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aug 1939
nazi-soviet pact
allies allowed hitler to take over parts of czech w/o consulting stalin
aug 1945
atomic bomb (kept secret from stalin until last second)
1920 US
isolationism (leaves league of nations)
14th aug 1941
atlantic charter - principles to govern post-war world
until 1944
delay of second front
28th nov-1st dec 1943
dismemberment of germany
agreed on second front
feb 1945
germany in 4 zones
US (roosevelt) - help in japan by SU
UK (churchill) - democratic goverment in europe (spec. poland)
SU (stalin)- soviet sphere of influence
july-aug 1945
attlee + truman
SU felt cheated as only 1/3 german population + even lower % industrial facilities
5th june 1945
berlin declaration
germany occupied by allies
6 aug 1945
atomic bomb
march 1946
iron curtain speech
keenans long telegram
march 1947
truman doctrine
$400 mil to greece + turkey
spring 1947
marshall plan
sep 1947
jan 1947
bizonia + trizonia
+ introduction to deutshmark
oct + 8th may 1949
east + west germany
25 june 1950
NK invades SK
mccarthur wanted to use nuclear weapons
US committed to supporting asian countries
war ends
sep 1954
1945, 49, 52, 57, 63
1952 US
4th nov
hungarian uprising
nagy proposed new reforms INC LEAVING WARSAW PACT
tanks rolled into budapest 200,000 hungarians killed
nagy asked west for help but no help
by 1958
3 mil east germans crossed to west (low standard of living bc marshall plan)
nov 1958
Khrushchev demands berlin transport controlled by EG
may 1959
discussed berlin - NO CONSLUSION
sep 1959
camp david
SU withdrew Berlin Ultimatum - BETTER RELATIONS
May 1960
U2 incident
june 1961
JFK president
Vienna - reinstated berlin ultimatum
aug 1961
berlin wall built
oct 1961
checkpoint charlie
jan 1959
che guevera + castro overthrew batista
bay of pigs
march 1960 - recruited cuban exiles to invade cuba (1500)
LED TO castro being closer to SU + US = weak - $5 mil to release exiles
SU building missile sites in Cuba (oct 1962)
oct 1962
17th - discover missile sites in cuba
21 - quarantine in cuba
22 - publicised
23 - quarantine line drawn back + 1st letter (khrushchev doesnt admit missiles)
24 - DEFCON 2
25 - excomm proposes to withdraw US missiles turkey if SU withdraws missiles
26 - 2nd letter (khrushchev wont remove missiles unless blockade lifted)
27 - robert secretly says that US will remove missiles
limited test ban treaty
by 1969
new leader dubcek won respect from SU leader brezhnev
reforms: PRAGUE SPRING (political freedom, elections, etc) BUT some civilians wanted to leave warsaw
brezhnev pressured to stop czech by poland leader (gamulka) and EG leader (Ulbricht)
aug - 500,000 troops invade
dubcek replaced by husak
sep 1968
brezhnevv doctrine
supress anyone trying to leave warsaw
condemned by romania + yugoslavia
1967 treaty
outer space
stopped arms race in space
non proliferation
april 1971
ping pong diplomacy (world table tennis championship)
feb 1972
shanghai communique signed by kissinger + mao
may 1972
SALT 1 - limited no of weapons of US+SU (ABM treaty + Interim treaty - restricted ICBMs)
BUT US had MIRVS secretly
SALT led to NIxon + brezhnev meeting 1972 + 1973
1972 agreement
basic principles agreement
rules if nuclear warfare