Generated for Mid-Terms at Saint Louis Univerity.
Body Image
is an individual’s mental representation of his/her own body.
2 Types of Body Image
Internal/Personal Body Image
i. person’s perception of the level of attractiveness of his own body
ii. produces either satisfying or unsatisfying results
External/Social Body Image
i. sense of how other people view our bodies
ii. what if you don’t like the way you look? That is called Body Image Dissatisfaction
2 Types of Beauty
External Beauty
i. Physical characteristics of a person
ii. Usually what is considered as pleasant to the aesthetic senses
Internal Beauty
i. Pertains to the inner qualities of a person
Gillian Rhodes (2006)
i. Does facial beauty depend more on common physical qualities than on striking features?
Participants judged caricatures of faces, each of which was systematically varied from average to distinctive
Averageness, rather than distinctiveness, was correlated with facial attractiveness
Aesthetic Capital
Why does beauty matter?
a. Privileges and wealth people receive from aesthetic traits
b. Friend Selection, Career Mobility- Samantha Lovascio
Culture and Beauty
“All cultures everywhere have attempted to change their body in an attempt to meet their cultural standards of beauty, as well as their religious and/or social obligations” – De Mello
Body Adornment
Body Modification
Culture of Physical Improvement
Body Adornment
physically enhancing the body by temporary means such as styling and decorating
Body Modification
Temporary or permanent physical alteration of the body through means such as surgery, tattooing, piercing and the like
Culture of Physical Improvement
1. This culture pertains to the belief of people that all bodily processes should be under our control.
2. This culture also trains us to be ashamed of body parts that refuse to comply with the cultural ideal.
Body Shaming
a. “Body Shame is not a natural response to being fat, physically impaired, chronically sick, or old. It is a culturally conditioned response to a commercially fabricated fantasy of physical perfection. “ - Lewica
Popular or “Pop” Culture
Hyper-Mediated Society
Popular or “Pop” Culture
a culture that is widely accepted and patronized by the public
celebrities and models that create ideals
Hyper-Mediated Society
presence of advertisements representing appropriate body or skin types
a. is a person’s overall sense of self worth or personal value.
b. people who are dissatisfied with their bodies report having lower self-esteem.
c. puberty also plays a role in body image.
Developing a Positive Body Image
a. understand that healthy and attractive bodies come in many shapes and sizes.
b. physical appearance says very little about our character or value as a person
c. try to practice self-acceptance.