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SSRI/SNRI common suffixes
how long do SSRIs and MAOIs take to see effects? how long to see full effects?
1-3 weeks; 2-3 months
SSRI adverse effects (10)
sexual dysfunction, CNS stimulation, NMS, suicidal thoughts, weight loss, serotonin syndrome, hyponatremia, rash, GI bleeding, and bruxism
serotonin syndrome can begin how long after starting SSRI treatment and can be ______
2-72 hrs; lethal
are SSRIs pregnancy-safe?
SNRIs adverse effects (6)
adrenergic effects, NMS, HA, suicidal, sexual dysfunction, and serotonin syndrome
are SNRIs pregnancy-safe?
atypical antidepressant prototype
atypical antidepressants common suffixes
atypical antidepressants adverse effects (3)
adrenergic effects, weight loss, and seizures
what are atypical antidepressants especially contraindicated in?
tricyclic antidepressant prototype
tricyclic antidepressants common suffixes
tricyclic antidepressants complications beginning with the most serious (5)
decreased seizure threshold, orthostatic hypotension, adrenergic effects, sedation, and sweating
tricyclic antidepressants have a risk of _________, so monitor which patients heavily and give meds to them how often?
lethality; suicidal; 1 week at a time
MAOI prototype
transdermal MAOI
MAOI adverse effects (3)
CNS stimulation, orthostatic hypotension, and HTN crisis
safety of MAOIs is not established for those who are…
obtain baseline ______ levels in older adults taking diuretics using SSRIs/SNRIs and monitor
monitor for what in TCA patients due to risk of lethality in toxicity