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Definite Volume and Definite Shape
Definite volume but no definite shape
No definite volume or definite shape
Ideal Gas
High temperature and low pressure
Discovered electrons (Plum Pudding Model)
Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
Most of the atom is empty space
Most of the mass of the atom is in the nucleus, which is small and positively charged
Absorbs heat (Melting/fusion, evaporation, and sublimation)
Releases heat (Freezing, Condensation, and deposition)
What happens when an electron becomes excited
It absorbs energy and moves to a higher energy state
What happens when an excited-state electron returns to the ground state
It releases energy in the form of light and moves to a lower energy state
Atoms that are the same element but have different mass numbers
-Most of the elements
-Conductible (heat and electricity)
-Has High Luster
Has properties of both metals and nonmetals
Poor Conductors and brittle
Ionization Energy
Energy required to remove an electron from an atom
Ability to attract electrons
Same element but different structural formula
Ionic Bonds
-Metal and Nonmetal
-Metal loses/gives electrons to nonmetal
-High melting and boiling points
-Low vapor pressure
-Conduct electricity as liquid, not solid
-Always a polar bond because greater than 1.7
Covalent Bonds
-Between two nonmetals
-Polar, Nonpolar, and coordinate
-END is less than 1.7
-If END is greater than 0.4, bond is polar
-Nonpolar covalent share electrons evenly
-Polar covalent has a slightly positive side and slightly negative side
-Low melting and boiling points
The stronger the IMAF, the higher the Boiling point
A compound that contains water crystallized within its structure (BASICALLY JUST WATER)
A substance that is being dissolved
The substance that is dissolving the solute
Is water polar or nonpolar
Water is POLAR!!!
Unsaturated Solution
There can be more solute to be dissolved a solution
Saturated Solution
The maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved has been dissolved
Supersaturated Solution
More than the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved is dissolved
Factors that affect Solubility
- As temperature increases, Solubility increases
- As pressure increases, solubility increases
How does the concentration of a solute affect the freezing point and boiling point.
The freezing point goes down and the boiling point goes up.
Speeds up a reaction by lowering the activation energy
Nature of reaction (In terms of rate of reaction)
-Ionic reactions occur very fast
-Covalent reactions occur very slow (due to it requiring a lot of energy)
Factors affecting the rate of reaction
- The higher the temperature, the faster the rate
- More concentration = Faster rate
Surface area
- More surface area exposed = Faster rate
Exothermic Potential Energy Diagram
Product side is LOWER than the reactant side!!!!!!!!
Endothermic Potential Energy diagram
Product side is HIGHER than the reactant side
-When the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction
-The Concentrations are constant and they are NOT equal
-It is dynamic (constantly changing/fluctuating)
-Any change in pressure, temperature, or concentration put upon a system at equilibrium
-When a stress is added to a system at equilibrium, the system will shift in order to relieve that stress and reach a new equilibrium
Shift to the right (Towards the products)
-Rate of the forward reaction will increase
-Favors Products
Shift to the left (Towards Reactants)
-Rate of reverse reaction is increasing
-Favors reactants
Pressure (in terms of stress)
-Only affects gases
-Does not affect gases if there is an equal amount of molecules on both sides
-Nature tends to proceed to a state of greater entropy (It loves disorder)
-Nature tends to proceed to a state of lower enthalpy (It hates energy)
Sugar makes alcohol
-Taking an alkane and substituting a halogen
-The product is a halide
A hydrocarbon in oxygen will burn to create carbon dioxide and water
We take an alkene or alkyne, break the multiple bond, and add a halogen to the broken bond
We take a lot of small molecules and make a really big one called a polymer
An organic acid and alcohol form an ester and water
Fat and base makes water and soap
Voltaic cell
-Converts chemical energy to electrical energy
-Spontaneous redox reaction
-Anode is negative
Electrolytic Cell
-Anode is positive
-Electrical energy to chemical energy