ACCCOB3 - Chapter 11

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When a company's owners (e.g., stockholders) delegate decision-making authority to top managers, they employ ___ systems to direct and control the actions of those managers. They ensure a company's board of directors and top managers pursue goals aligned with the owners' interests.

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TOPICS: Responsibility Accounting

38 Terms


When a company's owners (e.g., stockholders) delegate decision-making authority to top managers, they employ ___ systems to direct and control the actions of those managers. They ensure a company's board of directors and top managers pursue goals aligned with the owners' interests.

corporate governance

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When a company's top managers delegate decision-making authority to subordinates, they employ ___ systems to direct and control the actions of those subordinates. They ensure a company's employees pursue goals aligned with its interests.

management control

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An ___ organization is one in which decision-making authority is spread throughout the organization rather than being confined to a few top executives.


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Under ___, a manager should be held responsible for those items—and only those items—that the manager can actually control.

responsibility accounting

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TRUE OR FALSE: Responsibility accounting personalizes accounting information by holding individuals responsible for revenues and costs.


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Any business segment whose manager has control over costs, revenues, or investments in operating assets.

responsibility center

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A cost center manager has control over (cost/revenue/ investments in operating assets).


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A profit center manager has control over (cost/revenue/ investments in operating assets).

cost; revenue

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An investment center manager has control over (cost/revenue/ investments in operating assets).

cost; revenue; investments in operating assets

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The goal of a ___ center manager is to minimize costs while providing the level of products/services needed by other business segments.


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TRUE OR FALSE: Profit center managers are evaluated by comparing actual profit to budgeted profit.


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A financial measure commonly used to evaluate investment center performance. A high value indicates more profit is earned per dollar invested in operating assets.

return on investment

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Cash, accounts receivable, inventory, PPE, and other assets held for operating purposes.

operating assets

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TRUE OR FALSE: Land held for future use, an investment in another company, or a building rented to someone else are examples of operating assets.


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TRUE OR FALSE: Net book values are used to calculate average operating assets.

TRUE; i.e. net of depreciation

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When average operating assets decreases, ROI (increases/decreases).


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(Margin/Turnover) is ordinarily improved by increasing selling prices, reducing operating expenses, or increasing unit sales.


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(Margin/Turnover) is concerned with the investment in operating assets.


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The NOI an investment center earns above the minimum required return on its operating assets.

residual income

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TRUE OR FALSE: The objective is to maximize ROI, not residual income.


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The price charged when one responsibility center provides goods or services to another responsibility center within the same firm.

transfer price

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TRUE OR FALSE: Transfer prices are used to recognize revenues and expenses within/between responsibility centers.


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TRUE OR FALSE: Transfer prices impact the company's overall profit.

FALSE; bc its all happening in the same company, each transaction/transfer cancels each out. net effect of nada

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____ occurs when responsibility center managers forgo additional companywide profits by making decisions not in the best interests of the company or even their own responsibility center.


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The lower limit for the range of acceptable transfer prices is determined by the (buyer/seller) while the upper limit is determined by the (buyer/seller).

seller; buyer

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TRUE OR FALSE: An agreed-upon negotiated transfer price would increase divisional profits of both the seller and buyer.


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TRUE OR FALSE: An agreed-upon negotiated transfer price should be greater than or equal to the seller’s unit variable cost plus opportunity cost (i.e. forgone contribution margin per unit).


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TRUE OR FALSE: An agreed-upon negotiated transfer price should be greater than or equal to the buyer’s 1) cost of buying from an outside source or 2) profits to be earned per unit sold.

FALSE; less than or equal to

<p>FALSE; less than or equal to</p>
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Suppose the selling division has idle capacity, i.e. a number of units that are unused and are not sold to regular customers. How much is the total contribution margin to lost sales should a buying division emerge and negotiate a transfer price?

0 because the idle capacity means they don’t have to sacrifice any sales, therefore no contribution margin lost if sold to buying division

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Suppose the buying division expects to earn a profit of $30 per unit using the inventory from the selling division. How much is the upper limit of the range of acceptable transfer prices assuming no outside supplier?


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Using a product or service’s ___ price as the transfer price is possible when an outside market of customers that routinely purchase the good exists.


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TRUE OR FALSE: When a selling division has no idle capacity, the market price is the optimal transfer price.


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The ___ departments perform an organization’s central purposes while the ___ departments provide services to them.

operating; service

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TRUE OR FALSE: Service department actual costs are charged to operating departments.

FALSE; budgeted costs only, to avoid passing on cost overruns & for service departments to remain responsible for explaining the discrepancy btwn actual and budgeted costs

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TRUE OR FALSE: Variable service department costs depend on the actual activity level of the service department.

FALSE; it depends on the actual activity level of the operating department so the amount charged varies in direct proportion to the actual usage

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TRUE OR FALSE: Fixed service department costs depends on the operating department’s peak-period service needs, even though this peak level of service is not needed every period.

TRUE; the idea is that the service department must be capable of reaching this peak level at any time, and the budgeted costs must be available for it

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The difference between the total actual cost incurred by the service department and the total charges to the operating department is called the ___ and is the responsibility of the (service/operating) department.

spending variance; service

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The fixed costs of service departments charged to operating departments are called ___ amounts.

predetermined lump-sum

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