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Valor (n)
Boldness or determination in facing great danger; especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery
Prophetic (adj)
Of or relating to a prophet
Venture (n/v)
An undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome, especially a risky, dangerous one
Solicit (v)
To seek for (something) by entreaty, earnest, or respectful request, formal, application, ect
Rapt (adj)
Deeply engrossed or absorbed
Harbinger (n)
A person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another (foreshadows)
Commendation (n)
Act of commending; recommendation; praise
Chastise (v)
To discipline, especially by corporal punishment
Beguile (v)
To influence by trickery, flattery, ect; mislead
Sovereignty (n)
The quality or state of having supreme power or authority
Esteem (n/v)
To regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration
Entreat (v)
To ask (a person) earnestly; implore; beg
Augment (v)
To make larger; enlarge in size, number, strength, or extent
Palpable (adj)
Readily or plainly seen, heard, perceived, etc; obvious; evident
Stealthy (adj)
Done, characterized, or acting by stealth
Summon (v)
To call upon to do something specified
Balm (n)
anything that heals, soothes, or mitigates pain
Appall (v)
To fill or overcome with horror, consternation, or dear
Equivocate (v)
To use ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid commitment or in order to mislead
Temperate (adj)
Moderate or self-restrained; not extreme in opinion, statement, ect
trifle (n/v)
An article or thing of very little value; To deal lightly or without due seriousness or respect
Posterity (n)
Succeeding or future generations collectively
Verity (n)
The state or quality of being true; accordance with fact or reality
Unbecoming (adj)
Detracting from one’s appearance, character, or reputation; unattractive or unseemly
Prosperous (adj)
Having or characterized by financial success or good fortune
Barren (adj)
Not producing or incapable of producing offspring; unproductive; unfruitful
Incense (v)
Very angry, enraged