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 indifference to religion and a belief that religion should be excluded from civil affairs and public education
Natural Revelation
The knowledge of the existence of God and his basic attributes that can be derived by human reason while reflecting on the created order
Divine Revelation
 is the way God communicates knowledge of himself to humankind, a self-communication realized by his actions and words over time, most fully by sending us his divine Son, Jesus Christ
the assumption of human nature by Jesus Christ, God’s eternal Son, who became man to save humankind from sin. The term means “being made flesh.”
 the heritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed down in the Church from the time of the Apostles, from which the MAgisterium draws all that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed
A collection of books by different people teaching the word of God.
Holy trinity
The central mystery of faith. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
What do you learn from natural Revelation
to be faithful, loving, and forgiving
sacred traditions
Moral teachingsÂ
Ten commandment
parts of the gospel
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
number of branches of theology
Total books in the bible
Atheism and theism
Atheism-not believing in any God.
Theism- believing in God
monotheistic vs polytheistic
monotheism- Believing in one God
polytheism- Believing in multiple Gods
Does the idea of revelation exist after the passing of Jesus?
yes, it does.