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черпак, ковш
Can you find the Big Dipper in the sky?
Can you find the Big ________________ in the sky?
to rig something
подстроить что-то
This guy has no other choice but to go on a date with me. I rigged it!
This guy has no other choice but to go on a date with me. _______________________!
to overdo
перебарщивать, перестараться
Don't overdo the salt in the food.
Don't _______________ the salt in the food.
роман (отношения)
Their friendship blossomed into romance.
Their friendship blossomed into _______________.
to mock
Издеваться, насмехаться
It's rude and cruel to mock at a foreign student's mistakes in English.
It's rude and cruel to ____________ at a foreign student's mistakes in English.
to hammer
прибивать, приколачивать
You really know how to hammer a nail?! Wow, you're a real man!
You really know how to _________________ a nail?! Wow, you're a real man!
знак, табличка
The sign in the store window says “OPEN.”
The ___________ in the store window says “OPEN.”
жуткий, страшный
It got a bit spooky when James started telling ghost stories.
It got a bit _____________ when James started telling ghost stories.
I'm comfortable with that.
Меня это устраивает.
- Who wants to wash the dishes? - Not it!
- Who wants to wash the dishes? - ___________________!
Not it!
Чур не я!
People are different but I'm comfortable with that.
People are different but ____________________________.
to fire
He was fired from his job for poor performance.
He was _________________ from his job for poor performance.