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which countries lead the way for global exploration?
spain and portugal. english, french, dutch follow 100 years later
what are the goals of the global movement exploration?
find gold, personal glory, extend reach of Christianity, create maps
What were the results of the global movement exploration?
creation of slave trade, millions of indigenous people died from European disease
who led the exploration of portugal and what was the purpose?
henry the navigator, to recruit christian, jewish and arab soldiers, astronomers and cartographers
what were the results of exploration of portugal?
better tide calenders, better sailing directions, safer sea travel
why did henry the navigator explore west african coast?
he was trying to find sea route to south/southeast asia for spices, he wanted to bypass ottomen turk
why was chinese porcelain brought to portugal?
to begin porcelein frenzy
who leads the 1st expedition to circumnavigate the globe?
ferdinand magellan
where was columbus born
why did columbus want to sail west….to find?
to find the lands of the great kehan
what empire did columbus not renew?
the Mongol empire, so it collapsed
who helped to fund columbus expedition?
spanish monarchs, isabella of castile and ferdinand of aragon agreed as new land is claimed by spain
who refused to fund columbus expedition?
what happens when columbus lands in the bahamas?
he believes he is in the east indies, meet arawaks (peaceful native tribe)
what were columbus goals in the bahamas?
to find gold, subjugate native ppl, spread christianity
what happened on columbus second voyage?
he fails to find gold and spices. he captures caribs (enemies of arawaks) to bring back as slaves, which proposes regular slave trade
what was the treaty of Tordesillas?
conflict between spain and portugal
what pope helped with the negotiations in the treaty of tordesillas
pope alexander vl
what happened land wise in the treaty of tordesillas
it divided atlantic world, portugal maintained power over west african coast and route to india
who discovered brazil?
pedro alvares cabral
european voyages helped introduced slavery..how?
expand ecoonomic scale of slave labor and attach color and race to servitude. many in balkans became slaves to ottomens
slaves are found in…
war, by privacy, sold by other Africans and Bedouin traders to Christian traders
what was “pieces” in Portuguese trade
african people
who is agaisnt slavery as well as other clergy
manuel severim de haria
economic ebenfits of 15th centrury slavery
sugar plantations, domestic servants
who roams territories, organized states, practice agriculture
? in mexico and ? in peruo, rule over subjected people
Aztects and Incas
which two spanish explorers travel to america form the carribean in search for gold? what was their religion?
Hemian cortes, and francisco pizarro, catholic priests to spread christianity
what aztec capital was captured by cortez
what spanish empire did charles v rule over?
mexico(new spain)
aztecs and incas fall to european tech such as…
cosmotology and arithmetic
gold and silver mines in mexico were exported to where? and what were the results?
Spain, resulted in inflation increase unlike any seen before
What was frances exploration to americas
Search of passage to china in north america, attempts to settle in canada rebuffed by indigenous people and climate
what was dutchs exploration to americas
break away from spain and take over spanish and portuguesse trade routes
results of discovery of the new world
discovery of americas, leads to global movement of peoples, animals, plants tobacco, cocoa, manufactured goods, precious metals. indigenous people lack of natural immunity to european diseases-leading to massive amount of deaths
what was the printing press, where was it developed, importance
gutenburg, helped printing with moveable type, made the gutenburg latin bibles,185 copies made
what was the result of the printing press
ideas could spread quickly, censorship also begins
why was uppercase called uppercase and what was the actual name for it (printing press)
bc it was in the upper cases of the printing press, magiscules and miniscules
what was christian humanism
intellectual trend in the 16th century that coupled the love of classical learning and Christian piety
what was the problem of christian humanism
mass of europe is christian, but few have knowledge of catholic doctrine, yound people crave religious substance
expectations vs reality christian humanism
wanted peace and morality but found violence and division
who was thomas more
he worked for english government under hnery vlll and the kings religious switch
what was thomas more executed as
a martyr
who wrote utopia from the words meaning “best place and no place”
thomas more
who was eramus
friends of kings, popes and the printing press. he educated future charles v of the holy roman empire.
what did eramus want over schism……so he joinedd….
wanted unity and pacifism over schism, so he joined the catholic church
what did eramus believe?
believed only through education could individual and social reform occur. modesty, piety , good works over lust and greed
what did martin luther start?why?
protestant reformation, luthers crisis of faith
what order did martin luther enter?
augustinian (religious service)
what does martin luther solely believe?
faith alone is the means to salvation
what was the result of the protestant reformation
conflict with the holy roman empire and catholic church
what was martin luthers conflict with the church
he feels that the church cared more about external behavior than spiritual intentions
what does church emphasize.. imposed by whom? results?
penance, (duties) imposed by priest instead of forgiveness in gods name through the priest. leads priests to abuse power, by using their power to demand favors
church accepts….. as a way to get forgiveness. why does luther hate this?
money. he considers this as corrupt and useless
what was luthers 95 thesis
it was composed for academic debate
Luthers 95 thesis angers who?
Who supported luthers 95 thesis. what were they called?
christian humanists and clerics, mostly middle class members, lower class too. Evangelicals
what was luthers first treaty, who adressed it, and what was its purpose
freedom of a christian, addressed by pope leo x, argues faith saves people, distinguishes between gospel teachings and invented church doctrines
What was Luthers second treaty about?
to the nobility of the german nation (written in germany) appeals to german identity and denounces italians
what was Luthers third treaty about?
On the babylonian capacity of the church, condems the papacy, calls it the embodiment of the antichrist
what was the “Luther affair”
-pope orders luther to stop in which luther rips up the decree
-luther appears infront of charles v of imperial diet of worms
-emporor cannot punish because he bribed one of luthers defenders to become emperor
who was Huldrych Zwingli
chief preacher of zurich, declares himself a reformist
what church does zwingli (zurich) call corrupt
catholic church
what does zwingli (zurich) question
fasting and clerical celibacy
what does zwingli (zurich) become the center of
swiss and southern german reform movement
what do zwingli(zurich) and luther disagree on
Luther bread and wine are both symbolic and actual representation of chirst, Zwingli bread and wine are just symbolic.
where does the zwingli (zurich) and luther disagreement take place. where they meet to solve the disagreements
colloquy of marburg
who do eucharists divide
lutherans and calvinists
who is John Calvin?
born in france, studied law but had a crisis of faith that leads him to theology
what was it called when the church doors were covered with things denouncing catholic mass
affair of placards
affair of placards forces calvin to flee tooo…
geneva where he stays til his death
john calvin transforms geneva into
a christian republic
who develops the doctrine of predestination
john calvin
what was the doctrine of predestination about?
god ordained every persons salvation or damnation before the world was ever created
later on geneva becomes a theo-
theocratic city state led by calvin and leaders of reformed church
who executes micheal servetus? and why
john calvin, for critiquing his writing
calvinism eventually spreads through europe and …
new england
who were the anabaptists
lay people of zurich seeking reform of their own
whats adult rebaptism, who called for it
anabaptists, one must have reason to get baptised, cant baptize babies
anabaptists created pacifistic communities composed of…
lower class artisans
who attacks anabaptists and what does he create after
zwingli, creeates refromations first martyrs
anabaptists take the city of …….. and reinstate ……..
munster, old testament laws
Whos menno simons and what are his followers called?
he led the anabaptist movement in northwest europe, mennonites
whats a key tool of discipline
bible reading
in england religious reform who are they led by
who is Henry Vllls father
son of henry tudor (Henry Vll)
What starts the war of the roses
nascent dynasty demanding a male heir
who does henry Vlll recruit to help him divorce his first wife
thomas cromwell and thomas cranmer- as chancellor and archbishop of canterbury
what was the act of supremacy
makes henry the head of the anglican church (church of england), disallows mary from claiming the throne and allows for the dissolution of monastaries
what does henry do to make england poorer than thier french counterparts
he sells off his land to noble instead of taking it
who is henrys one son
edward Vl
what english servants of the crown were executed for treason
thomas more and thomas cromwell
who were henrys wives (in order, children, death)
Catherine of Aragon (mother of Mary, divorced),
Anne Boleyn (mother of Elizabeth 1, beheaded),
Jane Seymour (mother of Edward Vl, died),
Anne of Cleves (divorced after 6 months),
Catherine Howard (beheaded),
Katherine Parr- (pro Lutheran agenda, died)