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Cohort effect
Effect on development specific to a particular time period.
Control group
Group in an experiment that does not receive special treatment.
Correlation coefficient
Statistic measuring the relationship between two variables.
Cross-sectional research design
Data collected at one point in time from multiple age groups.
Cultural capital
Knowledge and social relationships that benefit within a culture.
Qualitative research
Nonquantitative research characterized by observations and interviews.
Consistency of a test or measurement.
Positive development despite adversity or risk.
Risk factor
Variable associated with negative child outcomes.
Socioeconomic status (SES)
Categorization based on parental education, income, and occupation.
Organized group of concepts used to explain human development.
Extent to which a measurement assesses what it is supposed to measure.
Adverse childhood experience (ACE)
Early toxic experience resulting in prolonged stress.
Hormone generated as a response to stress.
Chemical allowing neurons to communicate across synapses.
Physical changes as children move into adulthood.
Sensitive period
Biologically determined time period for specific development.
Junction where neurons communicate with each other or other cells.
Scientific study of observable behavior.
Classical conditioning
Neutral stimulus paired with a stimulus causing an involuntary response.
Mental processes like thinking, planning, reasoning, and remembering.
Concrete operational stage
Ability to think logically about concrete objects and experiences.
Understanding that properties of objects do not change with appearance.
Belief that knowledge is constructed through social interaction.
Continuous reinforcement
Reinforcement after every correct response.
Direct instruction
Didactic form of instruction based on operant conditioning.
State of cognitive balance or comfort.
Extinction (classical conditioning)
Conditioned stimulus no longer elicits conditioned response.
Extinction (operant conditioning)
Elimination or decline in response due to stopping reinforcement.
Formal operational stage
Ability to think abstractly and systematically test hypotheses.
Guided participation
Novice learns through expert's scaffolding.
Negative reinforcement
Removal of aversive stimulus increasing probability of response.
Object permanence
Knowledge that objects continue to exist out of view.
Operant conditioning
Voluntary behavior conditioned through consequences.
Positive reinforcement
Presentation of consequence increasing probability of response.
Preoperational stage
Ability to use symbolic thought but unable to think logically.
Consequences reducing probability of response.
More competent person helps child master new skills.
Belief in capability to perform a specific task.
Social constructivism
Knowledge constructed through social interaction.
Sociocultural theory
Theory of how children learn based on social interaction and culture.
Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
Distance between what learners can do independently and with assistance.
Deep and enduring affectionate bond between people.
Goodness of fit
Degree of match between temperament and environmental demands.
Internal working models (IWMs)
Memories and expectations influencing approach or avoidance of others.
Personality traits
Tendencies to behave, think, and feel in consistent ways.
Personality types
Clusters of traits that tend to occur together.
Personality type characterized by high levels of openness and conscientiousness.
Secure attachment
Attachment characterized by security, open communication, and delight.
Ability to control behavior, emotions, and attention.
Authoritarian parenting style
High control, low acceptance parenting style.
Authoritative parenting style
High control, acceptance, and autonomy support parenting style.
Classroom management
All aspects of managing the classroom, including discipline.
Delay of gratification
Ability to delay immediate desires for greater rewards later.
Indifferent parenting style
Low control and acceptance parenting style.
Discipline involving giving reasons for behavior change or rule compliance.
Power assertion
Coercive discipline using adult's greater power or resources.
Psychological control
Coercive discipline inducing guilt or fear of loss of love.
Subjective reaction to an important event, involving physiological or behavioral change.
Emotion regulation
Capacity to control intensity and duration of emotions.
Emotional competence
Ability to regulate own emotions and read others' emotions.
Externalizing disorders
Emotional disorders based on anger and aggression.
Internalizing disorders
Emotional disorders based on sadness or anxiety.
Problem-focused coping strategies
Action-oriented strategies to change the situation.
Social emotions
Complex emotions like shame, guilt, and pride.
Social referencing
Reading others' emotions to determine how to respond.
Social cognition
Thought processes applied to the social domain.
Theory of mind (ToM)
Ability to infer mental states in others.
Attachment hierarchy
Vertical organization of primary and secondary attachment figures.
Avoidant attachment
Insecure attachment characterized by anxiety and emotional distancing.
Resistant attachment
Insecure attachment characterized by exaggerated emotions and clinginess.
Strange Situation Procedure (SSP)
Laboratory task testing quality of attachment in young children.
Individual differences in reactivity and ability to control it.
Ability to control behavior, emotions, and attention.
Delay of gratification
Ability to delay immediate desires for greater rewards later.
Discipline involving giving reasons for behavior change or rule compliance.
Power assertion
Coercive discipline using adult's greater power or resources.
Psychological control
Coercive discipline inducing guilt or fear of loss of love.
Subjective reaction to an important event, involving physiological or behavioral change.
Emotional competence
Ability to regulate own emotions and read others' emotions.
Problem-focused coping strategies
Action-oriented strategies to change the situation.
Social emotions
Complex emotions like shame, guilt, and pride.
Social referencing
Reading others' emotions to determine how to respond.
Social cognition
Thought processes applied to the social domain.
Theory of mind (ToM)
Ability to infer mental states in others.
A-not-B Error
Children observe an object being moved from hiding place A to hiding place B, but they search in hiding place A. Typical of sensorimotor stage.
The process by which children modify existing mental structures or schemes in order to adapt to a new experience, according to Piaget
Attribution of lifelike qualities, like intention, to nonliving, inanimate objects
The process by which children incorporate experience into existing mental structures or schemes, according to piaget
Behavior Modification
Operant conditioning used to change human behavior, frequently applied in special ed classrooms.
learning, or creating conditions conducive to learning
the tendency to see the world from your own pov while failing to see others pov
Intermittent reinforcement
Reinforcement occurs after some, but not all, responses
Private Speech
Talking to oneself out loud, or in ones mind to help regulate one’s own behavior or problem solve
A common internalizing disorder in which feelings of sadness are severe for at least 2 weeks or are milder but chronic
Basic emotions
universal, innate emotions appearing in the first months of life (interest, fear, joy, sadness, disgust, and anger)
Moral Identity
The degree to which being a moral person is central to a person’s self identity
Moral judgement
Reasoning about moral dilemmas that involve justice in a context where rules, laws, formal obligations, and authority are emphasized
Prosocial Reasoning
Reasoning about moral dilemmas in which one person’s needs or desires conflict with another’s, but in context where laws, rules, or formal obligations are minimal
A tight knit group of about 2 to 10 friends, usually of the same sex and same age