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Cross of Gold Speech
1896 *Address given by William Jennings Bryan, the Democratic presidential nominee, during the national convention of the Democratic Party *The speech criticized the gold standard and supported the coinage of silver *Bryan's beliefs were popular with debt-ridden farmers *The last words of his speech, and the most famous, were "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold"
Interstate Commerce Act
1887 *Established the Interstate Commerce Commission in part to monitor discrimination within railroad industry *Prohibited rebates and pools and required railroads to publish their rates *Also prohibited unfair discrimination against shippers and outlawed the practice of charging more for short hauls than long hauls *In general, the Act opened competition, the goal of which was to preserve equality and spur innovation
Haymarket Square Riot
May 4, 1886 *Large rally in Haymarket Square in Chicago shortly after striking began at McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. *Police were attempting to disperse the crowd then a bomb exploded *Eleven were killed and over 100 were injured* Eight anarchists were put on trial and four were executed *Incident was used to discredit the Knights of Labor
Panic of 1893
A serious economic depression triggered over-speculation in the railroad industry and a run on the gold supply. Historical Significance: Led to Coxey's Army and a wave of strikes including he Pullman Strike.