Paper 2: Stalin's Emergence + Consolidation

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Stalin’s rise in the party

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Stalin’s rise in the party

1917 after he return from exile in Siberia

  • appointed editor of Pravda

  • leader of Petrograd Soviet


  • appointed to Politburo

  • made Head of Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate

  • Appointed to secretariat

  • made liaison between Politburo and Orgburo

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lenin dies

  • 1924, having been out of politics for the last two years due to strokes

  • this caused a power vacuum → Troika: Stalin, Kamenev, Zinoviev

  • had not named a specific successor

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Stalin is made General Secretary

  • 1922

  • chose who was a party member and slowly replaced members with his supporters

  • trotsky was not at Lenin’s funeral but Stalin was and delivered the address - further cementing his image of Lenin’s successor

  • used charm to win his way within the party

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  • 1925: trotsky is forced to resign as war commissar

  • 1926: united opposition ( kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky) removed from Politburo

  • 1927: Kamenev, Zinoviev and Trotsky removed from party

  • 1928: NEP abandoned and first Five year plan introduced

  • 1929: Trotsky exiled

  • 1940: assassinated in Mexico

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Repression and Terror

  • linked with Stalin’s idea of a “revolution from above”

  • Dekulakisation → killed 5 million

  • expansion of gulags and forced labour camps

  • deliberate food seizures to feed industrial revolution, army and export

  • Famine 1932-33: 7.5 mil deaths

    • mainly impacted Ukraine and used as a form of genocide to break peasant power and destroy ukrainian nationalism

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Sergei Kirov

  • friend of Stalin and leader of Leningrad

  • speaks against collectivisation and is murdered by Leonid Nikolaev December 1934 (he was also rumoured to be having an affair with Nikolaev’s wife)

  • Stalin used this to accuse latent in-party opposition and justify a party purge of senior figures

  • Stalin is believed to have masterminded Kirov’s murder

  • decline in role of Politburo + Secret Committee in 1936

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Moscow Show Trials


Trial 1: august 1936

  • Zinoviev + Kamenev accused of killing Kirov and attempting to kill Stalin

  • confessed to false charges under threats to their family

Trial 2: January 1937

  • 17 lesser figures accused of plotting with Trotsky + conspiring w/ germany

  • 13 shot, 4 sent to gulags and died

Trial 3: march 1938

  • trial of the 21

  • Nep supporters on the right → Genrikh Yagoda (ex secret police leader), Bukharin accused of plotting to kill Stalin

many secret trials of generals → severely weakened the army → 30,000 officers and 81 of 103 generals executed

dead men were docked out of photos

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continuation of Cheka

  • GPU 1922

  • OGPU 1923

  • NKVD 1934

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