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MMPI-2 age range
18 years and older
How many items are in the MMPI-2?
567 true/false items
Scoring for the MMPI-2
Raw scores are converted to T-scores and have a mean of 50, a SD of 10
Clinically significant T-score for MMPI-2
T-score that is considered normal on an MMPI 2
Clinical Scale 1 HS
Clinical Scale for 2D
Clinical scale for 3 Hy
Clinical scale for 4 pd
Psychopathic Deviate
Clinical scale for Masculinity/Femininity
5 Mf
Clinical scale for paranoia
6 Pa
Clinical scale for psychasthenia
7 pt
Clinical scale
what is the clinical scale for hypomania
9 ma
what is the clinical scale for 0 si
social introversion
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 1 Hs
preoccupation with physical complaints
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 2 d
depression and hopelessness
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 3 hy
stress and conflicts expressed as physical symptoms
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 4 pd
social alienation and dishibition
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 5 mf
stereotyped gener roles and interests
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 5 pa
suspiciousness and interpersonal sensitivity
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 7 pt
anxiety and excessive fear and doubt
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 8 sc
psychosis and severe social and emotional alienation
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 9 Ma
unstable mood and hyperarousal
Interpretation of Elevated Scores for 0 SI
social withdrawal and avoidance
Clinical scales are interpreted in terms of…
single scale elevations (spikes) and code types (profiles)
What do two point codes indicate?
two scales that received the highest scores with the first number in the code being the scale with the higher score.
What scores indicate a Conversion V (conversion valley)?
elevated 1 hs, elevated 3 hy, decreased 2d
What symptoms does a conversion V (conversion valley) indicate?
expressing psychological problems as somatic complaints
What scores indicate a psychotic V (paranoid Valley)?
elevates 6 pa and 8 sc, decreased pt
What symptoms does a psychotic v (paranoid valley) indicate?
delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, and disordered though
What scores indicate a neurotic triad?
elevated 1 Hs, 2 d, 3 hy
What symptoms are indicated by a neurotic triad?
depression, somatic complaints, interpersonal and work-related problems, and general dissatisfaction.
L (Lie) validity scale purpose
detects underreporting of symptoms
(L) Lie validity scale description
attempts to fake good, self-righteousness, denial, or poor insight
K (defensiveness/correction) purpose
detects subtle underreporting of symptoms; used to correct clinical scales
K (defensiveness/correction) description
suggests attempts to fake good, defensiveness, denial or poor insight, may resist evaluation or treatment
F (infrequency) purpose
detects over reporting of symptoms (infrequent responses in general population)
F (infrequency) description
suggests attempts to fake bad, excessive eccentricity, resistance to testing, significant pathology, or random responding
Fb (f back) purpose
detects overreporting on the last 197 items
Fb (f back) description
suggests attempts to fake bad, random responding due to boredom, fatigue, or loss of interest
Fp (infrequency/psychopathology) purpose
detects overreporting of symptoms in psychiatric populations
Fp (infrequency/psychopathology) description
Indicates exaggeration of symptoms or severe pathology/distress.
S (Superlative Self-Presentation) purpose
Detects tendency to present oneself as highly virtuous
S (Superlative Self-Presentation) description
Suggests defensiveness in areas such as belief in human goodness, serenity, contentment, patience, or denial of flaws
VRIN (Variable Response Inconsistency) purpose
Detects random responding
VRIN (Variable Response Inconsistency) description
Indicates an invalid profile due to inconsistent responses to pairs of items with similar or opposite content
TRIN (True Response Inconsistency) purpose
Detects fixed response patterns (yea- or nay-saying)
TRIN (True Response Inconsistency) description
Indicates an invalid profile due to responding to opposite-content item pairs in the same way.
? (Cannot Say) purpose
Total unscorable items (double-marked or unanswered)
? (Cannot Say) description
May indicate a reading problem, confusion, poor insight, or lack of cooperation.