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501(c) groups

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501(c) groups

Tax-exempt organizations that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to promote "social welfare." They may advocate for or against candidates, but political activities cannot become their primary purpose.

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527 political committee

organizations created with the primary purpose of influencing electoral outcomes; the term is typically applied only to freestanding interest groups that do not explicitly advocate for the election of a candidate

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Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

Largely banned party soft money, restored a long-standing prohibition on corporations and labor unions for using general treasury funds for electoral purposes, and narrowed the definition of issue advocacy.

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Federal Election Campaign Act

First major federal law (1971) to regulate federal elections. Created Federal Election Commission (FEC). Required disclosure of sources of campaign funds (transparency), set limits on contributions to candidates (individuals = $1000, PACs = $5000), spending limits for candidates, limits on independent expenditures.

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Federal Election Commission

A six-member bipartisan agency created by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974. The federal Election Commission administers and enforces campaign finance laws.

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get-out-the-vote (GOTV)

a push at the end of a political campaign to encourage supporters to go to the polls

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help america vote act

Legislation passed in 2002 to aid states in upgrading voting equipment

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independant expenditures

Expenses on behalf of a political message that are made by groups that are uncoordinated with any candidate's campaign.

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inoculation ad

advertising that attempts to counteract an anticipated attack from the opposition before the attack is launched

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matching funds

Contributions of up to $250 are matched from the Presidential Election Campaign Fund to candidates for the presidential nomination who qualify and agree to meet various conditions, such as limiting their overall spending.

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Political Action Committee (PAC)

A committee set up by a corporation, labor union, or interest group that raises and spends campaign money from voluntary donations

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Super PACs

political action committees established to make independent expenditures

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voter canvass

the process by which a campaign reaches individual voters, either by door-to-door solicitation or by telephone

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