MUN Junior Chair flaschards

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Define Parliamentary procedure normally and simply.

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Define Parliamentary procedure normally and simply.

PP refers to the rules used to regulate order in a meeting, and provide structure to a debate or discussion.
In simpler terms PP is a list of rules used to make sure that during debate, the voices of all of the members of the assembly are heard.

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What are the aims of parliamentary procedure

O= Only one person speaks at a time

D= As many different people speak as possible

M= Uphold the will of the majority without trampling on the rights of the minority

A= To ensure the attended agenda is accomplished.

G= To provide guidance, by making sure all motions go through the chair.

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Considerations when a motion is called

A Does this motion apply to other motions

I Can it interrupt the speaker

R Is recognition required

D Is it debatable

V What is the vote required

R Is it renewable

A What other motions apply to this motion.

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Difference between Precedence to Application

Precedence refers to the order in which motions will be called when more than one motion is called at a time, while application refers to whether a motion is valid during the consideration of another one.

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Privilege points


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Characteristics of privilege points

  • Short statements

  • Apply to all other motions

  • No other motions apply to them

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Destructive motions

Very active Lions play rough

  • Vote of no confidence

  • Appeal

  • Lay on table

  • Postpone Indefinately

  • Reconsider

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Characteristics of Destructive motions

  1. Affect the resolution in a negative manner. or:

  2. Cause largely unnecessary disruption

  3. Usually OOO on the 1-2 day

  4. Are not renewable

  5. HAve 2/3+1 votes except PI and LOT

  6. LOT is OOO if PI has failed for the same resolution and vice versa.

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A chair should encouraging constructive debate on resolutions, rather than allowing what.

Delegates to discard, defeat, or table several resolutions.

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Procedure for Vote of No confidence

  1. Delegate calls the motion and the chair asks if they brought up a valid appeal or POO against the current chair

    a. If not delegate receives a verbal warning and motion is discarded

    b. If so the chair re-explains earlier decisions and justifies overall performance

  2. Chair asks the mover if they would like to withdraw their motion

    If they do, debate continues and they receive a warning

    If not chair asks for a sec

  3. Iff sec mover is warned of 3 qs about PP and a min of 2/3+1 vote to pass. And that if either thing isn’t met, they will be expelled from programme. And that if the motion passes they will serve as chair until a suitable replacement is found.

  4. Chr asks whether they would like to withdraw

    If so they receive a warning

    If not sec surround them to prevent cheating with 3 qs, and vote is carried out.

  5. If 3qs are wrong/ 2/3 +1 vote isn’t achieved then the mover is removed from the assembly to be dealt with by the exec.

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What must a chair say when someone calls POP

POP is this due to audibility?

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Compare what POP refers to vs what it relates to.

It refers and relates to the comfort and dignity of delegate, however it only refers to the rights and privileges of delegates and only relates to the audibility.

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Compare and contrast POI to POPI

Both are questions that may be asked to the chair, that cannot interrupt a speaker, and can be called several times.

However POPI is a question to the chair regarding PP while POI is a question to the chair regarding conference proceedings. POPI can only be asked to a chr, while when POI is asked to a delegate it is valid but is about the speakers speech.

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Compare and contrast OOD to POO

Both are used to correct a member of the assembly, they both need to be called immediately or are dilatory and are OOO they both do not require recognition, and they both are unlimited except if misused.

However OOTD is used if a delegate derails from the topic, and is a call to return to that topic. While POO is used to correct a chair’s mistake. OOTD can interrupt a speaker and not a chair, while POO can interrupt a chair but not a speaker.

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Compare and contrast POI to RTFU

POI and request to follow up can both be used to ask a speaker a question about what they said in their speech. They both do not require recognition, and they both do not require a second.

POI however is a question that can either be directed to the chr or to the delegate. A RTFU can only be directed to the delegate. When calling a POI it can relate to anything a delegate said in their speech, but a RTFU must be called after a POI and has to relate to the previous POI.

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Procedure for an appeal

  1. Delegate calls it and chair asks which decision it is about.

  2. If appeal is valid, chair explains decision

    Deemed valid if is not dilatory, and is actually for an arbitrary decision

  3. Chair calls for a sec

  4. If sec, chr warns of the consequences of a failed appeal, which is the removal of the assembly for a time selected by the exec.

  5. If not sec, motion is discarded

  6. Chr asks del whether the would like to withdraw their motion

  7. If not withdrawn Chr moves into VP where 2/3+1 to pass.

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Compare and contrast VONC and Appeal

Both are called when one feels that they cannot trust the chr’s judgement. They both result in removal from assembly if fail. They both require a sec, but not recognition.

However VONC is called when a del feels that the chr is incompetent, while an Appeal is called when a del wants to challenge a chrs decision.

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Withdraw a motion procedure

  1. Sponsor proposes to WAM and chair asks if they are any objections

    If not, Motion is withdrawn

    If so, chr asks objector whether they are willing to sponsor the motion.

  2. If so chair moves into VP (maj required)

  3. If maj is reached motion is withdrawn, but if not motion is debated/ considered an objector will serve as sponsor.

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What is required for the note for LOT and PI

Topic and sponsor of resolution, reason for tabling

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Procedure for LOT/ TFT

  1. Delegate calls the mt

  2. For TFT chr asks what res the delegate is referring to.

  3. If valid the chr calls for a sec

  4. If sec, the assembly moves into VP

  5. Maj to pass LOT\ 2/3+1 vote to pass TFT.

  6. If LOT passes the res is tabled

  7. If TFT passes the res will be debated at the end of the agenda if time permits.

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When is a PQ in order

At the end of active debate ( as in when there are mot more requests for the floor)

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How many times must the chr ask if there are any requests for the floor before calling PQ


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When is ED tolerated

At the end of time against

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What determines whether an ED will be tolerated

Time available, length of agenda , quality of debate

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Contrast a Friendly/ formal amendment

A friendly amendment only changes minor grammatical/ spelling errors while a formal amendment changes the substance of a resolution. A friendly amendment can only be called by the sponsor, while a formal amendment can be called by any one but the sponsor. A friendly amendment is called before a resolution is sec, and has no sec, vote and is not debatable. While a formal amendment is called after a res is sec, and has a sec, vote and is debatable.

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What is required in an amendment form

Title and sponsor of resolution, Sponsor, Tect and Exact location of the amendment.

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Procedure for an amendment

  1. Delegate calls out an AMM

  2. Chr tells dels to take note and sponsor reads out amendment

  3. Chr calls for a sec

  4. If sec, chr moves into 3 min f & a the amm.

  5. VP- Maj

  6. If passes debate continues for Amended resolution, if not debate continues for unamended resolution.

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Procedure for PI

  1. Delegate calls PI

  2. Chr asks for a sec

  3. If sec, assembly moves into 1 min debate time F &A the PI

  4. Chr calls for a vote (MAJ)

  5. If passes, resolution is discarded

  6. If fails debate time continues from where it stopped and del may continue speaking in time against.

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Compare and Contrast LOT to PI

Both look to set aside a resolution. Both have a maj vote, and both require recognition and may only be called in time against. Both require a note to the chr.

However when a resolution is laid on table it can be brought back while a PI permanently discards a resolution. PI is debatable while LOT is not.

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Procedure for Reconsider

  1. Del proposes RECON

  2. Chr asks title and the way i which the delegate voted

    Must be on winning side

  3. Chr calls for sec

  4. If sec, speaker gives a 30 sec uninterrupted speech.

    Can only be interrupted by OOO, and POP due to audibility. If it is the latter however, timer is restarted.

  5. If there is a valid reason assembly moves into VP (2/3+1)

    If it passes then it will be debated at the end of the agenda if time permits

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Procedure for MM

  1. Chr reads the title of the next res and gives the sponsor the floor.

  2. Chr asks for a sec.

  3. If sec, Assembly moves into 90 min sponsors OS

  4. Assembly moves into 8 min F/A the motion.

  5. 1 min sponsors CS

  6. VP- ( Maj)

  7. If time RTEV

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Motions that are OOO in unspecialized committees.


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Unspecialized committees


Econ and Pol


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Specialized committees

  1. SC

  2. SS

  3. HDC

  4. ICJ

  5. MCC

  6. WLC

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What motions are in order during SC crossfire

1,2 4,5 10,11

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Procedure for SC

  1. Topic is read out and sponsor is invited to read the res.

  2. After reading, Chair asks for a second.

  3. If sec assembly moves into 8 min F&A

  4. After debate time against, the assembly moves into a 3 min crossfire

  5. Assembly moves into VP

  6. Chair announce verdict and may move into RTEV

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Motions that are in order during crossfire of SS and HDC

0-7, 10,11

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Procedure for HDC and SS

  1. Chair announces topic and description then divides delegate into F&A

  2. Both sides are given 10 min to prepare OS ( SR 9 is exercised) and 5 min to present. (with proposing side first)

  3. Assembly moves into 45 min crossfire

  4. Both sides are given 5 min to prepare CS (SR 9 is exercised) then are given 5 minutes to present their closing statement, with the proposing side first.

  5. Judges announces verdict

  6. (20 min discussion for HDc)

  7. Chr may move into RTEP

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Procedure for Crisis Situation

  1. Details of the crisis are announced and delegates are split into groups

  2. Del are informed that they need to only write operative clauses.

  3. Time to prep res is set

  4. (SR9) All rules are suspended and discussion time begins

  5. After time expires, SC restores rules and assembly comes to order.

  6. Each res is treated as an MM and is read out and debated at the same time as F&A

  7. Voting takes place, res with highest vote is implemented.

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Define crossfire

A debate in which one side has a chance to state a point after which the opposite side rebuts, and differs from normal debate in terms of its intense and rapid nature.

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Committees crossfire is found in

(Silly Hippos in Space)


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Del must be attentive during crossfire. How do they demonstrate this.

By having a justifiable argument either F/A and if not chair may call on them on RTEP

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How many POIs can a side be open to during crossfire (max and min)

min 1

max 4

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How many POIs can a del be open to in crossfire

max of 2 and a min of 0, except if they are the second delegate on one side of debate, and the first was not open to any in which they must be open to 1.

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When managing a committee what should a JC never do in regards to rules.

They should never make arbitrary decisions and cannot give official warnings.

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What must the SC inform JC of.

Specific proceedings/ regulations that have been established eg limits to debate.

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What are the scenarios for suspension of rules.

  1. Resolution writing in Crisis Situation, Special sessions, and MDC

  2. Writing opening and closing statements in HDC and SS.

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What are the duties of the last chairsperson

Clever Rabbits Run In Pairs

  1. Close debate

  2. Read announcements

  3. Request to check for personal belongings and litter.

  4. Instruct to return placards

  5. Pick and return official material.

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What is the Sec job in regards to timing

  1. Keep track of time left for a mtn and remind the chr upon request

  2. Incharge of Speakers checklist

  3. Keep track of side ( F/A)

  4. Freeze time when debatable motion is called, and resume time when it is over.

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What can JC’s do in regard to offences

JC can warn about misuse of PP and losing the floor, but cannot administer official warnings.

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What are some common instances in which delegates misuse parliamentary procedure.


P: Misuse of privilege points

O: Frequently calling OOTD when speaker is not of topic.D

D: Dilatory or irrelevant appeals

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What happens when a delegate misuses PP, the JC

Clever Wizards Save Cats

  • Call the delegate OOO and explain

  • Warn them that on next abuse they’ll lose right to privilege points

  • Should they repeat their privilege points will be revoked.

  • Continuous iterations will lead to them being escorted out to be dealt with by the exec.

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What are behaviors that merritt to a loss of the floor.

Sally Pushed Conor Down

Swearing or Profanity

Protracted irrelevance of speech

Continued insults to member nations

Disrespect to the chair.

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Define a special rule

The conventions that may exempt parliamentary procedure

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Name two things JCs are not allowed to do in terms of place at conference and rules.

  1. Not allowed to make arbitrary decisions/ administer official warnings

  2. Not allowed to be judges in HDC/SS/ ICJ

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What are the 9 rules of parliamentary procedure

Jolly Snakes Enjoying Outside Sunlit Yards are Very Vibrant and Sassy.

  1. JCs

  2. SCS

  3. Exec

  4. Open debate and Limits to debate

  5. Speeches

  6. Yielding

  7. Voting in committees and council

  8. Voting in the SC

  9. Suspension of Rules.

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What do rules 1-3 entail?

Duties of the officers of EAMUN

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What do rules 4-8 entail

Plenary Sessions of the General assembly, committees and councils.

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What does rule 9 entail.

Additional rules pertaining to committees and council.

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What is the number one job of a JC

To be the primary spokesperson of debate.

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SCs sometimes tend to do this but aren’t supposed to.

Constantly interrupt the JC without a justifiable reason.

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The primary purpose of a JC was mentioned previously, break this down into three main parts.

JCs are meant to

  1. Guide

  2. Oversee

  3. Moderate debate.

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Although JCs can never make arbitrary decisions what may they propose to Scs

Limitations of speakers, debate time, privilege points and etc.

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In what committees should JCs never be a judge in?


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What does a chairing pass include

  1. SC name

  2. From and to Location

  3. Signature of SC

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What are the primary roles of SCs

Dancing Mice Teach Daring Squirrels Tap

  • Declaring OS and CS of each meeting

  • Make announcements on behalf of the Exec

  • Taking Notes on committees decisions and passing them to their designated Exec.

  • Declaring closure of list of speakers, debate or privilege points.

  • Suspending privilege points if misused.

  • Taking the floor away if misused.

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Two way conversation.

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Limits of debate are up to the SC, based on what?

Length of agenda, quality of debate.

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What must the SC remind the JC in terms of SR4

Limits to debate.

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Who must be open to at least one POI

Sponsors/ Speakers against.

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When is double yielding in order

During OS and CS in SS and HDC

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How many times can a delegation be yielded to in a day in unspecialized committees.


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Who has no voting rights whatsoever

Official observers, NGOs, and Visitors.

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When is a revote called.

  1. Vote was too close

  2. Chr feels the assembly didn’t understand VP/

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What is the only reason for abstaining

Political reasons

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What is RTEV

30 second speech after voting in which countries may be ask to state how they voted and why.

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Who are the 5 permanent members

China, France, US, UK, Russia.

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What is the vote for substantial motions in SC.

9 affirmative votes including all veto powers either voting for/ abstaining.

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What is the vote for procedural motions in SC.

9 affirmative votes regardless of veto power.

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Who may call for a suspension of rules

A SC/ Exec member.

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In addition to the duties listed in the booklet what will a JC do?

  1. Direct discussions

  2. Put forward questions

  3. Announce decisions

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Rule 5 Speeches

Selection of Speakers: The Chairperson shall select speakers who signify their desire to speak.
Interruptions to a Speech: OOTD and POP due to insult or audibility
Sponsors and speakers against Substantial Motions must be open to at least 1 POI

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Who has a right to vote, and who may not vote

Each member state has one vote,

and Official observers, NGOs, and visitors may not vote.

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