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aggregate demand
total demand for final goods/services
aggregate supply
total supply for final goods/services
price level
reflects the current price changes without adjusting for inflation
real GDP
measure of an economy’s output with inflation adjusted
sticky/inflexible prices
wage set by a contract, can change, stable in the SR
flexible output prices
price of plane tickets can change rapidly, quickly change in SR too
menu cost
the cost of changing prices
money illusion
people misinterpreting nominal values and real values
supply shock
can be positive or negative, an event that affects AS
classical economic theory
let it run, self adjustment will occur
keynesian economic policy
gov can make a difference, gov should be involved
transfer payment
payments made to groups, nothing expected in return
government outlays
gov spending and transfer payments
mandatory outlays
determined gov spending, cannot change how much is allocated
discretionary outlays
spending that can be altered with federal budget
discretionary fiscal policy
Congress passes new laws that change AD with new spending or taxation
non discretionary fiscal policy
permanent spending/taxation to counter economic cycles and stabilize the economy
expansionary fiscal policy
laws to increase output and gov spending, decrease taxes
contractionary fiscal policy
laws to decrease inflation/price level and gov spending, increase taxes
time lags
takes time to pass/recognize change
deficit spending
increase spending without increasing taxes leads to annual deficit
crowding out
gov spending may cause effects that weaken policy effects
marginal propensity to consume
proportion of additional income spent on consumption
spending multiplier
determines the equation’s effect on spending from an initial change of a given amount
automatic stabilizers
gov programs that automatically implement countercyclical fiscal policy in response to economic conditions
laffer curve
illustration of the relationship between tax rates and revenue
loanable funds market
market where savers supply funds for loaners/borrowers