All questions from Exam 1 and 2 of CRJU 290, the final exam consists of 25 questions from Exam 1 and 25 questions from Exam 2
Exam 1
What do critical criminologists believe is the best problem in Society?
Exam 1
Which perspective sees the Justice system as a mechanism of caring for and treating people who cannot manage themselves?
Exam 1
What is the body of rules that define crimes, set out their punishments, and mandate the procedures for carrying out the criminal Justice process?
Criminal Law & Substantive law
Exam 1
target hardening techniques are examples of which type of situational crime prevention tactic?
Increasing the effort needed to commit the crime
Exam 1
Which is an example of a specific deterrence strategy?
Problems include defiance, stigma, and irrational offenders who are not deterred by punishment
Exam 1
What type of laws set out the basic rules of practice in the criminal Justice system?
Procedural law
Exam 1
What theory focuses on a person’s bonds to society as a factor in preventing crime?
Social Control
Exam 1
Employee pilferage, bribery , commodities law violations, mail fraud, computer fraud, and embezzlement are examples of what type of crimes?
White collar
Exam 1
What method is used by the contemporary criminal justice society to regulate dangerous elements within society?
Social Control
Exam 1
What requirement is the principle that, in order to make an arrest for misdemeanor, the arresting officer must have personally witnessed the crime as it was being committed?
Exam 1
What type of sentence do offenders of Lv. III crimes typically receive?
Exam 1
What strategy relies on punishment that is severe enough to convince convicted offenders never to repeat their criminal activity?
Specific deterrence
Exam 1
According to the criminal Justice assembly line model, what are moved down the conveyor belt?
Exam 1
What type of precipitation occurs when the victim exhibits some personal characteristics that unintentionally threatens or encourages the offender to act?
Which of the following is included in the Uniform Crime report’s list of Part I crimes?
Motor vehicle thefts
What term refers to the beginning of antisocial behavior during the early adolescence, after which criminal behavior is more likely to persist throughout the life span?
“Early Onset”
Exam 1
What had provided a mechanism for the frustrated to vent their anger, for business leaders to maintain their position of wealth and power, and for those outside the economic mainstream to take a shortcut to the American dream?
Exam 1
Which successful police agency in 1829 promoted the formation of similar police agencies in the United States?
London Metropolitan Police
Exam 1
Sampson and Laub argue that the two most critical turning points in a criminal career are?
Marriage and employment
Exam 1
Truth-in-sentencing laws are an aspect of which Justice system perspective?
Equal Justice
Exam 1
Which actor is part of the courtroom work group?
Exam 1
Your local police department is concerned with this year’s most recent statistics. The police chief meets with city officials and his higher-ranking police personnel. They discuss potential policies and procedures aimed at reducing the crime rates in their city.
The police chief believes that the department needs to focus on prostitution and drug abuse because the two are interconnected, and he believes that both are linked to more serious crimes. Drug use and prostitution are examples of?
Public order crimes
Exam 1
In common law, offenses that are by their own nature evil, immortal, and wrong were called?
Mala in se
Exam 1
Due process can be divided into two distinct categories, which include?
Substantive and procedural
Exam 1
Which of the following was intended to supplement the UCR with more detailed information about victim and offender characteristics?
Exam 1
The act of murder is a violation of which type of law?
Substantive criminal law
Exam 1
What had occurred with the trend line for poverty victimization since the early 1990s?
Exam 1
Which type of law focuses on the rules for making arrests, trials, suspect interviews, and reasons to detain suspects?
Procedural law
Exam 1
Approximately, how much money is used each year, by the state and local governments for civil and criminal justice?
$500 billion
Exam 1
Adam is a 16-year-old who has a history of strange behavior. He is now being home-schooled by his mother because he has a difficult time relating to his peers. His psychologist had diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. One afternoon, Adam goes to the high school he once attended. he brings his father’s revolver and attempts to shoot a few of his former classmates and teachers. He misses all of his targets and flees the school. He is later apprehended in his home when the principle is able to identify him through the school’s video surveillance.
Adam tells his attorney he should not be responsible for these charges because he was drunk when he went to the school to commit these offenses and that he did not know what he was doing. under which circumstances would Adam possibly have a legitimate defense of intoxication?
He became intoxicated when he drank the juice in the refrigerator that he did not know was spiked with rum, which mixed with his bipolar disorder medication
Exam 1
Which type of law classifies crimes as felonies or misdemeanors?
Substantive law
Exam 1
Warden Smith supervises 2,000 male inmates who are incarcerated for various reasons, including murder, rape, robbery, drugs, theft, and arson. He meets with every inmate who is sentenced to his prison to get an understanding of where each inmate came from and how he can possibly prevent recidivism.
Joey is in prison for attempted murder. He got into a fight at a local bar with a man with whom he was drinking some beers. the man made a comment about Joey’s girlfriend and Joey just snapped and beat him until he was unconscious. Warden Smith asks joey why he did not just walk away from this man who commented about his girlfriend. Joey explained to Warden Smith that he always saw his father and uncles handle disagreements by fighting. He says this is the only way he knows how to settle disputes. What theory best explains Joey’s behavior?
Social learning
Exam 1
What terms consists of the stratifications, classes, institutions, and groups that characterize a society
Social structure
Exam 1
Adam is a 16-year-old who has a history of strange behavior. He is now being home-schooled by his mother because he has a difficult time relating to his peers. His psychologist had diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. One afternoon, Adam goes to the high school he once attended. he brings his father’s revolver and attempts to shoot a few of his former classmates and teachers. He misses all of his targets and flees the school. He is later apprehended in his home when the principle is able to identify him through the school’s video surveillance.The police talk to Adam at his home and Adam confesses that he did bring a gun to school.
Adam’s lawyer attempts to have Adam’s confession thrown out of criminal trial as evidence because he believes the confession was obtained unfairly. Which amendment would Adam’s lawyer use to argue against the use of his confession?
The Fifth
Exam 1
Which of the following is a public order crime?
Exam 1
Using evidence-based justice, what does the research say about school-based drug education programs?
The track record of school-based education programs have proven to be spotty at best.
Exam 1
The incarceration of an individual convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol is an example of?
Specific deterrence
Exam 1
Which member of the courtroom work group experiences the ethical concern of having obligations to a client and a profession?
Defense attorney
Exam 1
What type of deterrence is a crime-control approach that seeks to instill fear of criminal penalties in the public?
Specific deterrence
Exam 1
What are the sentencing codes that require an offender receive a life sentence after conviction for a third felony?
Three-strike law
Exam 1
Mary and Louise are both 15 years old. Each was arrested and charged with stealing a vehicle. Mary stole a car from the teacher’s parking lot at her school. Louise stole her neighbor’s car when she decided that she wanted to drive to see her boyfriend. they both meet with Mr. Brown, a juvenile probation officer, who is recommended whether or not they should be detained in a juvenile detention center prior to the disposition of their cases.
Louis also explains that she was diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. She cannot remember the name of the disorder. Mr. Brown is waiting for her case file to see her diagnosis. Which of the following psychiatric disorders is Louis unlikely to have?
Exam 1
What is the correct sequence of criminal justice procedures involving a police officer?
Initial contact, investigation, arrest, and custody
Exam 1
What term refers to a violation of social rules of conduct, interpreted and expressed by a written criminal code?
Exam 1
A local police department noticed an increase in the number of home burglaries being committed. The department formed a task force to assess the extent of the problem. Officers from the detective bureau, the vice squad, and the crime analysis division met to discuss the problem and to begin investigating these crimes.
At what level of the criminal Justice wedding cake model would burglary be included?
Lv. II
Exam 1
Most self-defense statutes require a person to take a specific action prior to reacting to a threat with physical violence. What is the required action?
Duty to retreat
Exam 1
At what stage in the criminal Justice process can a police officer search for evidence, conduct an interrogation, or even encourage a confession?
Exam 1
What type of personality is characterized by a lack of warmth and feeling, inappropriate behavioral responses, and an inability to learn from experience?
An antisocial personality
Exam 1
Adam is a 16-year-old who has a history of strange behavior. He is now being home-schooled by his mother because he has a difficult time relating to his peers. His psychologist had diagnosed him with bipolar disorder. One afternoon, Adam goes to the high school he once attended. he brings his father’s revolver and attempts to shoot a few of his former classmates and teachers. He misses all of his targets and flees the school. He is later apprehended in his home when the principle is able to identify him through the school’s video surveillance.
In the jurisdiction where Adam is being charged with attempted murder, they use the Irresistible Impulse test in determining insanity. What are the requirements of the Irresistible Impulse Test?
The defendant did not know that his actions were illegal, but because of a mental impairment, he couldn’t control his behavior
Exam 1
Which factor is thought to connect to the differences in offending patterns between males and females?
Socialization and development
Exam 1
A local police department noticed an increase in the number of home burglaries being committed. The department formed a task force to assess the extent of the problem. Officers from the detective bureau, the vice squad, and the crime analysis division met to discuss the problem and to begin investigating these crimes.
After investigating the crimes for over a month, the task force was able to arrest eight suspects. Which official is responsible for formally charging the suspect with a specific criminal act?
Exam 2
In medieval England, the group of 100 families responsible for maintaining order and trying minor offenses was known as the?
Exam 2
In medieval England, what term refers to a call for mutual aid against trouble or danger?
A hue and cry
Exam 2
Which of the following is likely part of the popular police culture described in the text?
Detective work is glamorous
Exam 2
Which of the following terms describes the experience of Black officers who must deal with the expectation they will show lenience to members of their own race, while at the same time experiencing overt racism from their police colleagues?
Double minority
Exam 2
A formal intelligence-sharing initiative that identified security and intelligence-sharing needs in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the?
National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP)
Exam 2
What area within forensics gained national attention during the O.J. Simpson trial. It allows suspects to be identified on the basis of the genetic material in hair, blood, and other bodily tissues and fluids?
DNA Profiling
Exam 2
What provides information to decision makers about the changing nature of certain problems and threats for the purpose of developing response strategies and reallocating resources?
Strategic intelligence
Exam 2
Which basis is an argument presented to justify racial profiling?
racial profiling had utility because it can eliminate more crime than other law enforcement practices for equivalent expenditures of resources
Exam 2
What is the proper term for the intentional use of a firearm or other instrument, resulting in a high probability of death?
Deadly force
Exam 2
Which statement is true regarding police use of force?
The suspect’s behavior is a much more powerful determinant of police response than age or race
Exam 2
Which of the following is a factor identified in the text as related to police shootings?
Local levels of violence
Exam 2
What medical condition has been listed as the cause of death in some use-of-non-deadly-force situations, particularly when the suspect determined to be under the influence of stimulants?
Excited delirium
Exam 2
Which is one of the most popular less-lethal weapons used by law enforcement because it shuts the eyes of a suspect and automatically induces shortness of breath?
Pepper spray
Exam 2
What is the name of the nonlethal conducted-energy device that uses an electrical charge to administer a shock to an uncooperative suspect?
A taser
Exam 2
In some police departments, a senior officer may be demoted if someone under their charge is convicted of corruption, which is an example of what?
An accountability system
Exam 2
Detective Smith is a fourteen-year police veteran who has been working in internal affairs for the past four years. He was assigned to internal affairs to investigate allegations of police misconduct and corruption. While working as a police officer, he put himself through law school in the evenings and received his law license six years ago. Although he enjoyed being a road patrol officer, he feels it more important to protect the citizens of the community against the few corrupt police officers who may exist on his police force.
Detective Smith often became disenchanted with the officers that he investigates. However, he refuses to believe that all officers are corrupt. he believes unenforceable laws govern moral standards and create groups with an interest in undermining law enforcement. Detective Smith is likely to believe that the cause of many cases of corruption is?
Moral ambivalence
Exam 2
According to police psychologists, how many categories of police stress exist?
Exam 2
Which statement is correct regarding the “Ferguson Effect”?
The Ferguson Effect had provoked a fear by the police of further enraging communities
Exam 2
Anthony is a new police recruit who just graduated from the police academy and has been hired by a large metropolitan department in Florida. he reports to work for his first shift and is assigned a field training officer, Jeffery. Anthony is excited to begin his work as a police officer, as this is something he has wanted to do since he was a child. During Anthony’s first shift he meets many of his fellow police officers. he is given a lot of different advice by these different officers. He quickly learns that there are different policing styles.
Jeffery, Anthony’s field training officer, hears all the advice that Anthony is getting. He explains to Anthony that once he is off of probation, the majority of what he does every day will not be subject to administrative review and thus there is a lot of autonomy in his position. Jeffery tells Anthony that he must decide what style of policing he will follow. This concept of having a high degree of personal discretion is referred to as?
Low-visibility decision making
Exam 2
Which of the following is a police investigation technique in which officers board a bus or train without suspicion of illegal activity and question passengers, asking for identification and seeking permission to search their baggage?
Bus Sweep
Exam 2
Which Supreme Court case established that the accused has the right to have counsel present at the post-indictment lineup?
United States V. Wade
Exam 2
When a person is interrogated during custody, the requirement that police inform the individual of the right to remain silent, the consequences of failing to remain silent, and the constitutional right to counsel is referred to as what?
Miranda warning
Exam 2
The principle that a suspect can be questioned in the field without a Miranda warning if the information the police seek is needed to protect public safety is called the?
Public safety doctrine
Exam 2
Which statement is true of the exclusionary rule?
It guarantees rights under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments
Exam 2
In Florida V. Bostic, the court concluded that evidence seized during bus sweeps was admissible in court
Provided that consent was given by the person whose belongings were searched
Exam 2
What rule is associated with the requirement that most search warrants require daytime service?
Pay attention to time constraints with search warrants
Exam 2
Which of the following is typically defined as reasonable belief, based on fact, that a crime has been committed and the person, place, or object to be searched and/or seized is linked to the crime with a reasonable degree of certainty?
Probable cause
Exam 2
A warrant based on an officer’s word about a suspect is an example of what type of knowledge?
Exam 2
Which term refers to the ground or fields attached to a hour or property?
Exam 2
In what landmark case did the U.S. Supreme Court deem the use of deadly force against an unarmed and non-dangerous fleeing felon to be an illegal seizure under the Fourth Amendment?
Tennessee V. Garner
Exam 2
What type of circumstances are emergency or urgent circumstances?
Exigent circumstances
Exam 2
Police officers who are suspicious of an individual run their hands lightly over the suspect’s outer garments to determine whether the person is carrying a concealed weapon (also called a threshold inquiry or pat-down). What is this known as?
Stop and Frisk procedures
Exam 2
What term refers to a police taking a person into custody or depriving a person of freedom for having allegedly committed a criminal offence?
An arrest
Exam 2
Which of the following is an order, issued by a judge, directing officers to conduct a search of a specified premise for specified objects?
A search warrant
Exam 2
What did Miranda rights establish?
The right to have an attorney present during questioning
Exam 2
Which of the following is mandated by Miranda V. Arizona (1966)?
The right to remain silent
Exam 2
A government actor’s infringement of a person’s reasonable expectation of privacy referred to as a?
Exam 2
What type of Policing involves personalized service and decentralized policing, citizen empowerment, and an effort to reduce community fear of crime, disorder, and decay?
Community policing
Exam 2
A problem faced by the police during the 1960s was?
Pressure form police reform groups such as IACP
Exam 2
English Police officers are known as “Bobbies” because?
Sir Robert (Bobbie) Peel was responsible for their creation
Exam 2
In The Old West, who were members of vigilance committee or posse that was called upon to capture cattle thieves or other felons?
Exam 2
What are considered hot spots of crime because a significant portion of police calls typically originate in these areas?
Bars / Bus depots / Hotels
Exam 2
With regards to community policing, which statement is true of reorienting police values?
Research shows that police officers who have a traditional crime control orientation are less satisfied with community policing efforts than those who are public-service-oriented
Exam 2
Which statement is true about female police officers?
they may be targeted for more disciplinary actions by administrators than are male officers
Exam 2
What duty is paramount in the private policing context, whereas public policing relies more heavily on the detection of criminal acts and the apprehension of suspects?
Exam 2
What is the nation’s monument to police officers who have died in the line of duty?
National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial
Exam 2
What type of operation is designed to encourage and observe criminal behavior so officers can make an arrest?
Exam 2
The model views the role of the police as maintainers of community order and safety
Broken windows
Exam 2
Which agency is the arm of the Justice Department that investigates violations of federal law, gathers crime statistics, runs a comprehensive crime lab, and helps train local law enforcement officers?
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
Exam 2
The attitudes that police officers have to stick together because everyone is out to get the police is reflected in which core belief?
Loyalty to colleagues count above all else