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The word "____" comes from the Latin word that means "worship."
Cults often begin with an authoritative or mystical person who claims to have received new ____ from God
There's a regular development or change in doctrine
Unstable doctrine
What famous cereal brand was created to promote vegetarianism?
Kellogg's "Corn Flakes"
John 8:58 teaches what attribute regarding the deity of Christ?
Russell taught that Jesus is the archangel ___
What are the standard works?
The Bible, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrines and Covenants
Who were the righteous Jews that are recorded in the Book Mormon?
Sociological Context
Those whose beliefs seem unorthodox in comparison to the norm of society
Theological Context
Any unorthodox group that has distorted the fundamental teachings of a certain religion
Christian Context
A perversion of Biblical Christianity
6 Characteristics of Non-Christian Cult
1. New Truth
2. New Interpretation of Scripture
3. Heretical Teachings about Jesus
4. Attack orthodox Christianity
5. Unstable Doctrine
6. Gospel without Grace
Seventh Day Adventists have their roots in the Adventism movement of the ____ ____
19th Century
William Miller predicted that Jesus would return to earth on _____ __ _____
October 22, 1844
What were followers of William Miller called?
William Miller's prediction regarding Jesus' return was reinterpreted into what SDA doctrine?
Investigative Judgment
On what day do the SDA worship?
Although Seventh Day Adventists profess to believe in salvation by faith alone, their practice proves that they rely on ____ as well
Today, there are some Christians scholars that no longer identify the SDA as a cult but simply another _____ ______
Christian denomination
Which verse did William Miller misinterpret to predict the return of Jesus Christ?
Daniel 8:14
Who is the founder/leader of the Seventh-Day Adventists?
Ellen G. White
The roots of the SDA begin with
Who predicted that Jesus would return on October 22, 1844?
William Miller
According to the New Testament, what portion of the Old Testament law are Christians under today?
Jesus having a conversation with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17 refutes what SDA teaching?
Soul Sleep
What verse does the SDA misinterpret for their doctrine of soul sleep?
1 Thessalonians 4:13
What does the SDA doctrine of annihilationism teach?
The wicked will be destroyed and cease to exist
The SDA teaches _____ and calls its members to refrain from meat, fish, coffee, and tea.
Who is the founder of Mormonism?
Joseph Smith
Who was the angel that appeared to Joseph Smith and informed him about the golden plates?
Who were initiated into the Aaronic priesthood by John the Baptist?
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
What two priesthoods have been reinstituted according to Mormonism?
Melchizedek and Aaronic
In what year was the Mormon church established?
Which book contains Mormonism's 13 Articles of Faith.
Pearl of Great Price
Mormons believe that the Bible is the word of God as far as it is ____ _____.
translated correctly
In what city is the headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints located?
Salt Lake City, UT
What did the angel Moroni reveal was buried in the hills of Cumorah?
Golden Plates
Who led "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" after the death of the founder of Mormonism?
Which standard work contained 130+ revelations by Joseph Smith and a declaration to end polygamy?
The Doctrine and Covenants
According to Mormonism, who is the god of this world?
The Mormon teaching that man can become a god is known as what?
The title "Son of God" teaches that Jesus is ______
"of the same order of"
Which verse do the Mormons misinterpret to develop their practice of baptizing for the dead?
1 Corinthians 15:29
What is the highest kingdom in the afterlife where God the Father resides?
Celestial Kingdom
Where do Satan and the demons live?
Outer Darkness
Who goes ends up in Outer Darkness?
Sons of Perdition - complete apostates of the Mormon faith
Which kingdom does Jesus visit but not God the Father?
The Terrestrial Kingdom
Which kingdom does the Holy Spirit visit but not Jesus or God the Father?
The Telestial Kingdom
Who ends up in the Terrestrial Kingdom?
People who rejected the Mormon faith but received it in the afterlife
Who ends up in the Telestial Kingdom?
Those who rejected the Mormon faith in their mortal life and afterlife, after death
Who ends up in the Celestial Kingdom?
Mormons who adhere to all the teachings of the Mormon faith to reach this position after death
Who is the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses?
Charles Taze Russell
What was the name of the Bible study Charles Russell organized in 1870?
the Millennial Dawn Bible Study
When did Russell predict Christ would return?
When did Russell predict the physical kingdom would be established?
What was Russell's family religious background?
What two magazines are published by the WBTS?
Watchtower and Awake
Where is the Watchtower Society's Headquarters located?
Warwick, New York