Autonomous Region
An area of a country that has degree of autonomy, or has freedom from an external authority.
A group of people (often of the same race) who have a shared culture; the cultural component of race.
Failed State
A country where the government has become so weak it has lost control and can no longer provide basic government functions.
A movement to reclaim land by a group who feels they have a claim on that land.
Multinational state
A country that has substantial amounts of more than one ethnicity.
Multistate nation
A nation that controls at least one country but that a substantial portion of that group lives on an adjacent country.
A very cohesive ethnicity - the distinction between the two is not clear
A country where the vast majority of the people are of the same ethnicity.
Semiautonomus region
An area inside of a country that has some power to control itself more than other areas in the country.
The ability of a country to govern itself without outside influence.
A country that has sovereignty (Not like U.S. states)
Stateless Nation
A nationality that does not have a country and isn’t the majority in any country which implies that they “should” have a country.
The perceived connection of people, their culture, and their economic systems to the land.