Reformers/Antebellum Authors/Etc.

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Amelia Bloomer

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Amelia Bloomer

-Women’s rights and temperance advocate

-did not create bloomers (clothes) but advocated for wearing them

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Angelina and Sarah Grimke

-Southern Quakers, educators, writers

-early advocate for abolition and women’s rights

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton

-social activist, abolitionist, led early women’s suffrage movement

-suffrage @ Seneca Falls Convention in 1848

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Lucretia Mott

-Quaker, abolitionist, women’s rights activist, social reformer

-helped Cady Stanton @ Seneca Falls Convention

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Lucy Stone

-Orator, abolitionist, suffragist, vocal advocate for women’s rights

-refused to take husband’s last names

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Sojourner Truth

-Ain’t I a Woman=gender equalities

-African-american abolitionist, women’s rights activist

-Was slave then escaped

-Went to court to get her son, 1st black woman to win a case against a white man

-Name was Isabelle Baumfree, gave herself her name, Sojourner truth

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Susan B. Anthony

-social reformer, women’s suffrage movement, abolitionist, part of anti slavery soc

-arrested for voting, had a publicized trial, refused to pay fine

-Anthony and Stanton + Congress = amendment to give women voting rights

-got passed in 1920 as the 18th Amendment, aka Anthony Amendment

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William Lloyd Garrison

-abolitionist journalist, suffragist, social reformer

-editor for abolitionist newspaper (The liberator)

-one of the founders of American Anti Slavery society

-wanted emancipation of slaves

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David Walker

-militant African American abolitionist, anti slavery activist

-published to call for black unity, self-help to fight oppression and injustice

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Elijah Lovejoy

-presbyterian minister, journalist editor, abolitionist

-was murdered by pro slavery mob

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Frederick Douglass

-African American social reformer, orator, writer, statesman

-escaped from slavery, leader of abolitionist movement

published The North Star newspaper to help black troops get organized during the Civil war

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Theodore Dwight Weld

-during abolitionist developing years: was writer, speaker, editor, organizer

-co-author of American Slavery As It Is:Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses

-writings inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom’s Cabin

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John Brown

-white abolitionist, believed armed insurrection best way to take down slavery institutions

-killed 5 slavery supporters in Pottawatomie Massacre (1856)

-(1859) led unsuccessful raid on the federal armory, was captured, trial, then hanged

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

-abolitionist and writer

-Uncle Tom’s Cabin (life of african americans under slavery)

-book became popular in US and UK

-south hated it, north loved it

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Harriet Tubman

-african american abolitionist, humanitarian, Union Spy in Civil War

-rescued and freed slaves thru Underground Railroad

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Elizabeth Blackwell

-1st woman to get medical degree

-friend encouraged her, said she would feel more comfortable

-blackwell felt women better docs bc motherly instinct

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Dorothea Dix

-activist on mentally insane

-greated mental asylums

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-belief that spirituality can be achieved thru self reflec and intuition

-human connec w nature

-idealism > materialistic

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Henry David Thoreau

-author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, transcendentalist

-human connec w nature

-nonviolent protest=refused to pay taxes for mexican war

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Margaret Fuller

-journalist and women’s rights advocate

-important figure of transcendentalist movement

-inspired a character of Scarlet Letter

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

-essayist, lecturer, poet

-led transcendentalist movement in 1850s

-champ of indiv, critic of pressures society

-expressed philosophy of transcend

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Horace Mann

-educational reformer

-argued for universal public education

-need edu to turn all bad kids into good republican citizens

“Father of the Common School Movement“

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Mary Lyon

-pioneer women’s education

-estab Wheaton, Mount Holyoke

-vision= intellectual + morals

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Catharine Beecher


-argued for kindergarten in kids edu

-want physical edu in school

-womens role= mothers and teachers

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William Holmes McGuffey

-wrote McGuffey Readers (first textbooks)

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Emma Willard

-women’s rights activist

-found first women’s higher education school

-promote women’s edu

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Noah Webster

-lexicographer, textbook, pioneer, english lang spelling reformer

-”Father of american Scholarship and Foundation”

-taught=spell and read

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Walt Whitman

-poet, essayist, journalist

-part of transition of transcendentalist and realist movement

-”Father of Free verse”

-”leaves of grass”=about sex

-”my captain, my captain”=about abe lincoln

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Emily Dickinson


-short lines, unconventional capitalism

-about death and immortality

-became famous after death

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Nathaniel Hawthorne

-author (romanticism era)

-guilt, sin, evil=natural qualities of humans

later writings reflected bad side transcend

-Scarlet Letter, the house of the seven gables, the blithedale romance

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

-poet, educator

-paul revere’s ride, song of Hiawatha, evangeline

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James Fenimore Cooper


-wrote about frontier and indian life

-The last of the mohicans

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Louisa May Alcott


-wrote Little Women

-raised by transcend parents

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Herman Melville

-novelist and poet


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Washington Irving

-author, short stories

-Rip van winkle, the legend of sleepy hollow

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Edgar Allen Poe

-author, poet, editor, literary critic

-the raven, the tell-tale heart

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Thomas Cole


-his art=realistic and american landscape/wilderness=features of romanticism

-found hudson river school

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Frederic Church

-american landscape painter

-cent fig at hudson river school

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Charles Grandison Finney

-Presbyterian minister

-leader in 2nd great awakening, preacher

-”father of modern revivalism”

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Joseph Smith

-leader/founder of Mormonism

-experienced visions from Jesus/God, angel

-published the book of mormon

-was killed by mob

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Brigham Young

-leader of mormons after smith (latter day)

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Mother Ann Lee

-leader of Shakers

-followers danced/shaked=shakers (shaking quakers)

-sinfulness could be avoided=treat men and women equally + keep them seperate

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Robert Owen

-social reformer

-one of the founders utopian socialism and cooperative movement

-began a utopian community/project —>failed bc people were crazy and lazy

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John Humphrey Noyes

-preacher, radical relig philosopher, utopian socialist

-found “Perfectionist“ Oneida Community

-community believed the Jesus returned

-thought to have been free of sin, could by polygamous (free love)

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