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Urban system
a set of interdependent cities or urban places connected by networks
Urban hierarchy
A ranking of cities, with the largest and most powerful cities at the top of the hierarchy
Rank-size rule
The population of a settlement is inversely proportional to its rank in the urban hierarchy
Primate city
A city that is much larger than any other city in the country and that dominates the country’s economic, political, and cultural life
Central place theory
A model, developed by Walter Christaller, that attempts to understand why cities are located where they are
In central place theory, the number of people required to support businesses
In central place theory, the distance people will travel to acquire a good
Gravity model
The idea that the closer two places are, the more they will influence each other
Concentric zone model
A model of a city’s internal organization developed by E.W. Burgess organized in five concentric rings that models the arrangement of different residential zones radiating outward from a central business district
Hoyt sector model
A model if a city’s internal organization, developed by Homer Hoyt, that focuses on transportation and communication as the divers of the city’s layout
Harris & Ullman multiple-nuclei model
A model of a city’s internal organization, developed by Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman, showing residential district organized around several nodes (nuclei) rather than one central business district
Galactic city model/peripheral model
A model of a city’s internal organization in which the central business district remains central, but multiple shopping areas, office parks, and industrial districts are scattered throughout the surrounding suburbs and linked by metropolitan expressway systems
Griffin-Ford latin american city model
A model of the internal structure of the Latin American city developed by Ernst Griffin and Larry Ford
The displacement of lower-income residents by higher-income residents as an area or neighborhood improves
McGee Southeast Asian city model
An urban planning theory that highlights the distinct sectors within cities based on land use and socioeconomic activities.
African city models
African city models are urban planning theories that focus on the unique development patterns of cities in Africa, emphasizing informal settlements and the influence of colonial history.
Fiscal squeeze
Occurs when city revenues cannot keep up with increasing demands for city services and expenditures on decaying urban infrastructure
Perceived density
The general impression of the estimated number of people present in a given area
Zoning regulations
Laws that dictate how land can be used