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Location of initial slip on the fault, where the earthquake origins
Spot on Earth's surface directly above the focus
Body wave
Travel through the interior of the Earth.
Higher frequency than surface waves.
Primary Waves
fastest kind of seismic waves the first to arrive at a seismic station
move through solid gas liquid
compressional or longitudinal waves
pushing and pulling
Secondary Waves
These are waves that arrive second
Travel through solid rocks
up and down, or side-to-side
perpendicular to the direction that the waves are traveling in.
transverse or shear waves
Surface Waves
Travel only through the crust.
lower frequency than body wave
Arrives LAST in seismic wave
responsible for destruction
Rayleigh wave
Travels like an ocean wave
Slowest wave
Travels alog the surface producing a rolling motion
Love wave
Exhibit horizontal motion
Travels the fastest
Side to side
Travel through LITHOSPHERE
Detect and record seismic waves
Is the strength of the earthquake perceive and felt by people in a certain locality
higher generally near the epicenter
Energy released by an earthquake at the focus