Global 2 final World war 1-economic issues after WW2

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World war 1 was

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World war 1 was

A global military conflict that was fought mainly in europe

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WW1 started for 4 M.A.I.N reasons

Militarism- countries in Europe built up their armies and their supply of weapons.

Alliances- Countries In Europe divided themselves into two military alliances. The Triples alliance and the triple entente.

Imperialism- Countries in Europe competed to takeover lands in Africa

Nationalism-Ethnic groups wanted independence from Austria Hungary and were willing t

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Treaty of Versailles

Treaty that ended WW1 and made Germany pay for it in many ways like, Taking blame for starting it, paying 30 billion dollars in damages, decreasing military size, giving up land, etc

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Armenian massacre

The turks and Ottoman Empire attempted to kill all Armenians that lived on their territory. This was an example of genocide which is the ultimate violation of human rights. Women eventually gained rights (rights to vote) after helping out in factories during ww1.

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The Russian Revolution (bolshevik rev)

event where people overthrew the czar (king) and created new government.

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Causes of the Russian rev

People of russia were unhappy with their gov. During WW1 russia suffered and many people died and were starving. Czar Nicholas 2 abused his power by taking away peoples rights

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Radical (extreme) group that led the rev. Leader was Vladimir Lenin. Lenin and the bolsheviks gained support by promising to provide the people with “peace, land, and bread”.

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Effects of the Russian rev

Czar Nicholas 2 was killed, Lenin and bolsheviks came to power in russia, russia became a communist nation.

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Nationalism between world wars

After WW1 the Ottoman Empire collapsed and all that was left was turkey.

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kemal Ataturk

first president of turkey. considered a nationalist because of all the changes he made to strengthen turkey.

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Kemal imitated the customs and traditions of European countries (people in turkey were supposed to dress like europeans).

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Democracy in turkey

Kemal helped establish democracy in turkey by giving people a voice in gov (even women could vote)

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Nationalist movement of jews. It was made to create an official nation for jews in the “holy land” (a region in the middled east that includes the sacred city of Jerusalem)

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when WW1 ended, india fell under British rule. And shortly after india was increasing their demands for independence and self gov.

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Mohandas Gandhi

Nationalist leader who fought for independence from Britain using non violent methods. (civil disobedience, passive resistance)

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Salt march

Famous event where Gandhi protested against British taxes and him and his followers marched to the sea to make their own salt.

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Gandhi encouraged people to boycott buying British goods like clothing that was sold in india. Eventually this worked and British loss immense amount of profit and had to shut some factories down.

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Totalitarian dictatorships

Governments where one ruler has total control and power over all aspects of life within a country. Social, political, and economic features.

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After WW1 totalitarian dictatorships were established in 3 countries under 3 men

1) Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin

2) Italy under Benito mussolini

3) Germany under Adolf Hitler

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All dictators had many things in common..

censorship- They ended freedom of speech and gov controlled what was said through social media, radios, newspapers.

One political party- Stalins party was communist, Mussolini was apart of the Facists, And hitler was the nazzis.

People were expected to put the countries needs over their personal needs

Used Propaganda messages to influence people and to reassure them that war was a good thing

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Hitler and Mussolini were able to come to power because

Germany was facing many economic problems like inflation, unemployment, poverty. People believed Mussolini and hitler could solve these problems

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Totalitarian under Joseph stalin

totalitarian dictator of the Soviet Union

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common or communist economy

economic system where the government owns businesses, makes decisions, sets prices

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Five year plan

Stalin tried to modernize the industries and agriculture of the Soviet Union by setting up economic goals every 5 years.

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Stalin took over the individual farms that people owned and forced people to live on large government farms. (collective farms) these were owned by the government

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Intro to WW2

WW2 was the second major global conflict. Was fought mainly in Europe and on the islands of the Pacific Ocean.

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Japanese aggression

Japan took over Korea, Manchuria. For raw materials and natural resources like coal and iron

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Rape of Nanking

Japanese raped and killed many Chinese civilians

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Italian aggression

Mussolini invaded and took over Ethiopia

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Germany aggression

Hitler violated the treaty of Versailles in many ways,

Hitler built up German military and drafted soldiers for the army

Took over Austria and Czechoslovakia

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League of Nations

International organization created after WW1 in order to prevent war. It failed to stop hitler, Mussolini, or Japan from aggression

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Policy where an aggressive nation is given what they want from other nations in order to avoid war. At the Munich conference, Great Britain appeased hitler by giving hum control of Czechoslovakia. led to hitler asking for more

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Invasion of Poland

Polamd defeated by germany because they lacked natural boundaries (flat plains were easy to conquer)

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Pearl harbor

Japan launched a surprise attack on the US which brought the US into WW2.

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Hitler failed to conquer russia (the Soviet Union) because..

At the battle of Stalingrad there was a harsh climate (severe winter) and the nation was outnumbered. Geography is Russias best defense

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D-Day invasion

final allied push against Germany. Resulted in the eventual defeat of Germany.

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Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Final events of WW2. The US dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan. Japan surrendered soon after

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The Holocaust

Event during WW2 in which hitler and the nazis tried to kill all jews in europe. 6 mil jews and 6 mil non jews were killed during this. Example of genocide.

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Formation of the United Nations

United Nations is an organization that was created after WW2 in order to solve international problems and to prevent future wars.

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Declaration of human rights

Document created by the UN and lists rights that all people should have within their nations. Freedom of speech, rights to life, etc

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Nuremberg trials

Court where the surviving nazis who helped hitler carry out the holocaust were put on trial. this was important because this demonstrated that individuals could be held accountable for their actions

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The Cold War

The Cold War was a 50 yr long struggle between the US (democratic) and the Soviet Union (communist). Was called “cold” war because the US and Soviet Union fought directly against each other

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iron curtian

Term used by Winston Churchill to describe an imaginary line between the democratic countries of the west Europe and communist countries of east europe.

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policy used by the US which attempted to stop the spread of communism

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Truman doctrine

US gave 400 mil in economic and military aid to Greece and turkey to help them defend against communist groups

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Marshall plan

US gave 13 bil to countries of Western Europe to help rebuild after WW2

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Crisis in germany

After WW2 germany was divided into 2 nations. West Germany, a democratic nation. And eastern Germany, a communist nation ran by the Soviet Union.

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Berlin Wall

Concrete wall built by the communists around the city of West Berlin to prevent the people in east germany to flee to west germany

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Berlin airlift

Event in which the United States, Britain, France, flew in supplies for the people of West Berlin after Stalin set up blockade

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Military alliances

Both US and Soviets had their own form of military alliance in case of a war

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NATO (North Atlantic treaty organization)

Military alliance between US, Canada, and the democratic nations of west europe. Nations of this alliance agree to attack on one nation together. If one nation got attacked it would be considered an attack on all the nations of the alliance

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Warsaw Pact

Military alliance between the soviet union, and other communist nations in eastern europe

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Hungarian rev

When Hungary tried to break away from soviet control, soviets sent in the army and ended the rebllion

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Arms race

The United States and Soviet Union competed to build up the largest supply of nuclear weapons

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cuban missle crisis

Began with the US discovering that soviets were building missile basses in Cuba and pointing nuclear missiles towards the US. Ended when soviets were forced to remove the missiles

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