PSB 3340 @ UF Dr. Lori Knackstedt L20 Hormones and Reproductive Behavior
testes and ovaries are undifferentiated until the ___ week of gestation
SRY, testis
the ___ gene on the Y chromosome encodes _____-determining factor
organizational, activational
hormones determine gender via ________ and ________ effects
Wolffian system
system that needs hormones from testes to form; receptors for those hormones must be present; MALE
Mullerian system
the default system (needs no hormonal stimulus from gonads); FEMALE
anti-Mullerian hormone
hormone that causes the Mullerian system to wither away; defeminization
sex hormones that cause the Wolffian system to develop into the vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate; masculinization
the primordial external genitalia also develop into the penis and scrotum
a type of androgen that masculinizes internal sex organs
enzyme that converts testosterone into the more powerful dihydrotestosterone (DHT), necessary to form male genitalia
gonadotropic hormones
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) & luteinizing hormone (LH) are two types of…
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
hormone released from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate the production and release of the gonadotropic hormones
hypothalamic peptide that simulates the release of GnRH; involved in the onset of puberty
gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone (GnIH)
hormone released by the hypothalamus to inhibit gonadotropic secretion
hypothalamus, GnRH, anterior pituitary, FSH, LH, testes, testosterone, hypothalamus
(MALE) Fill in the blanks using the following: LH, FSH, testosterone, hypothalamus, testes, GnRH, anterior pituitary
__________ → _____ → _______ _______ → ____ & ___ → ______ → ________ → ___________
hypothalamus, GnRH, anterior pituitary, FSH, ovaries, follicle, estrogen, hypothalamus
(FEMALE #1) Fill in the blanks using the following: FSH, estrogen, hypothalamus, follicle, anterior pituitary, GnRH, ovaries
_________ → _____ → ______ _______ → ___ → ______ → _______ → _______ → _________
hypothalamus, GnRH, anterior pituitary, LH, ovaries, ovulation, corpus luteum, progesterone, hypothalamus
(FEMALE #2) Fill in the blanks using the following: LH, anterior pituitary, corpus luteum, hypothalamus, ovulation, progesterone, GnRH, ovaries
______ → ____ → ______ ______ → ___ → _______ → ________ → ______ ______ → ________ → _________
oral contraceptives
pills that contain synthetic steroids which feed back on the hypothalamus and inhibit release of GnRH
hot flashes, memory problems, joint pain, CVD, Alzheimer’s
symptoms of menopause include….
menopause also increases the risk of ____ and _______
estrogen, lordosis, testosterone, mounting
female rats injected w/ ______ early in life failed to show _____ as adults; when these same rats are injected w/ ______ in adulthood, they would show ______
enzyme that converts testosterone to estradiol
aromatization hypothesis
hypothesis that testosterone enters the brain and is converted there to estrogens, which mascunalize the developing rodent brain
in female rats, estrogen does NOT enter the brain and is kept in the bloodstream where it is bonded with _-________, preventing aromatization and masculinization
rats don’t have enough of these proteins when estrogen is injected → masculinization
medial amygdala, medial preoptic area
the 2 parts of the MALE rat brain involved in sexual behavior are…
sexual, Fos
medial amygdala:
destruction disrupts _______ behavior
mating causes production of ____ protein
sexually dimorphic, Fos, testosterone, enhances
medial pre optic area:
destruction abolishes sexual behavior
prenatal stress reduces size of ______ ______ nucleus and decreases sexual behavior
mating causes production of ___ protein
injection of _______ enhances/disrupts sexual behavior of castrated rats
chemical signals that communicate information b/t animals of the same species to help coordinate their reproductive activities
vomeronasal organ (VNO)
organ that has specialized receptor cells near to but separate from the olfactory epithelium and detects pheromones; activates male arousal in rats
olfactory, amygdala, preoptic area
VNO information → accessory _____ bulb → medial ______ → medial ________ ____
female rat’s interest in mating
female rat’s willingness to mate
AKA sexually receptive, in heat, estrus
position female rat takes to let male know she is receptive
how healthy a mate is; animals know this depending on olfactory cues (hormones)
periaqueductal gray matter, medial amygdala, ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus
the 3 parts of the FEMALE rate brain involved in sexual behavior are…
Fos, estrogen, progesterone, estradiol, progesterone, enhances
ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus (VMH):
destruction abolishes sexual behavior (lordosis)
mating causes production of ___ protein
neurons contain _____ and ________ receptors
injection of _____ and _______ enhances/disrupts sexual behavior of overiectomized rats
estradoil, VMH, increases, estrogen, progesterone
periaqueductal gray matter:
destruction abolishes sexual behavior (lordosis)
_____ treatment or stimulation of ___ increases/decreases neural activity
neurons contain _____ and _______ receptors
medial amygdala
the brain region involved in sexual behavior that is the same in both male and female rats is…
important for female proceptive behavior
increases proceptive behavior and activates receptivity
ovulation, any
female rats are ONLY receptive during _____ whereas women are receptive at ___ point during their cycle
Persistant Müllerian duct syndrome
genetic disorder:
there is EITHER no anti-Mullerian hormone OR no receptors for it
autosomal recessive disorder
undescended testes and small uterus
usually infertile, male identity
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
genetic disorder:
lack of androgen receptors prevents masculinization & de-feminizing effects of a androgens
XY - have testes (internal) and anti-Mullerian hormone
external sex organs are clitoris and labia
infertile (no Mullerian system)
at puberty, breasts develop, hips widen, but no menstruation
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
genetic disorder:
adrenal glands secrete large amounts of androgen → prenatal masculinization
XY - develop normally
XX - enlarged clitoris, partly fused labia
prenatal androgens masculinize the brain
2 structures of the brain that are bigger in males are…