Chapters 5,6,7,8
The attempts to determine the supply of demand for various types of HR to predict areas within the organization where there will be labor shortages or surpluses.
Trend Analysis
Constructing and applying statistical models that predict labor demand for the next year, given relatively objective statistics from the previous year.
Leading Indicators
Objective measures that accurately predict future labor demand.
Transitional Matrix
A chart that lists job categories held in one period and shows the proportion of employees in each of those job categories in a future period.
Workforce Utilization Review
A comparison of the proportion of employees in protected groups with the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labor market.
Any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.
Employment at Will
Employment principle that if there is no specific employment contract saying otherwise, the employer or employee may end an employment relationship at any time, regardless of cause.
Due-Process Policies
Policies that formally lay out the steps an employee may take to appeal the employer’s decision to terminate that employee.
Job Posting
The process of communicating information about a job vacancy on company bulletin boards, in employee publications, on corporate intranets, and anywhere else the organization communicates with employees.
Core Competency
A set of knowledges and skills that make the organization superior to competitors and create value for customers.
The planned elimination of large numbers of personnel with the goal of enhancing the organization’s competitiveness.
Personnel Selection
The process through which organzations make decisions about who will or will not be invited to join the organization.
Applicant Tracking System
Automated approach to selction process that reviews electronically submitted resumes, matches them against company selection criteria, and allows hiring managers to track job candidate information and hiring outcomes.
Aptitude Tests
Assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities.
Achievement Tests
Measures a person’s existing knowledge and skills.
Physical Ability Tests
Not a common in modern workplace but still utilized.
Cognitive Ability Tests
Designed to measure mental abilities, such as verbal skills, quantitative skills, and reasoning ability.
Nondirective Interview
A selection interview in which the interviewer has great discretion in choosing questions to ask each candidate.
Structure Interview
A selection interview that consists of a predetermined set of questions for the interviewer to ask.
An organization’s planned efforts to help employees acquire job-related knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors, with the goal of applying these to the job.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
A document outlining the type of service needed, the type and number or references needed, the number of employees to be trained, the date by which the training is to be completed, and the date by which proposals should be received.
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Training methods in which a person with job experience and skill guides trainees in practicing job skills at the workplace.
A work-study training method that teaches job skills through a combination of on-the-job training and classroom training.
On-the-job learning sponsored by an educational institution as a component of an academic program.
Receiving training via the internet or the organization’s intranet.
Training designed to prepare employees to perform their jobs effectively, learn about their organization, and establish work relationships.
Ongoing process that aims to prepare new employees for full participation in the organization.
Job Rotation
Moving employees through a series of job assignments in one or more funcional areas.
Assignment of an employee to a position in a different area of the company, usually in a lateral move.
Downward Movement
Assigment of an employee to a postion with less responsibility and authority.
Assignment of an employee to a postion with greater challenges, more responsibility, and more authority than in the previous job, usually accompanied by a pay increase.
Succession Planning
Process of identifying and tracking high potential employees who will be able to fill top management positons when they become vacant.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Psychological inventory that identifies individuals’ preferences for source of energy, means of information gathering, ways of decision making, and lifestyle, providing information for team building and leadership development.
DISC Assesment
Brand of assessment tool that identifies individuals’ behavioral patterns in terms of dominance, infuence, steadiness, and conscientiousness.
Leaderless Group Discussion
An assessment center exercise in which a team of five to seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain time period.
360-Degree Feeback
Performance measurment by the employee’s supervisor, peers, employees, and customers.
Employee development through a full-time temporary position at another organization.
A leave of absence from an organization to renew or develop skills.
An experienced, productive senior employee who helps develop a less experienced employee (Protege).
A peer or manager who works with an employee to motivate the employee, help him or her develop skills, and provide reinforement and feedback.