Great Britain.
“The Dorcas Club” - where they made clothing for the men
overseas as nurses
Royal Air Force
munition factories
civil service
Allied powers needed a European mainland foothold to push back germany.
America and Britain launched air strikes in german territory to slow them down
This battle began on June 6, 1944 and is also known as D-day.
Germany knew of the invasion but not the location.
Paratroopers parachuted behind German lines at night, securing bridges and exit roads.
Dummies were dropped out of plains to trick the germans
Warships bombed beaches from the sea, while planes bombed German defenses and French resistance cut telephone lines and destroyed bridges.
The Allies had 5000 ships, 150000 troops and 11000 aircrafts.
American, British and Canadian troops landed at beaches of Normandy.
The British landed at gold and sword Beaches.
The Canadians landed at juno and sword Beaches.
The Americans landed at Utah and Omaha Beaches.
Omaha was the bloodiest.
By June 17 over 500,000 soldiers were pushing the Germans out of France and by august end northern france was liberated. Germany now had to fight on its west and east.
Countries imposed sanctions on Germany after WW1
Main players: CountriesFrance, Britain, US
U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson, French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and British Prime Minister David Lloyd George.
Harsh terms intended to make Germany powerless
Accept total blame for WW1
Reparations of $33 billion
Loss of territory.
Summer of 1935
Strike at Ottawa because of great depression; they had no job and times were tough.
R. B. Bennett played up the communism angle due to the red scare.
German dissatisfaction due to the treaty of versailles.
Nationalism; extremist german beliefs.
Adolf Hitler of Nazi Germany,
Benito Mussolini of Fascist Italy,
Hirohito of Imperial Japan
1923: Hitler, leader of Navi party, conducts an armed revolt in Munich
The “Beer Hall Putsch”
Hitler was thrown in priso
Write “Mein Kampf” (my struggle) while in prison
1933 - Hitler is elected Chancellor of Germany, becoming “Fuhrer” (leader)
Organized opposition was violently supressed by the “brownshirts”
Hilter’s policy of “Lebensraum” (living room)
Take over German-speaking territories in neighbouring countries such as Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia
Defeat Soviet communisioum and expand German territory to the east into the U.S.S.R, expelling non-German people
Called “II Duce” meaning “The Leader”
Created a totalitarian dictatorship by:
Banning opposing political parties & unions
Censoring newspapers
Creating a secret police force.
Korean war; 1950-53.
Cuban war; 1953-59.
Vietnam 1955-75.
happened in 1970
Front de libération du Québec a militant Quebec independence movement, between 1963 and 1970. On 5 October 1970, the FLQ kidnapped British trade commissioner James Cross in Montreal. Within the next two weeks, FLQ members also kidnapped and killed Quebec Minister of Immigration and Minister of Labour Pierre Laporte.
FLQ had killed 6 by 1970
Oct. 5, 1970 – kidnap James Cross, British Trade Commissioner
Demand $500 000 in gold; free imprisoned FLQ members; publish FLQ Manifesto; safe passage to Cuba
● Kidnappers murder Laporte
● Arrest 450
● Find Cross in December & negotiate release for passage to Cuba
● Later arrested
● Discover in the end was only 6 teens with a blank pistol and a rusty shotgun
happened in (1956)
Israel (1948)
Created in Palestine by UN for
Arabs opposed & attack
Israel expand; Arabs vow to take back
Every nation with an interest
Crux between Africa, Asia and Europe
Source of gas/oil
Link between Mediterranean and Indian Ocean
US support Israel; USSR support Iraq, Syria & Egypt
sell arms
North Atlantic treaty organization.
Defense pact vs. Soviet aggression and spread of communism Canada, US, UK, France, Italy (12 nations; more join in time)