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contains the lens you look through
coarse focus adjustment
controls the movement of the body tube, used only for large adjustments in focusing and to bring objects into view under low power only
low power
when is coarse adjustment used?
fine focus adjustment
controls movement of the body tube, used to sharply focus image after coarse adjustment has been used
low power objective lens
used first to bring object into view.
scanning objective
what is low power AKA
supports the body tube. along with the base is one of the two points you should be holding when carrying a microscope
body tube
connecting piece between the eyepiece and the objective lens
revolving nose piece
contains the objective lenses and can be related
medium power objective lens
use only after object has been focused under low objective power
high objective power
used only after getting object into focus under medium power objective lens
stage clips
holds microscope slides in place
platform that holds slides
rotates to control the amount of light that reaches eyepiece
light source
electrical lgiht that directs light up to the stage
supports microscope. along with the arm is one of the 2 points you should be holding whne carying a microscope
step 1
start on low power, use coarse adjuments and fine adjustment
step 2
turn nosepiece to medium power and only use fine adjustment
steps 3
turn nosepeice to high power and use fine adjustment only
how much an image is enlarged
allows one to see finer details
eyepiece * objective lens= total magnification
how to find magnification
coarse adjustment focus
fine focus adjustment
low power objective lens
body tube
revolving nosepiece
medium power objective lens
high power objective lens
stage clips
light source
the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms
t or f: cells are so small that their existence was unkown until the microscope
observed cells in 1665, saw little boxes
called them cells becasue they reminded him of the little room that monks live in
coined the term cell
Robert Hooke
Van Leeuwenhoek
viewed living organisms from pond water through an imporved microscope with better lenses in 1664 (L)
van leewenhouek
discovered living creatures in the water and named them animalcules
1838- proposed that all plants are made up of cells
1839- noticed similarities between plant and animal cells and concluded that animals are made up of cells as well
1855- proposed cells are produced from division of existing cells
animals are made up of cells
discovered living creatues in water
van leewenhourk
all cells come from exsiting cells
plants are amde up of cells
cell theory
one of the fundamental ideas of modern biology
all living organisms are made of one or ore cells, cells are the basic unit of structure , cells come from previously existing cells
cell theory
compound light microscopes
use a series of glass lenses and visible light to magnify images
compound light microscope magnifies
electron microscope
create an image by illuminating a sample with a beam of electrons and collecting the electrons that are reflected back from the sample
Maximum magnification of an electron microscope
specimen must be dead
disadvantage to electron microscope
plasma membrane (cell membrane)
a special boundary that helps control what enters and leaves the cell
gentic material
most membrances contains --
most cells break down molecules to generate --
Eukaryotic cells
Contain a nucleus and other organelles that are bound by membranes.
specialized structures that carry out specific cell functions
the distinct central organism that contains the cell's gentic material
Eukaryotic cells are generally much _____ than prokaryotic cells
prokaryotic cell
cells that do not have a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles
t or f: prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler than eurokaytic cells
most --- organism are prokarytotic
endosymbiont theory
proposes that a symbitotic relationship formed between two prokaryotic cells, one of which lived inside the other. eventually the relatioshi led to two cells becoming one
because eorkayrotic are larger and more complex they developed specific ---, these functions led to cell diversity
2-100 micrometers
eurkotyic cells
0.5-2 micrometers
prokaryotic cells
the semi fluid material inside the plasma membrane
In both prokaryotic and eurkaryotic cytoplasm…
is the place where chemical process takes place
cell organelles are supported by
Cell organelles are free floating (t or F)
cytoskeleton is made of
microtubules and anchor organelles
thin protein fiber
are organelles of microtubules that function during cell division
only in animal cell connect to dna made by centrioles
plants have a
cell wall
Cell wall
thick rigid fibers that protects the cell and gives it support
plant cell wallls are made of
prokaryotic cells are made of
all cells contain a ______memebrane
cell membreane
a special boundary that controls what leaves and enters the cell (has 2 names)
the cell’s managing system
nuclues contains
dna used to store info to make proteins for cell growth and reproduction
nuclear envelope
surrounds the nucleus in a double membrane
inside the nucleus and site of ribosome producion
converts fuel particles into usable energy. breaks down sugar moleucles
how do mitochondria supply energy?
by creating ATP through cellular respiration
Plant cells have ______
captures sunlight energy and convert it to food. Site for photosynthesis
manufactures proteins
free floating ribosomes
produce proteins for use within the cell
bound ribosomes
produce proteins for use by other cells
a membrane system of folded sacs and channels. Site of protein and lipid synthesis
rough ER
site for protein synthesis
smooth ER
site for lipid synthesis
golgi apparatus
is a flattened stack of memebranes that modifes sorts and packages proteins into sacs called vesciles