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Androcentric Pay Scale
A positive correlation between the number of men in an occupation relative to women and the wages paid to employees.
Breadwinner/Homemaker Marriage
A model of marriage that involves a wage-earning spouse supporting a stay-at-home spouse/children.
Freedom/Power Paradox
A situation whereby women have more freedom than men but less power, and men have more power than women but less freedom.
Gender Segregation (Jobs)
The sorting of people with different social identities into separate occupations.
Promoting heterosexuality as the only or preferred sexual identity, making other sexual desires invisible or casting them as inferior.
Patriarch/Property Marriage
A model of marriage in which women and children are owned by men.
Second Shift
The unpaid work of housekeeping and childcare that faces family members once they return home from their paid jobs.
The production of unjust outcomes for people perceived to be biologically female.
Shared Division of Labor
An arrangement in which both partners do an equal share of paid and unpaid work.
Specialized Division of Labor
An arrangement in which one partner does more paid work than childcare and housework and the other does the inverse.
Stalled Revolution
A sweeping change in gender relations that got started but has yet to be fully realized.