motive and that too a strong motive to go agasist the NWC, they were French who went to the English

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How did Jeffrey Amherst think about the first nations? What did he do in return?

Viewed them as a problem & rather not deal with them, British forces gave two blankets and a handkerchief that were infected with small poxs.

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What was the Pontic’s Resistance?

When a first nations chief saw his people struggle after the countless tries to make alliances with the British. he decided war, they took over 12 forts of the British & then negotiated for protecting hunting grounds

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What was the result of the Pontiac’s resistance?

The Royal Proclamation which was b/c the first nations were a threat to the british & the first nations were a threat to the british & the best way to encounter this was creating a clear bounders of the british colones and land reserves of the first nations

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What were some aspects which increased after the immigration in Canada?

  • Created local markets

  • growth in manufacturing sector

  • increased Urbanization

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What were the immigrants from a british Canadian perspective?

they thought that the immigrants should learn there way of learning which was the domination culture rather than organizing immigrants schools, newspapers, etc.

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Why was Canada’s industrialization small and inefficient?

B/c their materials would mostly supply its local markets.

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What were the Major industries in canada?

  • farming

  • fishing

  • forestry

major exports:

  • wheat

  • cheese

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What industry provided many with jobs?

Mineral minding was b/c there was a large deposit. towns & cities started up around the mines as it was an “attraction”

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How were rivers a historically significance in Canada’s development?

  • hydroelectricity

  • fishing

  • farming

  • basic necessities

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What were the benefits of the more railways?

  • forestry was more accessable

Industries expanded

  • mining

  • pulp and paper

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Why did Americans build branch companies in Canada?

To avoid the high import tariffs on there products

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why did they not allow another railroad in the west? what did this pose an issue for the farmers?

A policy known as, a disallowance so that their is no competition for the CPR. the problems were paying for shipping, freight rates, pay for loading & elevator storage. this also posed and issue on getting out to the international markets because of the fact that they had to pay so much

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What was the Manitoba Grain act

A group of farmers who wanted to regulate railroads, and grain elevators dealing, trying to reduce the tariffs on imports.

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What was the fear around free trade?

In central canada, many feared that a free trade agreement would flood canadian markets with less expensive american goods and lead to job loss in candian manufacturing

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what was the great Coalition?

a single goal of union of all british north america colonies

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What was the movement for Maritimes union?

to join together new brunswick, nova scotia, newfoundland, PEI under one government

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why were many Atlantic colonist skeptical about confederation?

Because the size of there colonies were significantly small than those in upper and lower canada therefore thinking that they will have a very little influence and say. they saw themselves very distant and isolated from the canada’s

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What was the conference in Charlottetown for?

to convince the colonies for a confederation, discussing promises which will benefits each colony

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Why was confederation good?

  • American civil war attacks could happen anytime

  • debts of all colonies will be joined

  • get rid of the political deadlock

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What happened at the Quebec conference?

The creation of a constitution & how the country would run Canada would be a federation which meant there was more then one level of government. Federal, provincial, & municipal.

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What was the argument of Anti-Confederation?

  • Central government would have to much power

  • english over representation out numbered the french

  • Losing there identity

  • little country have very little power

  • Having ties to Britain

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what was confederation called? (doc)

the British North American Act

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What was the angle of first nations in the british north american act

All relations & responsibilities that the british crown had were now transferred, to the federal government.

  1. Treaties be made with first nations in order to acquire land

  2. Settling disputes among first nations & European immigrants

Many first nations felt this act attempted to take their rights away and becomes just a responsibility

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What was the Enfranchisement act?

in order for first nations to vote:

  • male 21

  • read/write french or english

  • free of debt

  • loss their status as a first nations

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Why was there a political dead lock?

Britain made a decision that there will be equal representation, which led the french & english to have to be on two different sides all the time.

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Who are the First nations?

People living in/on a land before European contact

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Compare & Contrast First Nation

Great Plains & Northwest

Great plains:

  • Relied on bison

  • houses were portable

Northwest coast:

  • Relied on fish

  • permeant housing

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What did oral traditions consist of?

  • prayer

  • stories

  • songs

    Expresses there history, customs, beliefs & values

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Did First Nation have any written history?

Written records with symbols & figures called petroglyphs found on cliffs, rocks, cave walls. Others on birch-bark scrolls

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Why were elders important to first nations communities?

They had wisdom & knowledge and did not have to be old. You had to off the a gift before asking for anything

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What were the problems with written historical records that the Europeans wrote?

B/c the first nations have two different names for the same tribe it got confusing which tribe they were talk about and stuck to one name

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How did the first nations come to America?

Via years ago the continents were connected russia and alaska which lead to migration from the north

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What is a medicine wheel mean to the first nations?

Represents the relationships between various elements of the world both seen and unseen

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What did the first nations think of themselves?

Saw themselves as the caretakers of the land in a give and take relationship

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How big were communities size’s among the first nations?

Depended on the availability of resources

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How were women treated in first nation communites?

As equals if they were capable they were not to be stopped

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What type of education did students go through?

Holistic, it places equal importance on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life

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How were Justice and conflicts dealt with in first nations communities?

Minor crimes - Family and elders will decide

Major crimes - Seen as a threat to community and were monitored

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What increased between 1812 -1840s?

The immigration, population growth resulted in the development of more agricultural land, towns, larger cities, canals, a boom in railway building across the colonies

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How was the dispute t at 49 parallel divided?

The anglo - American Convention Treaty of 1818

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What was the battle of the Somme?

Allies bombed the german troops to destroy their barbed wire & trenches. went over no man’s land but then suffered great loss of soldiers death. but then the canadian soldiers pushed through and advanced 13 km.

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What was the battle at Vimy ridge?

Near the french - Belgian border, germans had captured the ridge, plus a railway. railways was useful for transportation of supplies & soldiers into the region. but then canadian attacks happened which was successful which then took the ridge

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What was the significance of vimy ridge to Canada?

  • after tow year of fighting they got the land

  • all four canadian army divisons were working together

  • it was a well planned, thought out, there was even a replica of the battle months prior to the attack

  • France & Britain failed to take the land and canada didn’t

  • The reputation it gave canada courageous and strong

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what were the disadvantages of fighting the battle of Passchendaele? what was the result?

B/c of the wet, muddy, uneven grounds the british official in charge were also disorganized and incompetent according to the commander in chief of canada

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what was Canada’s Hundred day’s about and how did WW1 end?

The battle of Amiens was the first of many counter offensives. the allied forces continued to advance. on nov 11 1918 the war end due to an armistice

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Who surveyed the expedition into the west and why?

John Pallieser to see if the land has any potential, possibilities for constructing a transportation network, see if it was fit far farming

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From Palliser’s expedition to today what has changed, what has been consistent, agriculture, land use?

Everything has charge in a small but significant way. The agriculture industry has been booming since we’ve started, settler have increases 1000% and land is being use for various things Cs was found here large deposits of it

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Why was the 49th parallel important?

Set a boundary between the us and british canada. Joint ownership however many conflicts Oregon treaty and set a boarder and the property right of HBC south would be respected

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Why were Americans interested in BC?

Gold rushes along the river side

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What was the Fraser Canyon War?

To create a peaceful co-existence in the Fraser canyon during the gold rush between the first nations & Drunk miners

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What issues happened in first nations communities when gold rushes happened?

  • health concerns (tourist brought diseases with them)

  • Violent drunk miners

  • loss of land

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Why was the 92 resolution say? who was it vetoed by?

Demanded that the appointed councils be more receptive to the elected assembly. 3 years later executive council vetoed the bill.

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B/c the lower Canada grew, protest and rallies broke out what was the result?

Government troops looted and burned lower canada town and the rebel leader had fled

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What was the Jay’s Treaty 1794?

B/c of the war between France & Britain. Britain had been siezing American ships with goods, saliors were forced into this war. Then a letter was sent out to John Jay in london to negotiate treaty terms

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Why were many american not happy with Jay’s Treaty?

they didn’t want closer ties to britain, france rivals of britain will give the best price for their goods. American ships were still being harassed

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What was the point of the war of 1812?

Americans would invade upper canada to join america. but the loyalist stayed and opposed the invasion

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What was the situation in ohio valley after war of 1812

Britain hoped that the land would be given to them for first nations communities.

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What was one of the disadvantages of the elders getting sick?

The elder’s that were older were hit harder which led to a loss of cultural knowledge

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Explain how the rivial between the british and the french for control of the fur trade helped the first nations when they would fight

because when we have two first nations tribes that are liked by the french and british now had to go against each other which was good for the fact that the war would be “far”

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Who were the kings daughters? Les Filles du Roi

Women who were sent to new france to increase the population which led to women in poor condition to get out where they were and got paid 50 french frances. they had to handle the harsh winter and expected to help in the farm and would get a money bonus for any family that had 10 or more kids

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Who were the Arcadians?

They were early french colonist who were making a living in nova scotia & b/c of dispute between the french and british they took an oath and now recognized as british

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What was the 7 years war?

War about land in ohio valley. French thought it was there land because a french dude had mapped the region. the british had developed the colony there

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What was the british conquest of quebec?

General james wolfe wanted to take over Quebec. he was a britisher who brought over 15000 people of all sorts types of people who had different occupations. Burned and destroyed the colonies and framing land there, leading him to victory

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How did the 7 years war end?

with the victory of british, the treaty of paris was signed and new france was given to britain and the french kept two small islands off newfoundland

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Pick two explores and explain there significance?

David Thompson:

  • Astromer & was the clerk for the HBC but then went to the NWC b/c HBC was trading liquor with first nations which he didn’t like

  • One of the first people to set up a post on the rockies

Samuel De Campline:

  • french who wanted to explore outside of tadsaeu and found Québec there were already people there and met donacona a chief of a first nations group. his two sons helped Campline with his journey

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What was lord Selkirk’s plan to settle the red river valley?

He Bought the land for the poor and weak of scotland people/ farmer, to set up a agriculture project in the red river valley. Little did the settles now their was nothing built there for them they had to start completely new.

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What counties had colonized north america?

  • spain

  • Portugal

  • Britain

  • france

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Who were the first european to come to north america

Bjarni Heriolfesson was blown off course and saw land that was not Greenland , viking Leif followed his route years later and found newfound land

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