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A organism from which others have descended.
A tree-like diagram that displays evolutionary relationships among living species and their ancestors.
Comparative Anatomy, DNA analysis, and Fossil Record
3 major lines of evidence for theory of evolution
Comparative Anatomy
the study of anatomical similarities and the differences in species. In simpler words, the comparing body structures of two species
Homologous structurs
Body structures that have a common origin but do not have the same function.
Analogous structures
Structures that share the same functions but do not come from the origin.
Vestigial Structure
Structures that have lost a purpose/function. We do not need them.
The study of unborn animals in a very early age of development. Considered evidence of evolution because of similarities of very different organisms.
Most powerful form of evidence of evolution. Nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA are analyzed.
Inherited traits that help organisms survive and reproduce in its environment.
The process of how organisms acquire adaptations over time.
Charles Darwin
proposed that natural selection is the process for evolution and noted the differences in finchesā beaks on the Galapagos Islands in 1859.
Natural Selection
The process by which organisms with favorable adaptations survive and reproduce at a higher rate than organisms with less favorable adaptations.
Populations producing more offspring than can survive to adulthood and reproduce
Genetic Variation
Individuals in a population can vary.
Favorable adaptations accumulate
1 main idea behind natural selection
Favorable adaptations are selected
Overpopulation causes members of the same species, as well as other species, to compete for limited resources like food, water and a place to live.
Selective Breeding
Humans choose how animals adapt.
Selective Breeding
Takes a short period of time, cause by humans.
Natural Selection
Takes over a long period of time, caused by nature.