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What are two other names for the hip bone?
os coxae and innominate bone
What bones comprise the hip bone?
ilium, ischium, pubis
How many bones comprise the acetabulum?
Name the bones that comprise the acetabulum?
ilium, ischium, pubis
Which bone only comprises 1/5 of the acetabulum?
Which bone(s) comprises 2/5 of the acetabulum?
ilium and ischium
What is the curved portion of the ilium called?
The wing of the ilium is also called the_____
Identify the three borders of the ilium.
anterior, posterior, and superior
ASIS stands for
Anterior superior iliac spine
When a person is in the seated position which portion of the ischium will the patient be sitting on?
ischial tuberosity
The __________trochanter of the femur is medial
The________trochanter of the femur is lateral
A small depression in the center of the head of the femur
fovea capitis
The obturator foramen is formed by which bones?
ischium and pubis
Two common sites for fractued hips in the elderly are_____________ and ___________.
femoral neck and intertrochanteric crest
In the average adult the neck of the femur projects anteriorly approximately ___ to ___ degrees.
How many joints form the pelvis?
5- right hip, left hip, symphysis pubis, right SI, Left SI
Which joint of the pelvis is not freely moveable?
symphysis pubis
A wide, shallow shaped pelvis with light bony structure, an oval inlet and wide outlet describes a ________________pelvis.
A narrow, deep shaped pelvis with a heavy bony structure, round inlet and narrow outlet describes a ____________pelvis.
The highest point of the greater trochanter is in the same horizontal plane as_______
the midpoint of the hip joint and the coccyx
The head of the femur is located ___" below a line between the ASIS and the symphysis pubis.
1.5 inches
The neck of the femur is located___ below a line drwan between the ASIS and the symphyis pubis.
2.5 inches
The legs whould be internally rotated ______ degrees for the AP pelvis.
15-20 degrees
When the legs are properly rotated for the AP pelvis what anatomical structure should not be seen or barely visible?
lesser trochanter
The heels are placed about _ to _ inches apart for the AP pelvis.
8-10 inches
The patient is placed supine for the AP pelvis to prevent rotation what structures should be an equal distance from the table?
How are the feet and legs placed when an obvious defomity is present in the hip?
it is contraindicated to rotated the leg of an obvious fracture the leg remains in the position the patient has placed the leg.
The CR for the AP pelvis is________________
2" inferior to the ASIS and 2" superior to the symphysis pubis
The cassette is placed _______________for a pelvis image,
What position are the greater trochanters placed on a properly positioned AP pelvis?
Modifed Cleaves method places the femora at a ___ angle.
45 degrees is preferred toplace the long axis of the femoral necks parallel with the IR
The CR is angled _ to __ degrees for the Axiolateral original Cleaves method.
25-45 degrees depending on how vertical the femora have been placed
The CR is ______________ to the femoral neck.
The lower limb is _______rotated for a AP hip.
medially rotated 15-20 degrees
What adjustments must be made when a orthopedic device is present in the patient's hip?
The CR and size of cassette maybe adjusted to include all of the anatomy of the fixation device.
How is the lateral surface of the hip placed for a Laustein method?
The patient is obliqued to place the lateral surface of the affected hip in contact with the table
The CR is centered to the femoral neck for the Laustein and Hickey method. How is the femoral neck located?
a line drawn between the ASIS and the symphyis pubis at th emidpoint drop down 2.5 " below to the femoral neck
The Hickey method requries a ______ CR angle.
20-25 degrees cephalic angle
The Laustein method requries a __________CR angle.
perpendicular- zero degree angle
The Danelius Miller method is also called___________hip.
axiolateral projection
crosstable lateral hip and surgical lateral
The CR is directed to the _____________for the Danelius Miller method.
perpendicular to the femoral neck and perpendicular to the IR
Why is the foot not rested on the collimator for the crosstable lateral hip?
possible burn from the collimator
What is the position of the unaffected leg for a crosstable lateral hip?
The unaffected leg must be raised to allow proper centering and to clear the affected hip area of excessive soft tissue or bony structures .
The grid lines must be placed in the ________ position.
The leg should be medially rotated _to ___degrees on the crosstable lateral when not contraindicated.
15-20 degrees
Clement Nakayama is used for what conditions?
Very helpful when the patient cannot raise the opposite leg for a crosstable lateral hip or when both hips are injuried
The grid is tilted back how many degrees for a Clements Nakayama?
top of the grid is tilted poserior 15 degrees. The CR must be angle perpendicular to the cassette which is now 15 degrees posterior tuble angled- 15 degrees to match
The Teufel method demonstrates what structure?
fovea capitis and the superoposterior wall of the acetabulum
What body position will the patient be placed for a Teufel method?
38 degree RAO or 38 degree LAO affected side down.
The Judet method demonstrates the __________.
The body is rotated ___ degrees for the Judet.
A suspected fracture of hte iliopubic column (anterior)and the posterior rim of the acetablum are demonstrated in the __________
Internal oblique Judet method with 45 degree rotation
A suspected fracture ofthe ilioischial column ( posterior) and the anterior rim of the acetabul are demonstrated in the _____.
external oblique Judet method with 45 degree rotation
The CR is directed to the_________for the Judet.
perpendicular to the symphysis pubis
The Taylor method is alos called a______ projection.
AP axial outlet projection
The CR is angled _____ degrees for a male for the Taylor method.
20-35 degrees cephalad
The CR is angled ________ degrees for a feamle patient for the Taylor method.
30-45 degrees
The CR is centered to a point 2 " distal to what structure for Taylor method?
superor border of the symphysis pubis
The Inlet projection is also called__________
Bridgeman method
The CR is angled _____________for a superoinferior axial Inlet projection.
40 degree caudad
The Inlet view is centered to the _______
level of ASIS
The breathing instructions for all pelvis and hip images are_______>
The anterior pelvic bones ae demonstrated in an axial projection called the___.
Bridgeman method or superoinferior axial inlet
The pubic bone and ischial bones are magnified with the pubic bones superimposed over the scacrum and couccyx in this axial projection
Taylor method
AP axial outlet method